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SCHUBERT, Jörg; RÖTH, Alexander. Update on paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria: on the long way to understand the principles of the disease. European Journal of Haematology. June 2015, roč. 94, čís. 6, s. 464–473. PMID: 25702878. Dostupné online [cit. 2018-01-10]. ISSN1600-0609. doi:10.1111/ejh.12520. PMID25702878.
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SCHUBERT, Jörg; RÖTH, Alexander. Update on paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria: on the long way to understand the principles of the disease. European Journal of Haematology. June 2015, roč. 94, čís. 6, s. 464–473. PMID: 25702878. Dostupné online [cit. 2018-01-10]. ISSN1600-0609. doi:10.1111/ejh.12520. PMID25702878.