Zbytečná diagnóza (Czech Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Zbytečná diagnóza" in Czech language version.

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72nd place
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3rd place
4th place
8th place


  • ZAHL, Per-Henrik; STRAND, Bjørn Heine; MÆHLEN, Jan. Incidence of breast cancer in Norway and Sweden during introduction of nationwide screening: prospective cohort study. S. 921–924. BMJ [online]. 2004-04-17 [cit. 2020-11-18]. Roč. 328, čís. 7445, s. 921–924. Dostupné online. doi:10.1136/bmj.38044.666157.63. (anglicky) 
  • ZACKRISSON, Sophia; ANDERSSON, Ingvar; JANZON, Lars; MANJER, Jonas; GARNE, Jens Peter. Rate of over-diagnosis of breast cancer 15 years after end of Malmö mammographic screening trial: follow-up study. S. 689–692. BMJ [online]. 2006-03-25 [cit. 2020-11-18]. Roč. 332, čís. 7543, s. 689–692. Dostupné online. doi:10.1136/bmj.38764.572569.7C. (anglicky) 
  • WELCH, H Gilbert; SCHWARTZ, Lisa M; WOLOSHIN, Steven. Ramifications of screening for breast cancer: 1 in 4 cancers detected by mammography are pseudocancers. S. 727.1. BMJ [online]. 2006-03-25 [cit. 2020-11-18]. Roč. 332, čís. 7543, s. 727.1. Dostupné online. doi:10.1136/bmj.332.7543.727. (anglicky) 
  • WELCH, H Gilbert; WOLOSHIN, Steven; SCHWARTZ, Lisa M. Skin biopsy rates and incidence of melanoma: population based ecological study. S. 481. BMJ [online]. 2005-09-03 [cit. 2020-11-18]. Roč. 331, čís. 7515, s. 481. Dostupné online. doi:10.1136/bmj.38516.649537.E0. (anglicky) 
  • SCHWARTZ, Lisa M.; WOLOSHIN, Steven; SOX, Harold C.; FISCHHOFF, Baruch; WELCH, H. Gilbert. US women's attitudes to false positive mammography results and detection of ductal carcinoma in situ: cross sectional survey. S. 1635–1640. BMJ [online]. 2000-06-17 [cit. 2020-11-18]. Roč. 320, čís. 7250, s. 1635–1640. Dostupné online. doi:10.1136/bmj.320.7250.1635. (anglicky) 


  • MOOI, W.J.; PEEPER, D.S. Oncogene-Induced Cell Senescence — Halting on the Road to Cancer. S. 1037–1046. New England Journal of Medicine [online]. 2006-09-07 [cit. 2020-11-18]. Roč. 355, čís. 10, s. 1037–1046. doi:10.1056/NEJMra062285. (anglicky) 
  • FOLKMAN, Judah; KALLURI, Raghu. Cancer without disease. S. 787–787. Nature [online]. 2004-02 [cit. 2020-11-18]. Roč. 427, čís. 6977, s. 787–787. Dostupné online. doi:10.1038/427787a. (anglicky) 
  • SERRANO, Manuel. Cancer Regression by Senescence. S. 1996–1997. New England Journal of Medicine [online]. 2007-05-10 [cit. 2020-11-18]. Roč. 356, čís. 19, s. 1996–1997. ISSN 0028-4793. doi:10.1056/NEJMcibr071461. (anglicky) 
  • ETZIONI, Ruth; PENSON, David F.; LEGLER, Julie M.; DI TOMMASO, Dante; BOER, Rob; GANN, Peter H.; FEUER, Eric J. Overdiagnosis Due to Prostate-Specific Antigen Screening: Lessons From U.S. Prostate Cancer Incidence Trends. S. 981–990. CancerSpectrum Knowledge Environment [online]. 2002-07-03 [cit. 2020-11-18]. Roč. 94, čís. 13, s. 981–990. Dostupné online. doi:10.1093/jnci/94.13.981. (anglicky) 
  • ZAHL, Per-Henrik; STRAND, Bjørn Heine; MÆHLEN, Jan. Incidence of breast cancer in Norway and Sweden during introduction of nationwide screening: prospective cohort study. S. 921–924. BMJ [online]. 2004-04-17 [cit. 2020-11-18]. Roč. 328, čís. 7445, s. 921–924. Dostupné online. doi:10.1136/bmj.38044.666157.63. (anglicky) 
  • ZACKRISSON, Sophia; ANDERSSON, Ingvar; JANZON, Lars; MANJER, Jonas; GARNE, Jens Peter. Rate of over-diagnosis of breast cancer 15 years after end of Malmö mammographic screening trial: follow-up study. S. 689–692. BMJ [online]. 2006-03-25 [cit. 2020-11-18]. Roč. 332, čís. 7543, s. 689–692. Dostupné online. doi:10.1136/bmj.38764.572569.7C. (anglicky) 
  • WELCH, H Gilbert; SCHWARTZ, Lisa M; WOLOSHIN, Steven. Ramifications of screening for breast cancer: 1 in 4 cancers detected by mammography are pseudocancers. S. 727.1. BMJ [online]. 2006-03-25 [cit. 2020-11-18]. Roč. 332, čís. 7543, s. 727.1. Dostupné online. doi:10.1136/bmj.332.7543.727. (anglicky) 
  • BLACK, W. C. Overdiagnosis: An Underrecognized Cause of Confusion and Harm in Cancer Screening. S. 1280–1282. JNCI Journal of the National Cancer Institute [online]. 2000-08-16 [cit. 2020-11-18]. Roč. 92, čís. 16, s. 1280–1282. Dostupné online. doi:10.1093/jnci/92.16.1280. (anglicky) 
  • MARCUS, P. M.; BERGSTRALH, E. J.; FAGERSTROM, R. M.; WILLIAMS, D. E.; FONTANA, R.; TAYLOR, W. F.; PROROK, P. C. Lung Cancer Mortality in the Mayo Lung Project: Impact of Extended Follow-up. S. 1308–1316. JNCI Journal of the National Cancer Institute [online]. 2000-08-16 [cit. 2020-11-18]. Roč. 92, čís. 16, s. 1308–1316. Dostupné online. doi:10.1093/jnci/92.16.1308. (anglicky) 
  • WELCH, H. Gilbert; WOLOSHIN, Steven; SCHWARTZ, Lisa M.; GORDIS, Leon; GØTZSCHE, Peter C.; HARRIS, Russell; KRAMER, Barnett S. Overstating the Evidence for Lung Cancer Screening: The International Early Lung Cancer Action Program (I-ELCAP) Study. S. 2289–2295. Archives of Internal Medicine [online]. 2007-11-26 [cit. 2020-11-18]. Roč. 167, čís. 21, s. 2289–2295. doi:10.1001/archinte.167.21.2289. (anglicky) 
  • SCHILLING, Freimut H.; SPIX, Claudia; BERTHOLD, Frank; ERTTMANN, Rudolf; FEHSE, Natalja; HERO, Barbara; KLEIN, Gisela. Neuroblastoma Screening at One Year of Age. S. 1047–1053. New England Journal of Medicine [online]. 2002-04-04 [cit. 2020-11-18]. Roč. 346, čís. 14, s. 1047–1053. Dostupné online. doi:10.1056/NEJMoa012277. (anglicky) 
  • YAMAMOTO, K; HANADA, R; KIKUCHI, A; ICHIKAWA, M; AIHARA, T; OGUMA, E; MORITANI, T. Spontaneous regression of localized neuroblastoma detected by mass screening.. S. 1265–1269. Journal of Clinical Oncology [online]. 1998-04 [cit. 2020-11-18]. Roč. 16, čís. 4, s. 1265–1269. doi:10.1200/JCO.1998.16.4.1265. PMID 9552024. (anglicky) 
  • WELCH, H Gilbert; WOLOSHIN, Steven; SCHWARTZ, Lisa M. Skin biopsy rates and incidence of melanoma: population based ecological study. S. 481. BMJ [online]. 2005-09-03 [cit. 2020-11-18]. Roč. 331, čís. 7515, s. 481. Dostupné online. doi:10.1136/bmj.38516.649537.E0. (anglicky) 
  • DAVIES, Louise; WELCH, H. Gilbert. Increasing Incidence of Thyroid Cancer in the United States, 1973-2002. S. 2164–2167. JAMA [online]. 2006-05-10 [cit. 2020-11-18]. Roč. 295, čís. 18, s. 2164–2167. doi:10.1001/jama.295.18.2164. (anglicky) 
  • SCHWARTZ, Lisa M.; WOLOSHIN, Steven; SOX, Harold C.; FISCHHOFF, Baruch; WELCH, H. Gilbert. US women's attitudes to false positive mammography results and detection of ductal carcinoma in situ: cross sectional survey. S. 1635–1640. BMJ [online]. 2000-06-17 [cit. 2020-11-18]. Roč. 320, čís. 7250, s. 1635–1640. Dostupné online. doi:10.1136/bmj.320.7250.1635. (anglicky) 
  • BLACK, William C.; WELCH, H. Gilbert. Advances in Diagnostic Imaging and Overestimations of Disease Prevalence and the Benefits of Therapy. S. 1237–1243. New England Journal of Medicine [online]. 1993-04-29 [cit. 2020-11-18]. Roč. 328, čís. 17, s. 1237–1243. Dostupné online. doi:10.1056/NEJM199304293281706. (anglicky) 
  • WELCH, H. Gilbert. Are Increasing 5-Year Survival Rates Evidence of Success Against Cancer?. S. 2975–2978. JAMA [online]. 2000-06-14 [cit. 2020-11-18]. Roč. 283, čís. 22, s. 2975–2978. doi:10.1001/jama.283.22.2975. (anglicky) 




  • FOLKMAN, Judah; KALLURI, Raghu. Cancer without disease. S. 787–787. Nature [online]. 2004-02 [cit. 2020-11-18]. Roč. 427, čís. 6977, s. 787–787. Dostupné online. doi:10.1038/427787a. (anglicky) 


  • SCHILLING, Freimut H.; SPIX, Claudia; BERTHOLD, Frank; ERTTMANN, Rudolf; FEHSE, Natalja; HERO, Barbara; KLEIN, Gisela. Neuroblastoma Screening at One Year of Age. S. 1047–1053. New England Journal of Medicine [online]. 2002-04-04 [cit. 2020-11-18]. Roč. 346, čís. 14, s. 1047–1053. Dostupné online. doi:10.1056/NEJMoa012277. (anglicky) 
  • BLACK, William C.; WELCH, H. Gilbert. Advances in Diagnostic Imaging and Overestimations of Disease Prevalence and the Benefits of Therapy. S. 1237–1243. New England Journal of Medicine [online]. 1993-04-29 [cit. 2020-11-18]. Roč. 328, čís. 17, s. 1237–1243. Dostupné online. doi:10.1056/NEJM199304293281706. (anglicky) 



  • YAMAMOTO, K; HANADA, R; KIKUCHI, A; ICHIKAWA, M; AIHARA, T; OGUMA, E; MORITANI, T. Spontaneous regression of localized neuroblastoma detected by mass screening.. S. 1265–1269. Journal of Clinical Oncology [online]. 1998-04 [cit. 2020-11-18]. Roč. 16, čís. 4, s. 1265–1269. doi:10.1200/JCO.1998.16.4.1265. PMID 9552024. (anglicky) 



  • ETZIONI, Ruth; PENSON, David F.; LEGLER, Julie M.; DI TOMMASO, Dante; BOER, Rob; GANN, Peter H.; FEUER, Eric J. Overdiagnosis Due to Prostate-Specific Antigen Screening: Lessons From U.S. Prostate Cancer Incidence Trends. S. 981–990. CancerSpectrum Knowledge Environment [online]. 2002-07-03 [cit. 2020-11-18]. Roč. 94, čís. 13, s. 981–990. Dostupné online. doi:10.1093/jnci/94.13.981. (anglicky) 
  • BLACK, W. C. Overdiagnosis: An Underrecognized Cause of Confusion and Harm in Cancer Screening. S. 1280–1282. JNCI Journal of the National Cancer Institute [online]. 2000-08-16 [cit. 2020-11-18]. Roč. 92, čís. 16, s. 1280–1282. Dostupné online. doi:10.1093/jnci/92.16.1280. (anglicky) 
  • MARCUS, P. M.; BERGSTRALH, E. J.; FAGERSTROM, R. M.; WILLIAMS, D. E.; FONTANA, R.; TAYLOR, W. F.; PROROK, P. C. Lung Cancer Mortality in the Mayo Lung Project: Impact of Extended Follow-up. S. 1308–1316. JNCI Journal of the National Cancer Institute [online]. 2000-08-16 [cit. 2020-11-18]. Roč. 92, čís. 16, s. 1308–1316. Dostupné online. doi:10.1093/jnci/92.16.1308. (anglicky) 


  • SERRANO, Manuel. Cancer Regression by Senescence. S. 1996–1997. New England Journal of Medicine [online]. 2007-05-10 [cit. 2020-11-18]. Roč. 356, čís. 19, s. 1996–1997. ISSN 0028-4793. doi:10.1056/NEJMcibr071461. (anglicky)