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Syrské vládní jednotky se přesouvají na pomoc Kurdům. Petříček si předvolá tureckého velvyslance. Hospodářské noviny [online]. 2019-10-12. Dostupné online.
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SDF carry out a counter attack on the Turkish forces and the factions west of Ras Al-Ayn city and regain control of posts and positions in the area [online]. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights [cit. 2019-10-28]. Dostupné online. (anglicky)
Russian Forces cross the Qara Qoqaz Bridge and deploy in the vicinity of Ayn al-Arab (Kobani) city, and exchange of shelling and targeting between the factions and the regime forces in fronts of Manbij city [online]. SOHR [cit. 2019-10-28]. Dostupné online. (anglicky)
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Areas in the countryside of Ras Al-Ayn witness violent clashes between the SDF and the pro-Turkey factions, in conjunction with bringing military reinforcements by the regime forces to the area [online]. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights [cit. 2019-11-04]. Dostupné online. (anglicky)
Clashes continue in several places at Abu Rasin area and 5 bodies were found killed and thrown in the countryside of Ayn Issa and Abu Rasin (Zarkan) [online]. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights [cit. 2019-10-04]. Dostupné online. (anglicky)
With intense and violent ground shelling, the Turkish Forces and their loyal factions carry out a new attack on villages at Abu Rasin area (Zarkan) as more than 400 families displace [online]. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights [cit. 2019-10-04]. Dostupné online. (anglicky)
20 days of Operation “Peace Spring”: civilian casualties are on the rise and the death toll of fighting parties increases. An anticipation during the few hours left before the end of the cease-fire in accordance with the Turkish-Russian agreement [online]. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights [cit. 2019-11-04]. Dostupné online. (anglicky)
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