Chapter 8: ZeroesArkiveret 29. september 2007 hos Wayback Machine Citat: "...the symbol o--an abbreviation of the Greek word ouden, "nothing"...The case of zero is special; in Sanskrit, it was called shunya, "void, empty" (sometimes written sunya or shunya-bindu, "empty dot")...Our modern custom of indicating a missing word or line of verse by a row of dots goes back to this Indian practice...This famous text inscribed on the wall of the small Chaturbhuja Temple at Gwalior (near Lashkar in Central India) first gives the date (AD 870 in our reckoning) in words and in Brahmi numerals...Here, in the number 270, the zero first appears as a small circle..." World History TimelineArkiveret 29. september 2007 hos Wayback Machine Citat: "...3114 BC, Aug 13...Start of the Mayan calendar. The Mayans had 20 days in their month starting with day 0 and ending with day 19. They understood zero not only as a place holder, but as a true counting number..." Note on the Maya CalendarArkiveret 2. juni 2007 hos Wayback Machine Citat: "...Zero is usually indicated by a "shell" glyph...The long count is actually a modified base 20 number system: All periods except the tun are 20 times the previous period. The Maya used place holding arithmetic and the concept of zero before they were invented in the Old World..." World History TimelineArkiveret 29. september 2007 hos Wayback Machine Citat: "...3114 BC, Aug 13...Start of the Mayan calendar. The Mayans had 20 days in their month starting with day 0 and ending with day 19. They understood zero not only as a place holder, but as a true counting number..." Note on the Maya CalendarArkiveret 2. juni 2007 hos Wayback Machine Citat: "...Zero is usually indicated by a "shell" glyph...The long count is actually a modified base 20 number system: All periods except the tun are 20 times the previous period. The Maya used place holding arithmetic and the concept of zero before they were invented in the Old World..."
Chapter 8: ZeroesArkiveret 29. september 2007 hos Wayback Machine Citat: "...the symbol o--an abbreviation of the Greek word ouden, "nothing"...The case of zero is special; in Sanskrit, it was called shunya, "void, empty" (sometimes written sunya or shunya-bindu, "empty dot")...Our modern custom of indicating a missing word or line of verse by a row of dots goes back to this Indian practice...This famous text inscribed on the wall of the small Chaturbhuja Temple at Gwalior (near Lashkar in Central India) first gives the date (AD 870 in our reckoning) in words and in Brahmi numerals...Here, in the number 270, the zero first appears as a small circle..."