DUDA, Richard O.; HART, Peter E. Use of the Hough transformation to detect lines and curves in pictures. Communications of the ACM. 1972-01, Volume 15, Issue 1, s. 11–15. Dostupné online. doi:10.1145/361237.361242. (anglicky)
STOCKMAN, George; SHAPIRO, Linda G. Computer Vision. 1. vyd. [s.l.]: Prentice Hall, 2001. Dostupné online. ISBN0130307963. (anglicky)
DUDA, Richard O.; HART, Peter E. Use of the Hough transformation to detect lines and curves in pictures. Communications of the ACM. 1972-01, Volume 15, Issue 1, s. 11–15. Dostupné online. doi:10.1145/361237.361242. (anglicky)