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LASLETT, Peter. A fresh map of life : the emergence of the third age. Présentation de l'ouvrage et entretien avec l'auteur. Sociétés Contemporaines. 1992, roč. 10, čís. 1, s. 127–133. Dostupné online [cit. 2021-03-10]. doi:10.3406/socco.1992.1073.
Adams, K. B., Leibbrandt, S. & Moon H. (2011). A critical review of the literature on social and leisure activity and wellbeing in later life. Ageing & Society 31, 683–712. Avramov D. & Mašková M. (2003). Active ageing in Europe. Strasbourg: Council of Europe Publishing. ISBN 92-871-5240-3. Boudiny, K. (2013). Active Ageing: from Empty Rhetoric to Effective Policy Tool. Ageing and Society. 33(6), 1077-1098. Dostupné na a Bülow, M. H. & Söderqvist, T. (2014). Successful ageing: A historical overview and critical analysis of a successful concept. Journal of Aging Studies 31, 139-149. ISSN 0890-4065. Cuyvers, G., Thomése, F. & van TILBURG, T. (2018). Participation narratives of Third Age adults: Their activities, motivations and expectations regarding civil society organisations. Journal of Aging Studies, 46, 10–16. Martin, P., Kelly, N., Kahana, B., et al. (2014). Defining successful aging: a tangible or elusive concept? Gerontologist. 55(1):14‐25. . Zanjari, N., Sharifian Sani, M., Chavoshi, M. H., Rafiey, H., & Shahboulaghi, F.M. (2017). Successful aging as a multidimensional concept: An integrative review. Medical Journal of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Ve výzkumu Aktivního stárnutí z roku 2011 zjišťoval Eurostat mezi obyvateli EU ve věku 15+, jaký věk pokládají za počátek stáří (Active 2012, 10). V průměru to bylo 63,9 let. Přitom dotazovaní v 15 starých členských zemích kladli začátek stáří v průměru do věku 64,5 let, kdežto dotazovaní z 12 nových členských zemí do věku 61,4. Viz Active Ageing. (2012) Special Eurobarometer 378. Eurobarometer. Dostupné na
Adams, K. B., Leibbrandt, S. & Moon H. (2011). A critical review of the literature on social and leisure activity and wellbeing in later life. Ageing & Society 31, 683–712. Avramov D. & Mašková M. (2003). Active ageing in Europe. Strasbourg: Council of Europe Publishing. ISBN 92-871-5240-3. Boudiny, K. (2013). Active Ageing: from Empty Rhetoric to Effective Policy Tool. Ageing and Society. 33(6), 1077-1098. Dostupné na a Bülow, M. H. & Söderqvist, T. (2014). Successful ageing: A historical overview and critical analysis of a successful concept. Journal of Aging Studies 31, 139-149. ISSN 0890-4065. Cuyvers, G., Thomése, F. & van TILBURG, T. (2018). Participation narratives of Third Age adults: Their activities, motivations and expectations regarding civil society organisations. Journal of Aging Studies, 46, 10–16. Martin, P., Kelly, N., Kahana, B., et al. (2014). Defining successful aging: a tangible or elusive concept? Gerontologist. 55(1):14‐25. . Zanjari, N., Sharifian Sani, M., Chavoshi, M. H., Rafiey, H., & Shahboulaghi, F.M. (2017). Successful aging as a multidimensional concept: An integrative review. Medical Journal of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
LASLETT, Peter. A fresh map of life : the emergence of the third age. Présentation de l'ouvrage et entretien avec l'auteur. Sociétés Contemporaines. 1992, roč. 10, čís. 1, s. 127–133. Dostupné online [cit. 2021-03-10]. doi:10.3406/socco.1992.1073.