HANEL, Lubomír. České názvy živočichů. V., Ryby a rybovití obratlovci (Pisces). 2., Nozdratí (Sarcopterygii), paprskoploutví (Actinopterygii), chrupavčití (Chondrostei), kostnatí (Neopterygii), kostlíni (Semionotiformes), bezostní (Clupeiformes). Praha: Národní muzeum 64 s. s. Dostupné online. ISBN80-7036-130-1, ISBN978-80-7036-130-6. OCLC85024695
MUSILOVÁ, Zuzana. Skrytá rozmanitost pod vodní hladinou: evoluce druhově nejbohatší skupiny obratlovců. Živa. 2016, čís. 4, s. 175–178. Dostupné online.
DU, Trina Y.; STANDEN, Emily M. Terrestrial acclimation and exercise lead to bone functional response in Polypterus pectoral fins. Journal of Experimental Biology. 2020-01-01, s. jeb.217554. Dostupné online [cit. 2022-06-07]. ISSN1477-9145. doi:10.1242/jeb.217554. (anglicky)
FOLGUEIRA, Mónica; BAYLEY, Philippa; NAVRATILOVA, Pavla, et al. Morphogenesis underlying the development of the everted teleost telencephalon. Neural Development. 2012-12, roč. 7, čís. 1, s. 212. Dostupné online [cit. 2022-06-09]. ISSN1749-8104. doi:10.1186/1749-8104-7-32. PMID22989074. (anglicky)
KANEKO, Toyoji; HASEGAWA, Sanae; UCHIDA, Katsuhisa. Acid Tolerance of Japanese Dace (a Cyprinid Teleost) in Lake Osorezan, a Remarkable Acid Lake. Zoological Science. 1999-12, roč. 16, čís. 6, s. 871–877. Dostupné online [cit. 2022-07-02]. ISSN0289-0003. doi:10.2108/zsj.16.871. (anglicky)
PAREY, Elise; LOUIS, Alexandra; MONTFORT, Jerome, et al. Genome structures resolve the early diversification of teleost fishes. bioRxiv. 2022-04-10. Dostupné online.
TULENKO, Frank J.; CURRIE, Peter D. Bones of contention: skeletal patterning across the fin-to-limb transition. Cell. 2021-02, roč. 184, čís. 4, s. 854–856. Dostupné online [cit. 2022-06-07]. doi:10.1016/j.cell.2021.01.039. (anglicky)
ENNY, Alyssa; FLAHERTY, Kathleen; MORI, Shunsuke. Developmental constraints on fin diversity. Development, Growth & Differentiation. 2020-06, roč. 62, čís. 5, s. 311–325. Dostupné online [cit. 2022-06-07]. ISSN0012-1592. doi:10.1111/dgd.12670. PMID32396685. (anglicky)
DU, Trina Y.; STANDEN, Emily M. Terrestrial acclimation and exercise lead to bone functional response in Polypterus pectoral fins. Journal of Experimental Biology. 2020-01-01, s. jeb.217554. Dostupné online [cit. 2022-06-07]. ISSN1477-9145. doi:10.1242/jeb.217554. (anglicky)
SALLAN, Lauren C. Major issues in the origins of ray-finned fish (Actinopterygii) biodiversity: Ray-finned fish (Actinopterygii) origins. Biological Reviews. 2014-11, roč. 89, čís. 4, s. 950–971. Dostupné online [cit. 2022-06-07]. doi:10.1111/brv.12086. (anglicky)
SCHULTZE, Hans-Peter. Scales, Enamel, Cosmine, Ganoine, and Early Osteichthyans. Comptes Rendus Palevol. 2016-01, roč. 15, čís. 1–2, s. 83–102. Dostupné online [cit. 2022-06-07]. doi:10.1016/j.crpv.2015.04.001. (anglicky)
I. SASAGAWA, M. Ishiyama. Tooth enamel and enameloid in actinopterygian fish. Frontiers of Materials Science in China. 009-06-05, roč. 3, čís. 2, s. 174–182. Dostupné online [cit. 2022-06-08]. ISSN2095-025X. doi:10.1007/s11706-009-0030-3.
FOLGUEIRA, Mónica; BAYLEY, Philippa; NAVRATILOVA, Pavla, et al. Morphogenesis underlying the development of the everted teleost telencephalon. Neural Development. 2012-12, roč. 7, čís. 1, s. 212. Dostupné online [cit. 2022-06-09]. ISSN1749-8104. doi:10.1186/1749-8104-7-32. PMID22989074. (anglicky)
PORTER, Baylee A.; MUELLER, Thomas. The Zebrafish Amygdaloid Complex – Functional Ground Plan, Molecular Delineation, and Everted Topology. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 2020-07-16, roč. 14, s. 608. Dostupné online [cit. 2022-06-09]. ISSN1662-453X. doi:10.3389/fnins.2020.00608. PMID32765204.
SKOV, Peter Vilhelm; BENNETT, Michael Brian. The secondary vascular system of Actinopterygii: interspecific variation in origins and investment. Zoomorphology. 2003-11-01, roč. 122, čís. 4, s. 181–190. Dostupné online [cit. 2022-06-10]. ISSN0720-213X. doi:10.1007/s00435-003-0083-2.
BARTSCH, P.; BRITZ, R. A single micropyle in the eggs of the most basal living actinopterygian fish, Polypterus (Actinopterygii, Polypteriformes). Journal of Zoology. 1997-03, roč. 241, čís. 3, s. 589–592. Dostupné online [cit. 2022-06-10]. ISSN0952-8369. doi:10.1111/j.1469-7998.1997.tb04850.x. (anglicky)
RITTMEYER, Eric N.; ALLISON, Allen; GRÜNDLER, Michael C. Ecological Guild Evolution and the Discovery of the World's Smallest Vertebrate. PLoS ONE. 2012-01-11, roč. 7, čís. 1, s. e29797. Dostupné online [cit. 2022-06-15]. ISSN1932-6203. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0029797. PMID22253785. (anglicky)
KOTTELAT, Maurice; BRITZ, Ralf; HUI, Tan Heok. Paedocypris , a new genus of Southeast Asian cyprinid fish with a remarkable sexual dimorphism, comprises the world's smallest vertebrate. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 2006-04-22, roč. 273, čís. 1589, s. 895–899. Dostupné online [cit. 2022-06-15]. ISSN0962-8452. doi:10.1098/rspb.2005.3419. PMID16627273. (anglicky)
MCCLAIN, Craig R.; BALK, Meghan A.; BENFIELD, Mark C. Sizing ocean giants: patterns of intraspecific size variation in marine megafauna. PeerJ. 2015-01-13, roč. 3, s. e715. Dostupné online [cit. 2022-06-15]. ISSN2167-8359. doi:10.7717/peerj.715. (anglicky)
SAWAI, Etsuro; NYEGAARD, Marianne. A review of giants: Examining the species identities of the world's heaviest extant bony fishes (ocean sunfishes, family Molidae ). Journal of Fish Biology. 2022-04-20, s. jfb.15039. Dostupné online [cit. 2022-06-15]. ISSN0022-1112. doi:10.1111/jfb.15039. (anglicky)
SAWAI, Etsuro; YAMANOUE, Yusuke; NYEGAARD, Marianne. Redescription of the bump-head sunfish Mola alexandrini (Ranzani 1839), senior synonym of Mola ramsayi (Giglioli 1883), with designation of a neotype for Mola mola (Linnaeus 1758) (Tetraodontiformes: Molidae). Ichthyological Research. 2018-01, roč. 65, čís. 1, s. 142–160. Dostupné online [cit. 2022-06-15]. ISSN1341-8998. doi:10.1007/s10228-017-0603-6. (anglicky)
KANEKO, Toyoji; HASEGAWA, Sanae; UCHIDA, Katsuhisa. Acid Tolerance of Japanese Dace (a Cyprinid Teleost) in Lake Osorezan, a Remarkable Acid Lake. Zoological Science. 1999-12, roč. 16, čís. 6, s. 871–877. Dostupné online [cit. 2022-07-02]. ISSN0289-0003. doi:10.2108/zsj.16.871. (anglicky)
GERRINGER, Mackenzie E.; LINLEY, Thomas D.; NIELSEN, Jørgen G. Revision of the depth record of bony fishes with notes on hadal snailfishes (Liparidae, Scorpaeniformes) and cusk eels (Ophidiidae, Ophidiiformes). Marine Biology. 2021-11, roč. 168, čís. 11, s. 167. Dostupné online [cit. 2022-07-02]. ISSN0025-3162. doi:10.1007/s00227-021-03950-8. (anglicky)
SIDELEVA, V. G. Comparative character of the deep-water and inshore cottoid fishes endemic to Lake Baikal. Journal of Fish Biology. 1996-12, roč. 49, čís. sa, s. 192–206. Dostupné online [cit. 2022-07-02]. ISSN0022-1112. doi:10.1111/j.1095-8649.1996.tb06076.x. (anglicky)
HUGHES, Lily C.; ORTÍ, Guillermo; HUANG, Yu. Comprehensive phylogeny of ray-finned fishes (Actinopterygii) based on transcriptomic and genomic data. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2018-06-12, roč. 115, čís. 24, s. 6249–6254. Dostupné v archivu pořízeném dne 2022-06-24. ISSN0027-8424. doi:10.1073/pnas.1719358115. PMID29760103. (anglicky)
BIAN, Chao; HU, Yinchang; RAVI, Vydianathan. The Asian arowana (Scleropages formosus) genome provides new insights into the evolution of an early lineage of teleosts. Scientific Reports. 2016-04, roč. 6, čís. 1, s. 24501. Dostupné online [cit. 2022-06-24]. ISSN2045-2322. doi:10.1038/srep24501. PMID27089831. (anglicky)
CHEN, Donglei; BLOM, Henning; SANCHEZ, Sophie. The stem osteichthyan Andreolepis and the origin of tooth replacement. Nature. 2016-11, roč. 539, čís. 7628, s. 237–241. Dostupné online [cit. 2022-07-06]. ISSN1476-4687. doi:10.1038/nature19812. (anglicky)
ZHU, Min; YU, Xiaobo; WANG, Wei. A primitive fish provides key characters bearing on deep osteichthyan phylogeny. Nature. 2006-05, roč. 441, čís. 7089, s. 77–80. Dostupné online [cit. 2022-07-04]. ISSN0028-0836. doi:10.1038/nature04563. (anglicky)
LU, Jing; GILES, Sam; FRIEDMAN, Matt. The Oldest Actinopterygian Highlights the Cryptic Early History of the Hyperdiverse Ray-Finned Fishes. Current Biology. 2016-06, roč. 26, čís. 12, s. 1602–1608. Dostupné online [cit. 2022-07-04]. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2016.04.045. (anglicky)
CLEMENT, Alice M; KING, Benedict; GILES, Sam. Neurocranial anatomy of an enigmatic Early Devonian fish sheds light on early osteichthyan evolution. eLife. 2018-05-29, roč. 7, s. e34349. Dostupné online [cit. 2022-07-04]. ISSN2050-084X. doi:10.7554/eLife.34349. PMID29807569. (anglicky)
GILES, Sam; XU, Guang-Hui; NEAR, Thomas J. Early members of ‘living fossil’ lineage imply later origin of modern ray-finned fishes. Nature. 2017-09-14, roč. 549, čís. 7671, s. 265–268. Dostupné online [cit. 2022-07-08]. ISSN0028-0836. doi:10.1038/nature23654. (anglicky)
ROMANO, Carlo. A Hiatus Obscures the Early Evolution of Modern Lineages of Bony Fishes. Frontiers in Earth Science. 2021-01-27, roč. 8, s. 618853. Dostupné online [cit. 2022-07-08]. ISSN2296-6463. doi:10.3389/feart.2020.618853.
CLEMENT, Alice M; KING, Benedict; GILES, Sam. Neurocranial anatomy of an enigmatic Early Devonian fish sheds light on early osteichthyan evolution. eLife. 2018-05-29, roč. 7, s. e34349. Dostupné online [cit. 2022-07-04]. ISSN2050-084X. doi:10.7554/eLife.34349. PMID29807569. (anglicky)
TULENKO, Frank J.; CURRIE, Peter D. Bones of contention: skeletal patterning across the fin-to-limb transition. Cell. 2021-02, roč. 184, čís. 4, s. 854–856. Dostupné online [cit. 2022-06-07]. doi:10.1016/j.cell.2021.01.039. (anglicky)
SCHULTZE, Hans-Peter. Scales, Enamel, Cosmine, Ganoine, and Early Osteichthyans. Comptes Rendus Palevol. 2016-01, roč. 15, čís. 1–2, s. 83–102. Dostupné online [cit. 2022-06-07]. doi:10.1016/j.crpv.2015.04.001. (anglicky)
LU, Jing; GILES, Sam; FRIEDMAN, Matt. The Oldest Actinopterygian Highlights the Cryptic Early History of the Hyperdiverse Ray-Finned Fishes. Current Biology. 2016-06, roč. 26, čís. 12, s. 1602–1608. Dostupné online [cit. 2022-07-04]. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2016.04.045. (anglicky)
FAO. Yearbook of Fishery and Aquaculture Statistics 2019. www.fao.org [online]. 2019 [cit. 2022-06-15]. Dostupné online.
PORTER, Baylee A.; MUELLER, Thomas. The Zebrafish Amygdaloid Complex – Functional Ground Plan, Molecular Delineation, and Everted Topology. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 2020-07-16, roč. 14, s. 608. Dostupné online [cit. 2022-06-09]. ISSN1662-453X. doi:10.3389/fnins.2020.00608. PMID32765204.
ROMANO, Carlo. A Hiatus Obscures the Early Evolution of Modern Lineages of Bony Fishes. Frontiers in Earth Science. 2021-01-27, roč. 8, s. 618853. Dostupné online [cit. 2022-07-08]. ISSN2296-6463. doi:10.3389/feart.2020.618853.
I. SASAGAWA, M. Ishiyama. Tooth enamel and enameloid in actinopterygian fish. Frontiers of Materials Science in China. 009-06-05, roč. 3, čís. 2, s. 174–182. Dostupné online [cit. 2022-06-08]. ISSN2095-025X. doi:10.1007/s11706-009-0030-3.
BIAN, Chao; HU, Yinchang; RAVI, Vydianathan. The Asian arowana (Scleropages formosus) genome provides new insights into the evolution of an early lineage of teleosts. Scientific Reports. 2016-04, roč. 6, čís. 1, s. 24501. Dostupné online [cit. 2022-06-24]. ISSN2045-2322. doi:10.1038/srep24501. PMID27089831. (anglicky)
CHEN, Donglei; BLOM, Henning; SANCHEZ, Sophie. The stem osteichthyan Andreolepis and the origin of tooth replacement. Nature. 2016-11, roč. 539, čís. 7628, s. 237–241. Dostupné online [cit. 2022-07-06]. ISSN1476-4687. doi:10.1038/nature19812. (anglicky)
ZHU, Min; YU, Xiaobo; WANG, Wei. A primitive fish provides key characters bearing on deep osteichthyan phylogeny. Nature. 2006-05, roč. 441, čís. 7089, s. 77–80. Dostupné online [cit. 2022-07-04]. ISSN0028-0836. doi:10.1038/nature04563. (anglicky)
GILES, Sam; XU, Guang-Hui; NEAR, Thomas J. Early members of ‘living fossil’ lineage imply later origin of modern ray-finned fishes. Nature. 2017-09-14, roč. 549, čís. 7671, s. 265–268. Dostupné online [cit. 2022-07-08]. ISSN0028-0836. doi:10.1038/nature23654. (anglicky)
ENNY, Alyssa; FLAHERTY, Kathleen; MORI, Shunsuke. Developmental constraints on fin diversity. Development, Growth & Differentiation. 2020-06, roč. 62, čís. 5, s. 311–325. Dostupné online [cit. 2022-06-07]. ISSN0012-1592. doi:10.1111/dgd.12670. PMID32396685. (anglicky)
FOLGUEIRA, Mónica; BAYLEY, Philippa; NAVRATILOVA, Pavla, et al. Morphogenesis underlying the development of the everted teleost telencephalon. Neural Development. 2012-12, roč. 7, čís. 1, s. 212. Dostupné online [cit. 2022-06-09]. ISSN1749-8104. doi:10.1186/1749-8104-7-32. PMID22989074. (anglicky)
PORTER, Baylee A.; MUELLER, Thomas. The Zebrafish Amygdaloid Complex – Functional Ground Plan, Molecular Delineation, and Everted Topology. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 2020-07-16, roč. 14, s. 608. Dostupné online [cit. 2022-06-09]. ISSN1662-453X. doi:10.3389/fnins.2020.00608. PMID32765204.
RITTMEYER, Eric N.; ALLISON, Allen; GRÜNDLER, Michael C. Ecological Guild Evolution and the Discovery of the World's Smallest Vertebrate. PLoS ONE. 2012-01-11, roč. 7, čís. 1, s. e29797. Dostupné online [cit. 2022-06-15]. ISSN1932-6203. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0029797. PMID22253785. (anglicky)
KOTTELAT, Maurice; BRITZ, Ralf; HUI, Tan Heok. Paedocypris , a new genus of Southeast Asian cyprinid fish with a remarkable sexual dimorphism, comprises the world's smallest vertebrate. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 2006-04-22, roč. 273, čís. 1589, s. 895–899. Dostupné online [cit. 2022-06-15]. ISSN0962-8452. doi:10.1098/rspb.2005.3419. PMID16627273. (anglicky)
HUGHES, Lily C.; ORTÍ, Guillermo; HUANG, Yu. Comprehensive phylogeny of ray-finned fishes (Actinopterygii) based on transcriptomic and genomic data. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2018-06-12, roč. 115, čís. 24, s. 6249–6254. Dostupné v archivu pořízeném dne 2022-06-24. ISSN0027-8424. doi:10.1073/pnas.1719358115. PMID29760103. (anglicky)
BIAN, Chao; HU, Yinchang; RAVI, Vydianathan. The Asian arowana (Scleropages formosus) genome provides new insights into the evolution of an early lineage of teleosts. Scientific Reports. 2016-04, roč. 6, čís. 1, s. 24501. Dostupné online [cit. 2022-06-24]. ISSN2045-2322. doi:10.1038/srep24501. PMID27089831. (anglicky)
CLEMENT, Alice M; KING, Benedict; GILES, Sam. Neurocranial anatomy of an enigmatic Early Devonian fish sheds light on early osteichthyan evolution. eLife. 2018-05-29, roč. 7, s. e34349. Dostupné online [cit. 2022-07-04]. ISSN2050-084X. doi:10.7554/eLife.34349. PMID29807569. (anglicky)
KOTTELAT, Maurice. Conspectus cobitidum: An inventory of the loaches of the world (Teleostei: Cypriniformes: Cobitoidei). The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology Suppl.. 2012, čís. 26. Dostupné online.
MCCLAIN, Craig R.; BALK, Meghan A.; BENFIELD, Mark C. Sizing ocean giants: patterns of intraspecific size variation in marine megafauna. PeerJ. 2015-01-13, roč. 3, s. e715. Dostupné online [cit. 2022-06-15]. ISSN2167-8359. doi:10.7717/peerj.715. (anglicky)
RITTMEYER, Eric N.; ALLISON, Allen; GRÜNDLER, Michael C. Ecological Guild Evolution and the Discovery of the World's Smallest Vertebrate. PLoS ONE. 2012-01-11, roč. 7, čís. 1, s. e29797. Dostupné online [cit. 2022-06-15]. ISSN1932-6203. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0029797. PMID22253785. (anglicky)
KOTTELAT, Maurice; BRITZ, Ralf; HUI, Tan Heok. Paedocypris , a new genus of Southeast Asian cyprinid fish with a remarkable sexual dimorphism, comprises the world's smallest vertebrate. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 2006-04-22, roč. 273, čís. 1589, s. 895–899. Dostupné online [cit. 2022-06-15]. ISSN0962-8452. doi:10.1098/rspb.2005.3419. PMID16627273. (anglicky)
SKOV, Peter Vilhelm; BENNETT, Michael Brian. The secondary vascular system of Actinopterygii: interspecific variation in origins and investment. Zoomorphology. 2003-11-01, roč. 122, čís. 4, s. 181–190. Dostupné online [cit. 2022-06-10]. ISSN0720-213X. doi:10.1007/s00435-003-0083-2.
SAWAI, Etsuro; YAMANOUE, Yusuke; NYEGAARD, Marianne. Redescription of the bump-head sunfish Mola alexandrini (Ranzani 1839), senior synonym of Mola ramsayi (Giglioli 1883), with designation of a neotype for Mola mola (Linnaeus 1758) (Tetraodontiformes: Molidae). Ichthyological Research. 2018-01, roč. 65, čís. 1, s. 142–160. Dostupné online [cit. 2022-06-15]. ISSN1341-8998. doi:10.1007/s10228-017-0603-6. (anglicky)
GERRINGER, Mackenzie E.; LINLEY, Thomas D.; NIELSEN, Jørgen G. Revision of the depth record of bony fishes with notes on hadal snailfishes (Liparidae, Scorpaeniformes) and cusk eels (Ophidiidae, Ophidiiformes). Marine Biology. 2021-11, roč. 168, čís. 11, s. 167. Dostupné online [cit. 2022-07-02]. ISSN0025-3162. doi:10.1007/s00227-021-03950-8. (anglicky)
HUGHES, Lily C.; ORTÍ, Guillermo; HUANG, Yu. Comprehensive phylogeny of ray-finned fishes (Actinopterygii) based on transcriptomic and genomic data. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2018-06-12, roč. 115, čís. 24, s. 6249–6254. Dostupné v archivu pořízeném dne 2022-06-24. ISSN0027-8424. doi:10.1073/pnas.1719358115. PMID29760103. (anglicky)
ENNY, Alyssa; FLAHERTY, Kathleen; MORI, Shunsuke. Developmental constraints on fin diversity. Development, Growth & Differentiation. 2020-06, roč. 62, čís. 5, s. 311–325. Dostupné online [cit. 2022-06-07]. ISSN0012-1592. doi:10.1111/dgd.12670. PMID32396685. (anglicky)
SALLAN, Lauren C. Major issues in the origins of ray-finned fish (Actinopterygii) biodiversity: Ray-finned fish (Actinopterygii) origins. Biological Reviews. 2014-11, roč. 89, čís. 4, s. 950–971. Dostupné online [cit. 2022-06-07]. doi:10.1111/brv.12086. (anglicky)
BARTSCH, P.; BRITZ, R. A single micropyle in the eggs of the most basal living actinopterygian fish, Polypterus (Actinopterygii, Polypteriformes). Journal of Zoology. 1997-03, roč. 241, čís. 3, s. 589–592. Dostupné online [cit. 2022-06-10]. ISSN0952-8369. doi:10.1111/j.1469-7998.1997.tb04850.x. (anglicky)
SAWAI, Etsuro; NYEGAARD, Marianne. A review of giants: Examining the species identities of the world's heaviest extant bony fishes (ocean sunfishes, family Molidae ). Journal of Fish Biology. 2022-04-20, s. jfb.15039. Dostupné online [cit. 2022-06-15]. ISSN0022-1112. doi:10.1111/jfb.15039. (anglicky)
SIDELEVA, V. G. Comparative character of the deep-water and inshore cottoid fishes endemic to Lake Baikal. Journal of Fish Biology. 1996-12, roč. 49, čís. sa, s. 192–206. Dostupné online [cit. 2022-07-02]. ISSN0022-1112. doi:10.1111/j.1095-8649.1996.tb06076.x. (anglicky)
ENNY, Alyssa; FLAHERTY, Kathleen; MORI, Shunsuke. Developmental constraints on fin diversity. Development, Growth & Differentiation. 2020-06, roč. 62, čís. 5, s. 311–325. Dostupné online [cit. 2022-06-07]. ISSN0012-1592. doi:10.1111/dgd.12670. PMID32396685. (anglicky)
DU, Trina Y.; STANDEN, Emily M. Terrestrial acclimation and exercise lead to bone functional response in Polypterus pectoral fins. Journal of Experimental Biology. 2020-01-01, s. jeb.217554. Dostupné online [cit. 2022-06-07]. ISSN1477-9145. doi:10.1242/jeb.217554. (anglicky)
I. SASAGAWA, M. Ishiyama. Tooth enamel and enameloid in actinopterygian fish. Frontiers of Materials Science in China. 009-06-05, roč. 3, čís. 2, s. 174–182. Dostupné online [cit. 2022-06-08]. ISSN2095-025X. doi:10.1007/s11706-009-0030-3.
FOLGUEIRA, Mónica; BAYLEY, Philippa; NAVRATILOVA, Pavla, et al. Morphogenesis underlying the development of the everted teleost telencephalon. Neural Development. 2012-12, roč. 7, čís. 1, s. 212. Dostupné online [cit. 2022-06-09]. ISSN1749-8104. doi:10.1186/1749-8104-7-32. PMID22989074. (anglicky)
PORTER, Baylee A.; MUELLER, Thomas. The Zebrafish Amygdaloid Complex – Functional Ground Plan, Molecular Delineation, and Everted Topology. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 2020-07-16, roč. 14, s. 608. Dostupné online [cit. 2022-06-09]. ISSN1662-453X. doi:10.3389/fnins.2020.00608. PMID32765204.
SKOV, Peter Vilhelm; BENNETT, Michael Brian. The secondary vascular system of Actinopterygii: interspecific variation in origins and investment. Zoomorphology. 2003-11-01, roč. 122, čís. 4, s. 181–190. Dostupné online [cit. 2022-06-10]. ISSN0720-213X. doi:10.1007/s00435-003-0083-2.
BARTSCH, P.; BRITZ, R. A single micropyle in the eggs of the most basal living actinopterygian fish, Polypterus (Actinopterygii, Polypteriformes). Journal of Zoology. 1997-03, roč. 241, čís. 3, s. 589–592. Dostupné online [cit. 2022-06-10]. ISSN0952-8369. doi:10.1111/j.1469-7998.1997.tb04850.x. (anglicky)
RITTMEYER, Eric N.; ALLISON, Allen; GRÜNDLER, Michael C. Ecological Guild Evolution and the Discovery of the World's Smallest Vertebrate. PLoS ONE. 2012-01-11, roč. 7, čís. 1, s. e29797. Dostupné online [cit. 2022-06-15]. ISSN1932-6203. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0029797. PMID22253785. (anglicky)
KOTTELAT, Maurice; BRITZ, Ralf; HUI, Tan Heok. Paedocypris , a new genus of Southeast Asian cyprinid fish with a remarkable sexual dimorphism, comprises the world's smallest vertebrate. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 2006-04-22, roč. 273, čís. 1589, s. 895–899. Dostupné online [cit. 2022-06-15]. ISSN0962-8452. doi:10.1098/rspb.2005.3419. PMID16627273. (anglicky)
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