Ben Wiens: The Future of Fuel Cells: 16. TEMPERAMENT vs TEMPERATURE Citat: "...A fuel cell creates electricity, which is a form of external energy, directly from the energy in chemical fuels without an intermediate conversion into thermal energy..." Brændselsceller kører godt (Webside ikke længere tilgængelig) Citat: "...virkningsgrad på 46 procent...Der er tale om et fuldautomatisk værk, som normalt kun inspiceres en gang om ugen.... I kombination med gasturbiner kan der opnås virkningsgrader på op til 70 procent."..."
PhysicsWorld: Fuel cells: power for the future Citat: "... The high efficiency of fuel cells, which can range from 40% to 70%, and the possibility of improving the overall efficiency of such systems using combined heat and power (CHP) designs would significantly reduce emissions..."