Dilan Yeşilgözová-Zegeriusová (Czech Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Dilan Yeşilgözová-Zegeriusová" in Czech language version.

Global rank Czech rank
862nd place
5,269th place
2,324th place
low place
567th place
6,059th place
5,809th place
low place
9,403rd place
low place
4,148th place
low place
1st place
1st place
low place
low place
low place
low place
8,540th place
low place
low place
low place
1,347th place
845th place
38th place
190th place
12th place
39th place
low place
low place
23rd place
106th place
low place
low place
906th place
8,034th place


  • Dilan Yeşilgöz-Zegerius nieuwe minister Justitie & Veiligheid. Beveiligingnieuws [online]. 2021-12-30 [cit. 2023-11-24]. Dostupné v archivu pořízeném z originálu dne 2021-12-30. (nizozemsky) 


  • KNOOP, Bas. De wispelturige politieke zoektocht van Dilan Yesilgöz-Zegerius. Financieel Dagblad [online]. 2021-06-03 [cit. 2023-11-24]. Dostupné online. (nizozemsky) 


  • Dilan Yeşilgöz-Zegerius: ”Ik ben niet snel geïntimideerd en dat laat ik graag zien.”. Feminer [online]. 2021-03-03 [cit. 2023-11-24]. Dostupné online. (nizozemsky) 


  • Dilan Yeşilgöz-Zegerius. www.government.nl [online]. [cit. 2023-11-24]. Dostupné online. 


  • Wilders matigt toon, maar zeker niet op alle gebieden. ‘We moeten allemaal over onze schaduw heen springen’. nederlandsdagblad [online]. 2023-09-16 [cit. 2023-11-24]. Dostupné online. (nizozemsky) 


  • VVD-bestuur wil Yesilgöz als opvolger Rutte. nos.nl [online]. 2023-07-13 [cit. 2023-11-24]. Dostupné online. (nizozemsky) 
  • Van der Staaij: Rutte is als vervellende slang • CDA: kabinet moet vertrouwen burger herwinnen. nos.nl [online]. 2022-01-18 [cit. 2023-11-24]. Dostupné online. (nizozemsky) 


  • Door Priscilla Slomp. Mediagenieke VVD'er Yesilgöz maakte bliksemsnel carrière. www.nu.nl [online]. 2023-07-12 [cit. 2023-11-24]. Dostupné online. (nizozemsky) 
  • VVD draagt Dilan Yesilgöz voor als staatssecretaris van Economische Zaken. www.nu.nl [online]. 2021-05-25 [cit. 2023-11-24]. Dostupné online. (nizozemsky) 
  • Yesilgöz wil Rutte opvolgen als VVD-leider en stelt zich kandidaat. www.nu.nl [online]. 2023-07-12 [cit. 2023-11-24]. Dostupné online. (nizozemsky) 


  • D. (Dilan) Yesilgöz-Zegerius. Parlement [online]. [cit. 2023-11-24]. Dostupné online. 


  • HOEDEMAN, Jan. Dilan Yesilgöz: 'Mijn afkomst is relevant als ik die relevant vind'. Het Parool [online]. 2017-07-22 [cit. 2023-11-24]. Dostupné online. (nizozemsky) 
  • DEN HARTOG, Tobias; KEULTJES, Hanneke. ‘Rete-ambitieuze’ en mediawijze Dilan Yesilgöz is van keihard aanpakken. Het Parool [online]. 2023-07-12 [cit. 2023-11-24]. Dostupné online. (nizozemsky) 


  • KOTKAMP, Lukas. 8 things to know about the incoming Dutch government. Politico [online]. 2022-01-03 [cit. 2023-11-24]. Dostupné online. 


  • Dersimli kadın siyasetçi Hollanda'da bakan oldu. www.rudaw.net [online]. 2021-05-26 [cit. 2023-11-24]. Dostupné online. (turecky) 


  • René Zegerius de man van Dilan Yesilgöz-Zegerius. sterrenoptv.nl [online]. 2021-01-03 [cit. 2023-11-24]. Dostupné online. (nizozemsky) 


  • Far-right Party for Freedom makes gains in poll ahead of Netherlands election. The Guardian [online]. 2023-11-19 [cit. 2023-11-24]. Dostupné online. 


  • ÖZCAN, Yavuz. 17-)olarak Hollanda’ya gelmiş. Kamu yayıncısı NOS’a göre sıkı bir Ajax taraftarı olan Yeşilgöz’ün Moos adında bir köpeği var, country müziğini seviyor ve bileğinde büyükannesinin adının yazılı olduğu bir dövme bulunuyor.. Twitter [online]. 2023-07-12 [cit. 2023-11-24]. Dostupné online. (turecky) 


  • Dilan Yesilgoz: 'Ik ben geen hoer als ik 's nachts op het CS ben'. de Volkskrant [online]. 2016-01-14 [cit. 2023-11-24]. Dostupné online. (nizozemsky) 



  • WIE ZIJN DE VU-ALUMNI IN DE TWEEDE KAMER?. VU Magazine [online]. 2021-04-14 [cit. 2023-11-24]. Dostupné online. (nizozemsky) 


  • Dilan Yeşilgöz-Zegerius nieuwe minister Justitie & Veiligheid. Beveiligingnieuws [online]. 2021-12-30 [cit. 2023-11-24]. Dostupné v archivu pořízeném z originálu dne 2021-12-30. (nizozemsky) 



  • JACOB, Sarah. Dutch Justice Minister Becomes New Leader of Rutte’s VVD Party. Yahoo! [online]. 2023-08-14 [cit. 2023-11-24]. Dostupné online.