GREWAL, Ravnit; IRIMIE, Alexandra; NAIDOO, Nasheen. Hodgkin's lymphoma and its association with EBV and HIV infection. Critical Reviews in Clinical Laboratory Sciences. 2018-03, roč. 55, čís. 2, s. 102–114. PMID: 29316828. Dostupné online [cit. 2024-12-18]. ISSN1549-781X. doi:10.1080/10408363.2017.1422692. PMID29316828.
WARD, Elizabeth; DESANTIS, Carol; ROBBINS, Anthony. Childhood and adolescent cancer statistics, 2014. CA: a cancer journal for clinicians. 2014, roč. 64, čís. 2, s. 83–103. PMID: 24488779. Dostupné online [cit. 2024-12-18]. ISSN1542-4863. doi:10.3322/caac.21219. PMID24488779.
GBD 2015 DISEASE AND INJURY INCIDENCE AND PREVALENCE COLLABORATORS. Global, regional, and national incidence, prevalence, and years lived with disability for 310 diseases and injuries, 1990-2015: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015. Lancet (London, England). 2016-10-08, roč. 388, čís. 10053, s. 1545–1602. PMID: 27733282
PMCID: PMC5055577. Dostupné online [cit. 2024-12-18]. ISSN1474-547X. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(16)31678-6. PMID27733282.
GBD 2015 MORTALITY AND CAUSES OF DEATH COLLABORATORS. Global, regional, and national life expectancy, all-cause mortality, and cause-specific mortality for 249 causes of death, 1980-2015: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015. Lancet (London, England). 2016-10-08, roč. 388, čís. 10053, s. 1459–1544. PMID: 27733281
PMCID: PMC5388903. Dostupné online [cit. 2024-12-18]. ISSN1474-547X. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(16)31012-1. PMID27733281.
BIGGAR, Robert J.; JAFFE, Elaine S.; GOEDERT, James J. Hodgkin lymphoma and immunodeficiency in persons with HIV/AIDS. Blood. 2006-12-01, roč. 108, čís. 12, s. 3786–3791. PMID: 16917006
PMCID: PMC1895473. Dostupné online [cit. 2024-12-18]. ISSN0006-4971. doi:10.1182/blood-2006-05-024109. PMID16917006.
MCKAY, Pamela; FIELDING, Patrick; GALLOP-EVANS, Eve. Guidelines for the investigation and management of nodular lymphocyte predominant Hodgkin lymphoma. British Journal of Haematology. 2016, roč. 172, čís. 1, s. 32–43. Dostupné online [cit. 2024-12-19]. ISSN1365-2141. doi:10.1111/bjh.13842. (anglicky)
RE, Daniel; THOMAS, Roman K.; BEHRINGER, Karolin. From Hodgkin disease to Hodgkin lymphoma: biologic insights and therapeutic potential. Blood. 2005-06-15, roč. 105, čís. 12, s. 4553–4560. Dostupné online [cit. 2024-12-19]. ISSN0006-4971. doi:10.1182/blood-2004-12-4750.
ALDIN, Angela; UMLAUFF, Lisa; ESTCOURT, Lise J. Interim PET-results for prognosis in adults with Hodgkin lymphoma: a systematic review and meta-analysis of prognostic factor studies. The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2020-01-13, roč. 1, čís. 1, s. CD012643. PMID: 31930780
PMCID: PMC6984446. Dostupné online [cit. 2024-12-19]. ISSN1469-493X. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD012643.pub3. PMID31930780.
PERRI, Francesco; DELLA VITTORIA SCARPATI, Giuseppina; BUONERBA, Carlo. Combined chemo-radiotherapy in locally advanced nasopharyngeal carcinomas. World Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2013-05-10, roč. 4, čís. 2, s. 47–51. PMID: 23696962
PMCID: PMC3659263. Dostupné online [cit. 2024-12-19]. ISSN2218-4333. doi:10.5306/wjco.v4.i2.47. PMID23696962.
MODING, Everett J.; KASTAN, Michael B.; KIRSCH, David G. Strategies for optimizing the response of cancer and normal tissues to radiation. Nature Reviews. Drug Discovery. 2013-07, roč. 12, čís. 7, s. 526–542. PMID: 23812271
PMCID: PMC3906736. Dostupné online [cit. 2024-12-19]. ISSN1474-1784. doi:10.1038/nrd4003. PMID23812271.
VAN DORP, W.; VAN BEEK, R. D.; LAVEN, J. S. E. Long-term endocrine side effects of childhood Hodgkin's lymphoma treatment: a review. Human Reproduction Update. 2012, roč. 18, čís. 1, s. 12–28. PMID: 21896559. Dostupné online [cit. 2024-12-19]. ISSN1460-2369. doi:10.1093/humupd/dmr038. PMID21896559.
HODGKINŮV LYMFOM INFORMACE PRO PACIENTY [online]. [cit. 2024-12-20]. Dostupné online.
Hodgkinské lymfomy u dospělých. [online]. [cit. 2024-12-19]. Dostupné online.
GREWAL, Ravnit; IRIMIE, Alexandra; NAIDOO, Nasheen. Hodgkin's lymphoma and its association with EBV and HIV infection. Critical Reviews in Clinical Laboratory Sciences. 2018-03, roč. 55, čís. 2, s. 102–114. PMID: 29316828. Dostupné online [cit. 2024-12-18]. ISSN1549-781X. doi:10.1080/10408363.2017.1422692. PMID29316828.
WARD, Elizabeth; DESANTIS, Carol; ROBBINS, Anthony. Childhood and adolescent cancer statistics, 2014. CA: a cancer journal for clinicians. 2014, roč. 64, čís. 2, s. 83–103. PMID: 24488779. Dostupné online [cit. 2024-12-18]. ISSN1542-4863. doi:10.3322/caac.21219. PMID24488779.
GELLER, S. A. Comments on the anniversary of the description of Hodgkin's disease. Journal of the National Medical Association. 1984-08, roč. 76, čís. 8, s. 815–817. PMID: 6381744
PMCID: PMC2609834. Dostupné online [cit. 2024-12-18]. ISSN0027-9684. PMID6381744.
GBD 2015 DISEASE AND INJURY INCIDENCE AND PREVALENCE COLLABORATORS. Global, regional, and national incidence, prevalence, and years lived with disability for 310 diseases and injuries, 1990-2015: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015. Lancet (London, England). 2016-10-08, roč. 388, čís. 10053, s. 1545–1602. PMID: 27733282
PMCID: PMC5055577. Dostupné online [cit. 2024-12-18]. ISSN1474-547X. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(16)31678-6. PMID27733282.
GBD 2015 MORTALITY AND CAUSES OF DEATH COLLABORATORS. Global, regional, and national life expectancy, all-cause mortality, and cause-specific mortality for 249 causes of death, 1980-2015: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015. Lancet (London, England). 2016-10-08, roč. 388, čís. 10053, s. 1459–1544. PMID: 27733281
PMCID: PMC5388903. Dostupné online [cit. 2024-12-18]. ISSN1474-547X. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(16)31012-1. PMID27733281.
BIGGAR, Robert J.; JAFFE, Elaine S.; GOEDERT, James J. Hodgkin lymphoma and immunodeficiency in persons with HIV/AIDS. Blood. 2006-12-01, roč. 108, čís. 12, s. 3786–3791. PMID: 16917006
PMCID: PMC1895473. Dostupné online [cit. 2024-12-18]. ISSN0006-4971. doi:10.1182/blood-2006-05-024109. PMID16917006.
ALDIN, Angela; UMLAUFF, Lisa; ESTCOURT, Lise J. Interim PET-results for prognosis in adults with Hodgkin lymphoma: a systematic review and meta-analysis of prognostic factor studies. The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2020-01-13, roč. 1, čís. 1, s. CD012643. PMID: 31930780
PMCID: PMC6984446. Dostupné online [cit. 2024-12-19]. ISSN1469-493X. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD012643.pub3. PMID31930780.
PERRI, Francesco; DELLA VITTORIA SCARPATI, Giuseppina; BUONERBA, Carlo. Combined chemo-radiotherapy in locally advanced nasopharyngeal carcinomas. World Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2013-05-10, roč. 4, čís. 2, s. 47–51. PMID: 23696962
PMCID: PMC3659263. Dostupné online [cit. 2024-12-19]. ISSN2218-4333. doi:10.5306/wjco.v4.i2.47. PMID23696962.
MODING, Everett J.; KASTAN, Michael B.; KIRSCH, David G. Strategies for optimizing the response of cancer and normal tissues to radiation. Nature Reviews. Drug Discovery. 2013-07, roč. 12, čís. 7, s. 526–542. PMID: 23812271
PMCID: PMC3906736. Dostupné online [cit. 2024-12-19]. ISSN1474-1784. doi:10.1038/nrd4003. PMID23812271.
VAN DORP, W.; VAN BEEK, R. D.; LAVEN, J. S. E. Long-term endocrine side effects of childhood Hodgkin's lymphoma treatment: a review. Human Reproduction Update. 2012, roč. 18, čís. 1, s. 12–28. PMID: 21896559. Dostupné online [cit. 2024-12-19]. ISSN1460-2369. doi:10.1093/humupd/dmr038. PMID21896559.
GREWAL, Ravnit; IRIMIE, Alexandra; NAIDOO, Nasheen. Hodgkin's lymphoma and its association with EBV and HIV infection. Critical Reviews in Clinical Laboratory Sciences. 2018-03, roč. 55, čís. 2, s. 102–114. PMID: 29316828. Dostupné online [cit. 2024-12-18]. ISSN1549-781X. doi:10.1080/10408363.2017.1422692. PMID29316828.
WARD, Elizabeth; DESANTIS, Carol; ROBBINS, Anthony. Childhood and adolescent cancer statistics, 2014. CA: a cancer journal for clinicians. 2014, roč. 64, čís. 2, s. 83–103. PMID: 24488779. Dostupné online [cit. 2024-12-18]. ISSN1542-4863. doi:10.3322/caac.21219. PMID24488779.
GELLER, S. A. Comments on the anniversary of the description of Hodgkin's disease. Journal of the National Medical Association. 1984-08, roč. 76, čís. 8, s. 815–817. PMID: 6381744
PMCID: PMC2609834. Dostupné online [cit. 2024-12-18]. ISSN0027-9684. PMID6381744.
GBD 2015 DISEASE AND INJURY INCIDENCE AND PREVALENCE COLLABORATORS. Global, regional, and national incidence, prevalence, and years lived with disability for 310 diseases and injuries, 1990-2015: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015. Lancet (London, England). 2016-10-08, roč. 388, čís. 10053, s. 1545–1602. PMID: 27733282
PMCID: PMC5055577. Dostupné online [cit. 2024-12-18]. ISSN1474-547X. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(16)31678-6. PMID27733282.
GBD 2015 MORTALITY AND CAUSES OF DEATH COLLABORATORS. Global, regional, and national life expectancy, all-cause mortality, and cause-specific mortality for 249 causes of death, 1980-2015: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015. Lancet (London, England). 2016-10-08, roč. 388, čís. 10053, s. 1459–1544. PMID: 27733281
PMCID: PMC5388903. Dostupné online [cit. 2024-12-18]. ISSN1474-547X. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(16)31012-1. PMID27733281.
BIGGAR, Robert J.; JAFFE, Elaine S.; GOEDERT, James J. Hodgkin lymphoma and immunodeficiency in persons with HIV/AIDS. Blood. 2006-12-01, roč. 108, čís. 12, s. 3786–3791. PMID: 16917006
PMCID: PMC1895473. Dostupné online [cit. 2024-12-18]. ISSN0006-4971. doi:10.1182/blood-2006-05-024109. PMID16917006.
ALDIN, Angela; UMLAUFF, Lisa; ESTCOURT, Lise J. Interim PET-results for prognosis in adults with Hodgkin lymphoma: a systematic review and meta-analysis of prognostic factor studies. The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2020-01-13, roč. 1, čís. 1, s. CD012643. PMID: 31930780
PMCID: PMC6984446. Dostupné online [cit. 2024-12-19]. ISSN1469-493X. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD012643.pub3. PMID31930780.
PERRI, Francesco; DELLA VITTORIA SCARPATI, Giuseppina; BUONERBA, Carlo. Combined chemo-radiotherapy in locally advanced nasopharyngeal carcinomas. World Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2013-05-10, roč. 4, čís. 2, s. 47–51. PMID: 23696962
PMCID: PMC3659263. Dostupné online [cit. 2024-12-19]. ISSN2218-4333. doi:10.5306/wjco.v4.i2.47. PMID23696962.
MODING, Everett J.; KASTAN, Michael B.; KIRSCH, David G. Strategies for optimizing the response of cancer and normal tissues to radiation. Nature Reviews. Drug Discovery. 2013-07, roč. 12, čís. 7, s. 526–542. PMID: 23812271
PMCID: PMC3906736. Dostupné online [cit. 2024-12-19]. ISSN1474-1784. doi:10.1038/nrd4003. PMID23812271.
VAN DORP, W.; VAN BEEK, R. D.; LAVEN, J. S. E. Long-term endocrine side effects of childhood Hodgkin's lymphoma treatment: a review. Human Reproduction Update. 2012, roč. 18, čís. 1, s. 12–28. PMID: 21896559. Dostupné online [cit. 2024-12-19]. ISSN1460-2369. doi:10.1093/humupd/dmr038. PMID21896559.
RE, Daniel; THOMAS, Roman K.; BEHRINGER, Karolin. From Hodgkin disease to Hodgkin lymphoma: biologic insights and therapeutic potential. Blood. 2005-06-15, roč. 105, čís. 12, s. 4553–4560. Dostupné online [cit. 2024-12-19]. ISSN0006-4971. doi:10.1182/blood-2004-12-4750.
Sternberg Karl (1872–1935) | Velký lékařský slovník On-Line. [online]. [cit. 2024-12-20]. Dostupné online.
Září – měsíc povědomí o leukemii a lymfomu. [online]. [cit. 2024-12-20]. Dostupné online.
Adult Hodgkin Lymphoma Treatment (PDQ®)—Patient Version - National Cancer Institute. [online]. 2016-07-28 [cit. 2024-12-18]. Dostupné online.
MCKAY, Pamela; FIELDING, Patrick; GALLOP-EVANS, Eve. Guidelines for the investigation and management of nodular lymphocyte predominant Hodgkin lymphoma. British Journal of Haematology. 2016, roč. 172, čís. 1, s. 32–43. Dostupné online [cit. 2024-12-19]. ISSN1365-2141. doi:10.1111/bjh.13842. (anglicky)
GREWAL, Ravnit; IRIMIE, Alexandra; NAIDOO, Nasheen. Hodgkin's lymphoma and its association with EBV and HIV infection. Critical Reviews in Clinical Laboratory Sciences. 2018-03, roč. 55, čís. 2, s. 102–114. PMID: 29316828. Dostupné online [cit. 2024-12-18]. ISSN1549-781X. doi:10.1080/10408363.2017.1422692. PMID29316828.
WARD, Elizabeth; DESANTIS, Carol; ROBBINS, Anthony. Childhood and adolescent cancer statistics, 2014. CA: a cancer journal for clinicians. 2014, roč. 64, čís. 2, s. 83–103. PMID: 24488779. Dostupné online [cit. 2024-12-18]. ISSN1542-4863. doi:10.3322/caac.21219. PMID24488779.
GELLER, S. A. Comments on the anniversary of the description of Hodgkin's disease. Journal of the National Medical Association. 1984-08, roč. 76, čís. 8, s. 815–817. PMID: 6381744
PMCID: PMC2609834. Dostupné online [cit. 2024-12-18]. ISSN0027-9684. PMID6381744.
GBD 2015 DISEASE AND INJURY INCIDENCE AND PREVALENCE COLLABORATORS. Global, regional, and national incidence, prevalence, and years lived with disability for 310 diseases and injuries, 1990-2015: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015. Lancet (London, England). 2016-10-08, roč. 388, čís. 10053, s. 1545–1602. PMID: 27733282
PMCID: PMC5055577. Dostupné online [cit. 2024-12-18]. ISSN1474-547X. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(16)31678-6. PMID27733282.
GBD 2015 MORTALITY AND CAUSES OF DEATH COLLABORATORS. Global, regional, and national life expectancy, all-cause mortality, and cause-specific mortality for 249 causes of death, 1980-2015: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015. Lancet (London, England). 2016-10-08, roč. 388, čís. 10053, s. 1459–1544. PMID: 27733281
PMCID: PMC5388903. Dostupné online [cit. 2024-12-18]. ISSN1474-547X. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(16)31012-1. PMID27733281.
BIGGAR, Robert J.; JAFFE, Elaine S.; GOEDERT, James J. Hodgkin lymphoma and immunodeficiency in persons with HIV/AIDS. Blood. 2006-12-01, roč. 108, čís. 12, s. 3786–3791. PMID: 16917006
PMCID: PMC1895473. Dostupné online [cit. 2024-12-18]. ISSN0006-4971. doi:10.1182/blood-2006-05-024109. PMID16917006.
MCKAY, Pamela; FIELDING, Patrick; GALLOP-EVANS, Eve. Guidelines for the investigation and management of nodular lymphocyte predominant Hodgkin lymphoma. British Journal of Haematology. 2016, roč. 172, čís. 1, s. 32–43. Dostupné online [cit. 2024-12-19]. ISSN1365-2141. doi:10.1111/bjh.13842. (anglicky)
RE, Daniel; THOMAS, Roman K.; BEHRINGER, Karolin. From Hodgkin disease to Hodgkin lymphoma: biologic insights and therapeutic potential. Blood. 2005-06-15, roč. 105, čís. 12, s. 4553–4560. Dostupné online [cit. 2024-12-19]. ISSN0006-4971. doi:10.1182/blood-2004-12-4750.
ALDIN, Angela; UMLAUFF, Lisa; ESTCOURT, Lise J. Interim PET-results for prognosis in adults with Hodgkin lymphoma: a systematic review and meta-analysis of prognostic factor studies. The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2020-01-13, roč. 1, čís. 1, s. CD012643. PMID: 31930780
PMCID: PMC6984446. Dostupné online [cit. 2024-12-19]. ISSN1469-493X. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD012643.pub3. PMID31930780.
PERRI, Francesco; DELLA VITTORIA SCARPATI, Giuseppina; BUONERBA, Carlo. Combined chemo-radiotherapy in locally advanced nasopharyngeal carcinomas. World Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2013-05-10, roč. 4, čís. 2, s. 47–51. PMID: 23696962
PMCID: PMC3659263. Dostupné online [cit. 2024-12-19]. ISSN2218-4333. doi:10.5306/wjco.v4.i2.47. PMID23696962.
MODING, Everett J.; KASTAN, Michael B.; KIRSCH, David G. Strategies for optimizing the response of cancer and normal tissues to radiation. Nature Reviews. Drug Discovery. 2013-07, roč. 12, čís. 7, s. 526–542. PMID: 23812271
PMCID: PMC3906736. Dostupné online [cit. 2024-12-19]. ISSN1474-1784. doi:10.1038/nrd4003. PMID23812271.
VAN DORP, W.; VAN BEEK, R. D.; LAVEN, J. S. E. Long-term endocrine side effects of childhood Hodgkin's lymphoma treatment: a review. Human Reproduction Update. 2012, roč. 18, čís. 1, s. 12–28. PMID: 21896559. Dostupné online [cit. 2024-12-19]. ISSN1460-2369. doi:10.1093/humupd/dmr038. PMID21896559.