MUIRHEAD, Patrick James, 1858. The Life of James Watt : With Selections From His Correspondence. 1. vyd. [s.l.]: J. Murray. 580 s. Dostupné online. OCLC1087284879 S. 9. (anglicky)
PUGH, Jennifer S.; HUDSON, John; JONES, Reginald Victor. The chemical work of James Watt, F. R. S. Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London. 1985-11-01, roč. 40, čís. 1, s. 41–52. Dostupné online [PDF, cit. 2020-12-20]. doi:10.1098/rsnr.1985.0002. (anglicky)
James Watt, and the Discovery of the Composition of Water 1. Nature. 1898-04-01, roč. 57, čís. 1484, s. 546–551. Dostupné online [cit. 2021-03-14]. ISSN1476-4687. doi:10.1038/057546b0. (anglicky)
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MILLER, David Philip. James Watt, Chemist: Understanding the Origins of the Steam Age. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 06. 15. 2009. 256 s. (Science and Culture in the Nineteenth Century). Dostupné online. ISBN978-1-85196-974-6. Kapitola The ‘Great Steamer’ – A Life Outlined. (anglicky)
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James Watt, and the Discovery of the Composition of Water 1. Nature. 1898-04-01, roč. 57, čís. 1484, s. 546–551. Dostupné online [cit. 2021-03-14]. ISSN1476-4687. doi:10.1038/057546b0. (anglicky)
KOZEL, Stanislav. James Watt. Praha: Orbis, 1946. 30 s. Dostupné online. S. 5.
PUGH, Jennifer S.; HUDSON, John; JONES, Reginald Victor. The chemical work of James Watt, F. R. S. Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London. 1985-11-01, roč. 40, čís. 1, s. 41–52. Dostupné online [PDF, cit. 2020-12-20]. doi:10.1098/rsnr.1985.0002. (anglicky)
MUIRHEAD, Patrick James, 1858. The Life of James Watt : With Selections From His Correspondence. 1. vyd. [s.l.]: J. Murray. 580 s. Dostupné online. OCLC1087284879 S. 9. (anglicky)
James Watt, and the Discovery of the Composition of Water 1. Nature. 1898-04-01, roč. 57, čís. 1484, s. 546–551. Dostupné online [cit. 2021-03-14]. ISSN1476-4687. doi:10.1038/057546b0. (anglicky)
DICKINSON. James Watt: Craftsman and Engineer. 1. vyd. [s.l.]: Cambridge University Press, 1935. OCLC889953853 S. 197–198.