BURTT, Edward H. Jr.; ICHIDA, Jann M. Gloger's Rule, feather-degrading bacteria, and color variation among Song Sparrows. The Condor. 2004, roč. 106, čís. 3, s. 681–686. Dostupné online. ISSN0010-5422. DOI10.1650/7383.
BURTT, Edward H. Jr.; ICHIDA, Jann M. Gloger's Rule, feather-degrading bacteria, and color variation among Song Sparrows. The Condor. 2004, roč. 106, čís. 3, s. 681–686. Dostupné online. ISSN0010-5422. DOI10.1650/7383.
BURTT, Edward H. Jr.; ICHIDA, Jann M. Gloger's Rule, feather-degrading bacteria, and color variation among Song Sparrows. The Condor. 2004, roč. 106, čís. 3, s. 681–686. Dostupné online. ISSN0010-5422. DOI10.1650/7383.