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LAVINA, Barbara; DERA, Przemyslaw; KIM, Eunja; MENG, Yue; DOWNS, Robert T.; WECK, Philippe F.; SUTTON, Stephen R., Zhao, Yusheng. Discovery of the recoverable high-pressure iron oxide Fe4O5. S. 17281–17285. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA (PNAS) [online]. 18. říjen 2011. Svazek 108, čís. 42, s. 17281–17285. Dostupné online. ISSN1091-6490. doi:10.1073/pnas.1107573108. (anglicky)
OVSYANNIKOV, Sergey V.; BYKOV, Maxim; BYKOVA, Elena; KOZLENKO, Denis P.; TSIRLIN, Alexander A.; KARKIN, Alexander E.; SHCHENNIKOV, Vladimir V., KICHANOV, Sergey E.; GOU, Huiyang; ABAKUMOV, Artem M.; EGOAVIL, Ricardo; VERBEECK, Johan; McCAMMON, Catherine; DYADKIN, Vadim; CHERNYSHOV, Dmitry; van SMAALEN, Sander; DUBROVINSKY, Leonid S. Charge-ordering transition in iron oxide Fe4O5 involving competing dimer and trimer formation. S. 501–508. Nature Chemistry [online]. 4. duben 2016. Svazek 8, s. 501–508. Dostupné online. ISSN1755-4349. doi:10.1038/nchem.2478. (anglicky)
LAVINA, Barbara; MENG, Yue. Unraveling the complexity of iron oxides at high pressure and temperature: Synthesis of Fe5O6. Science Advances [online]. 26. červen 2015. Svazek 1, čís. 5: e1400260. Dostupné online. ISSN2375-2548. doi:10.1126/sciadv.1400260. (anglicky)
LAVINA, Barbara; DERA, Przemyslaw; KIM, Eunja; MENG, Yue; DOWNS, Robert T.; WECK, Philippe F.; SUTTON, Stephen R., Zhao, Yusheng. Discovery of the recoverable high-pressure iron oxide Fe4O5. S. 17281–17285. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA (PNAS) [online]. 18. říjen 2011. Svazek 108, čís. 42, s. 17281–17285. Dostupné online. ISSN1091-6490. doi:10.1073/pnas.1107573108. (anglicky)
LAVINA, Barbara; MENG, Yue. Unraveling the complexity of iron oxides at high pressure and temperature: Synthesis of Fe5O6. Science Advances [online]. 26. červen 2015. Svazek 1, čís. 5: e1400260. Dostupné online. ISSN2375-2548. doi:10.1126/sciadv.1400260. (anglicky)
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LAVINA, Barbara; DERA, Przemyslaw; KIM, Eunja; MENG, Yue; DOWNS, Robert T.; WECK, Philippe F.; SUTTON, Stephen R., Zhao, Yusheng. Discovery of the recoverable high-pressure iron oxide Fe4O5. S. 17281–17285. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA (PNAS) [online]. 18. říjen 2011. Svazek 108, čís. 42, s. 17281–17285. Dostupné online. ISSN1091-6490. doi:10.1073/pnas.1107573108. (anglicky)
OVSYANNIKOV, Sergey V.; BYKOV, Maxim; BYKOVA, Elena; KOZLENKO, Denis P.; TSIRLIN, Alexander A.; KARKIN, Alexander E.; SHCHENNIKOV, Vladimir V., KICHANOV, Sergey E.; GOU, Huiyang; ABAKUMOV, Artem M.; EGOAVIL, Ricardo; VERBEECK, Johan; McCAMMON, Catherine; DYADKIN, Vadim; CHERNYSHOV, Dmitry; van SMAALEN, Sander; DUBROVINSKY, Leonid S. Charge-ordering transition in iron oxide Fe4O5 involving competing dimer and trimer formation. S. 501–508. Nature Chemistry [online]. 4. duben 2016. Svazek 8, s. 501–508. Dostupné online. ISSN1755-4349. doi:10.1038/nchem.2478. (anglicky)
LAVINA, Barbara; MENG, Yue. Unraveling the complexity of iron oxides at high pressure and temperature: Synthesis of Fe5O6. Science Advances [online]. 26. červen 2015. Svazek 1, čís. 5: e1400260. Dostupné online. ISSN2375-2548. doi:10.1126/sciadv.1400260. (anglicky)