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FUJIWARA, Ayumi; SASAKI, Masami; WASHITANI, Izumi. A scientific note on hive entrance smearing in Japanese Apis cerana induced by pre-mass attack scouting by the Asian giant hornet Vespa mandarinia. Apidologie. 2016-02-24, roč. 47, čís. 6, s. 789–791. Dostupné online [cit. 2018-11-03]. ISSN0044-8435. doi:10.1007/s13592-016-0432-z. (anglicky)
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FUJIWARA, Ayumi; SASAKI, Masami; WASHITANI, Izumi. A scientific note on hive entrance smearing in Japanese Apis cerana induced by pre-mass attack scouting by the Asian giant hornet Vespa mandarinia. Apidologie. 2016-02-24, roč. 47, čís. 6, s. 789–791. Dostupné online [cit. 2018-11-03]. ISSN0044-8435. doi:10.1007/s13592-016-0432-z. (anglicky)