Mannichova reakce (Czech Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Mannichova reakce" in Czech language version.

Global rank Czech rank
2nd place
4th place
621st place
2,192nd place
4th place
8th place

  • A. Córdova; S.-I. Watanabe; F. Tanaka; W. Notz; C. F. Barbas. A highly enantioselective route to either enantiomer of both α- and β-amino acid derivatives. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2002, s. 1866–1867. doi:10.1021/ja017833p. PMID 11866595. 
  • S. Mitsumori; H. Zhang; P. H.-Y. Cheong; K. Houk; F. Tanaka; C. F. Barbas. Direct asymmetric anti-Mannich-type reactions catalyzed by a designed amino acid. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2006, s. 1040–1041. doi:10.1021/ja056984f. PMID 16433496.