Byla Lída Baarová kolaborantkou? Dostala nálepku, které se těžko zbavuje, soudí Stanislav Motl. Plus [online]. 2019-12-09 [cit. 2020-04-05]. Dostupné online.
„Proti své vůli jsem se nepěkně zapletla do dějin. A krutě za to zaplatila.“ Příběhy slavných: Lída Baarová. Dvojka [online]. 2017-05-05 [cit. 2020-04-04]. Dostupné online.
Podle: „They [Baarova and Goebbels].started a passionate love affair which lasted for over a year and caused her breakup with Gustav Fröhlich.“ „Hitler was (…) sympathetic towards Magda [Goebbels]; he asked Goebbels to end the affair. Goebbels offered his resignation instead. He wanted to divorce his wife, marry Lída Baarová, and leave Germany with his Liduška, (Czech diminutive of Lída, connoting love), as he affectionatedly called her, for Japan. However, Hitler did not accept his resignation.“