Azbest (Czech Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Azbest" in Czech language version.

Global rank Czech rank
4th place
8th place
2nd place
4th place
4,711th place
29th place
low place
264th place
low place
270th place
low place
low place
1,783rd place
9th place
1st place
1st place
low place
low place
274th place
174th place
120th place
103rd place
low place
1,097th place
234th place
72nd place
5th place
3rd place
low place
4,136th place
low place
5,747th place
26th place
45th place

  • WU, Chih-Wei; CHUANG, Hung-Yi; TSAI, Dong-Lin; KUO, Tzu-Yu; YANG, Chen-Cheng; CHEN, Huang-Chi; KUO, Chao-Hung. Meta-Analysis of the Association between Asbestos Exposure and Esophageal Cancer. S. 11088. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health [online]. 2021-10-21. Roč. 18, čís. 21, s. 11088. Dostupné online. doi:10.3390/ijerph182111088. PMID 34769609. (anglicky) 
  • LENTERS, Virissa; VERMEULEN, Roel; DOGGER, Sies; STAYNER, Leslie; PORTENGEN, Lützen; BURDORF, Alex; HEEDERIK, Dick. A Meta-analysis of Asbestos and Lung Cancer: Is Better Quality Exposure Assessment Associated with Steeper Slopes of the Exposure–Response Relationships?. S. 1547–1555. Environmental Health Perspectives [online]. 2011-11. Roč. 119, čís. 11, s. 1547–1555. Dostupné online. doi:10.1289/ehp.1002879. (anglicky) 
  • CAREL, Rafael; OLSSON, Ann C.; ZARIDZE, David; SZESZENIA-DABROWSKA, Neonila; RUDNAI, Peter; LISSOWSKA, Jolanta; FABIANOVA, Eleonora. Occupational exposure to asbestos and man-made vitreous fibres and risk of lung cancer: a multicentre case-control study in Europe. S. 502–508. Occupational and Environmental Medicine [online]. 2007-08-01. Roč. 64, čís. 8, s. 502–508. Dostupné online. doi:10.1136/oem.2006.027748. PMID 17053017. (anglicky) 
  • ZUNARELLI, Carlotta; GODONO, Alessandro; VISCI, Giovanni; VIOLANTE, Francesco S.; BOFFETTA, Paolo. Occupational exposure to asbestos and risk of kidney cancer: an updated meta-analysis. S. 927–936. European Journal of Epidemiology [online]. 2021-09. Roč. 36, čís. 9, s. 927–936. Dostupné online. doi:10.1007/s10654-021-00769-x. (anglicky) 
  • PASTUSZKA, Jozef S. Emission of airborne fibers from mechanically impacted asbestos-cement sheets and concentration of fibrous aerosol in the home environment in Upper Silesia, Poland. S. 1171–1177. Journal of Hazardous Materials [online]. 2009-03. Roč. 162, čís. 2–3, s. 1171–1177. Dostupné online. doi:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2008.06.045. (anglicky) 
  • CHURG, A. Deposition and clearance of chrysotile asbestos. The Annals of Occupational Hygiene. 1994-08, roč. 38, čís. 4, s. 625–633, 424–425. PMID 7978985. Dostupné online [cit. 2021-07-14]. ISSN 0003-4878. doi:10.1093/annhyg/38.4.625. PMID 7978985. 
  • LIPWORTH, Loren; LA VECCHIA, Carlo; BOSETTI, Cristina; MCLAUGHLIN, Joseph K. Occupational Exposure to Rock Wool and Glass Wool and Risk of Cancers of the Lung and the Head and Neck: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. S. 1075–1087. Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine [online]. 2009-09. Roč. 51, čís. 9, s. 1075–1087. Dostupné online. doi:10.1097/JOM.0b013e3181b35125. PMID 19730396. (anglicky)

  • Sundali jsme azbestovou krytinu. Hrozí zamoření azbestem?. [online]. [cit. 2021-07-14]. Dostupné online. 
  • Prvních 10 minut školení o nebezpečnosti azbestu se lidé usmívají a nechápou, v čem je problém, říká odborník z UNDP. [online]. [cit. 2023-08-26]. Dostupné online.

  • Canada: study finds higher lung cancer rate at fiberglass plant. [online]. [cit. 2021-04-01]. Dostupné online.

  • LIPWORTH, Loren; LA VECCHIA, Carlo; BOSETTI, Cristina; MCLAUGHLIN, Joseph K. Occupational Exposure to Rock Wool and Glass Wool and Risk of Cancers of the Lung and the Head and Neck: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. S. 1075–1087. Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine [online]. 2009-09. Roč. 51, čís. 9, s. 1075–1087. Dostupné online. doi:10.1097/JOM.0b013e3181b35125. PMID 19730396. (anglicky)

  • Asbestos-related cancer in naval personnel: findings from participants in the British nuclear tests 1952–1967. [online]. [cit. 2023-11-14]. Dostupné online.

  • Pryč s azbestem! Jak vyměnit starý eternit za novou střechu. [online]. [cit. 2022-04-01]. Dostupné online.

  • WU, Chih-Wei; CHUANG, Hung-Yi; TSAI, Dong-Lin; KUO, Tzu-Yu; YANG, Chen-Cheng; CHEN, Huang-Chi; KUO, Chao-Hung. Meta-Analysis of the Association between Asbestos Exposure and Esophageal Cancer. S. 11088. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health [online]. 2021-10-21. Roč. 18, čís. 21, s. 11088. Dostupné online. doi:10.3390/ijerph182111088. PMID 34769609. (anglicky) 
  • CAREL, Rafael; OLSSON, Ann C.; ZARIDZE, David; SZESZENIA-DABROWSKA, Neonila; RUDNAI, Peter; LISSOWSKA, Jolanta; FABIANOVA, Eleonora. Occupational exposure to asbestos and man-made vitreous fibres and risk of lung cancer: a multicentre case-control study in Europe. S. 502–508. Occupational and Environmental Medicine [online]. 2007-08-01. Roč. 64, čís. 8, s. 502–508. Dostupné online. doi:10.1136/oem.2006.027748. PMID 17053017. (anglicky) 
  • HUMANS, IARC Working Group on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to. ASBESTOS (CHRYSOTILE, AMOSITE, CROCIDOLITE, TREMOLITE, ACTINOLITE AND ANTHOPHYLLITE). [s.l.]: International Agency for Research on Cancer Dostupné online. (anglicky) 
  • CHURG, A. Deposition and clearance of chrysotile asbestos. The Annals of Occupational Hygiene. 1994-08, roč. 38, čís. 4, s. 625–633, 424–425. PMID 7978985. Dostupné online [cit. 2021-07-14]. ISSN 0003-4878. doi:10.1093/annhyg/38.4.625. PMID 7978985. 
  • LIPWORTH, Loren; LA VECCHIA, Carlo; BOSETTI, Cristina; MCLAUGHLIN, Joseph K. Occupational Exposure to Rock Wool and Glass Wool and Risk of Cancers of the Lung and the Head and Neck: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. S. 1075–1087. Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine [online]. 2009-09. Roč. 51, čís. 9, s. 1075–1087. Dostupné online. doi:10.1097/JOM.0b013e3181b35125. PMID 19730396. (anglicky) 
  • The Cappadocia mesothelioma epidemic. [online]. [cit. 2022-04-01]. Dostupné online.

  • LENTERS, Virissa; VERMEULEN, Roel; DOGGER, Sies; STAYNER, Leslie; PORTENGEN, Lützen; BURDORF, Alex; HEEDERIK, Dick. A Meta-analysis of Asbestos and Lung Cancer: Is Better Quality Exposure Assessment Associated with Steeper Slopes of the Exposure–Response Relationships?. S. 1547–1555. Environmental Health Perspectives [online]. 2011-11. Roč. 119, čís. 11, s. 1547–1555. Dostupné online. doi:10.1289/ehp.1002879. (anglicky)

  • PASTUSZKA, Jozef S. Emission of airborne fibers from mechanically impacted asbestos-cement sheets and concentration of fibrous aerosol in the home environment in Upper Silesia, Poland. S. 1171–1177. Journal of Hazardous Materials [online]. 2009-03. Roč. 162, čís. 2–3, s. 1171–1177. Dostupné online. doi:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2008.06.045. (anglicky)

  • ZUNARELLI, Carlotta; GODONO, Alessandro; VISCI, Giovanni; VIOLANTE, Francesco S.; BOFFETTA, Paolo. Occupational exposure to asbestos and risk of kidney cancer: an updated meta-analysis. S. 927–936. European Journal of Epidemiology [online]. 2021-09. Roč. 36, čís. 9, s. 927–936. Dostupné online. doi:10.1007/s10654-021-00769-x. (anglicky)

  • ŠUTA, Miroslav. ČOI selhala, proto vyzýváme Tescomu: Zastavte nelegální prodej termosek s nebezpečným azbestem! [online]., 2007-02-02 [cit. 2023-03-22]. Dostupné online.