LU, Jun-Bo; JIAN, Jiwen; HUANG, Wei. Experimental and theoretical identification of the Fe( vii ) oxidation state in FeO 4 −. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2016, roč. 18, čís. 45, s. 31125–31131. Dostupné online [cit. 2023-10-29]. ISSN1463-9076. doi:10.1039/C6CP06753K. (anglicky)
LU, Jun-Bo; JIAN, Jiwen; HUANG, Wei. Experimental and theoretical identification of the Fe( vii ) oxidation state in FeO 4 −. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2016, roč. 18, čís. 45, s. 31125–31131. Dostupné online [cit. 2023-10-29]. ISSN1463-9076. doi:10.1039/C6CP06753K. (anglicky)
LU, Jun-Bo; JIAN, Jiwen; HUANG, Wei. Experimental and theoretical identification of the Fe( vii ) oxidation state in FeO 4 −. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2016, roč. 18, čís. 45, s. 31125–31131. Dostupné online [cit. 2023-10-29]. ISSN1463-9076. doi:10.1039/C6CP06753K. (anglicky)