NGC 4565 (Czech Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "NGC 4565" in Czech language version.

Global rank Czech rank
18th place
99th place
887th place
1,663rd place
1st place
1st place
75th place
115th place
2nd place
4th place
low place
9,587th place

  • Richard Powell. Atlas of the Universe: A List of Nearby Galaxy Groups [online]. [cit. 2016-08-23]. Dostupné online. (anglicky)

  • NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database: Results for NGC 4565 [online]. [cit. 2016-08-23]. Dostupné online. (anglicky) 
  • Globular Cluster Systems in Galaxies Beyond the Local Group [online]. [cit. 2016-08-23]. Dostupné online. (anglicky)

  • Barentine, J. C.; Kormendy, J. Detection of a Distinct Pseudobulge Hidden Inside the Box-Shaped Bulge of NGC 4565. S. 149. Galaxy Evolution: Emerging Insights and Future Challenges ASP Conference Series, Vol. 419, proceedings of a conference held 11-14 November 2008 at the University of Texas, Austin, Texas, USA. Edited by S. Jogee, I. Marinova, L. Hao, and G. A. Blanc. [online]. Prosinec 2009 [cit. 2016-08-23]. Roč. 419, s. 149. Dostupné online. Bibcode 2009ASPC..419..149B. (anglicky) 
  • Wu, Hong; Burstein, David; Deng, Zugan, et al. Intermediate-band surface photometry of the edge-on galaxy NGC 4565. Astronomical Journal [online]. Březen 2002 [cit. 2016-08-23]. Roč. 123, čís. 3. Dostupné online. doi:10.1086/338849. Bibcode 2002AJ....123.1364W. (anglicky) 
  • Zschaechner, Laura K.; Rand, Richard J.; Heald, George H., et al. HALOGAS: H I Observations and Modeling of the Nearby Edge-on Spiral Galaxy NGC 4565. S. 17. Astrophysical Journal [online]. [cit. 2016-03-23]. Roč. 760, s. 17. Dostupné online. Bibcode 2012ApJ...760...37Z. (anglicky)

  • APOD. Astronomy Picture of the Day: NGC 4565: Galaxy on the Edge [online]. NASA, 2004-04-09 [cit. 2016-08-23]. Dostupné online. (anglicky)

  • The NGC/IC Project: Results for NGC 4565 [online]. [cit. 2016-08-23]. Dostupné v archivu pořízeném dne 2009-05-28. (anglicky)