Gabriele Saleh, Xiao Dong, Artem Oganov, Carlo Gatti, Guang-rui Qian, Qiang Zhu, Xiang-Feng Zhou, Hiu-tian Wang. Stable Compound of Helium and Sodium at High Pressure. Acta Crystallographica Section A. 2014-08-05. doi:10.1107/S2053273314093826.
DONG, Xiao; OGANOV, Artem R.; GONCHAROV, Alexander F.; STAVROU, Elissaios; LOBANOV, Sergey; SALEH, Gabriele; QIAN, Guang-Rui. A stable compound of helium and sodium at high pressure. Nature Chemistry. 6 February 2017, s. 440–445. doi:10.1038/nchem.2716. PMID28430195. Bibcode2017NatCh...9..440D.Je zde použita šablona {{Cite journal}} označená jako k „pouze dočasnému použití“.
DONG, Xiao; OGANOV, Artem R.; GONCHAROV, Alexander F.; STAVROU, Elissaios; LOBANOV, Sergey; SALEH, Gabriele; QIAN, Guang-Rui. A stable compound of helium and sodium at high pressure. Nature Chemistry. 6 February 2017, s. 440–445. doi:10.1038/nchem.2716. PMID28430195. Bibcode2017NatCh...9..440D.Je zde použita šablona {{Cite journal}} označená jako k „pouze dočasnému použití“.
DONG, Xiao; OGANOV, Artem R.; GONCHAROV, Alexander F.; STAVROU, Elissaios; LOBANOV, Sergey; SALEH, Gabriele; QIAN, Guang-Rui. A stable compound of helium and sodium at high pressure. Nature Chemistry. 6 February 2017, s. 440–445. doi:10.1038/nchem.2716. PMID28430195. Bibcode2017NatCh...9..440D.Je zde použita šablona {{Cite journal}} označená jako k „pouze dočasnému použití“.