White nose syndrome | bat disease. Encyclopedia Britannica [online]. Britannica. Dostupné online.
M. FLIEGER, H. BANDOUCHOVA, J. CERNY ET AL. Vitamin B2 as a virulence factor in Pseudogymnoascus destructans skin infection [online]. Scientific Reports, 2016-07-13 [cit. 2021-01-20]. Dostupné online.
What Is White-nose Syndrome? (U.S. National Park Service). www.nps.gov [online]. Dostupné online.
Bats with white-nose syndrome prefer suboptimal habitats despite the consequences. phys.org [online]. 2021-01-08 [cit. 2021-01-20]. Dostupné online.
www.usgs.gov [online]. USGS science for a changing world [cit. 2021-01-20]. Dostupné online.
New Monitoring Hubs Will Protect Bats from Emerging Threats, like White-nose Syndrome, in California, Nevada, Arizona and New Mexico. www.whitenosesyndrome.org [online]. White-nose syndrom responce team, 2020-12-21 [cit. 2021-01-20]. Dostupné online.
About the White-nose Syndrome Challenge [online]. White-nose syndrom response team [cit. 2021-01-20]. Dostupné online.