6 June, 2004, , BBC News: Satellite images 'show Atlantis' Citat: "...The identification of the site with Atlantis was first proposed by Werner Wickboldt...As a result, he proposes that the Atlanteans and the Sea People were in fact one and the same...Dr Kuehne said he hoped to attract interest from archaeologists to excavate the site. But this may be tricky. The features in the satellite photo are located within Spain's Donana national park..."
14 Mar 2011, telegraph.co.uk: Lost city of Atlantis 'buried in Spanish wetlands' Citat: "..."He left and the film company told us the documentary would be finished in April or May. But we did not hear from him and are very surprised it has appeared so soon and makes such fanciful claims." Mr Villarías-Robles, who also dismissed claims of the "memorial cities", said his team planned to offer their own conclusions later this year ..."