Omtale: 10. oktober 2019, Bakterier modsiger Darwin: Den venligste overlever Citat: "...Ny bakterieforskning fra Københavns Universitet viser, at det nærmere er ’survival of the friendliest’ end ’survival of the fittest’, der gør sig gældende, når grupper af bakterier skal overleve...Sociale bakterier løfter i flok...Faktisk producerede bakterierne 300% mere biofilm, når de var sammen, end hvad de kunne, hvis de havde haft alle ressourcerne for sig selv...", backup
2015, Collaboromics: identifying and engineering core and satellite populations in (synthetic) microbial ecosystems Citat: "...This project is the first, structured research program in collaboromics, i.e. collaborating teams of microorganisms. By understanding the ecological relations between different microbial members of a collaborome we will be able to isolate, collect and compose new, highly performing and highly stable synthetic microbial consortia, eventually leading to a new generation of biotechnological applications of microbial communities...", backup
2015, Collaboromics: identifying and engineering core and satellite populations in (synthetic) microbial ecosystems Citat: "...This project is the first, structured research program in collaboromics, i.e. collaborating teams of microorganisms. By understanding the ecological relations between different microbial members of a collaborome we will be able to isolate, collect and compose new, highly performing and highly stable synthetic microbial consortia, eventually leading to a new generation of biotechnological applications of microbial communities...", backup
Omtale: 10. oktober 2019, Bakterier modsiger Darwin: Den venligste overlever Citat: "...Ny bakterieforskning fra Københavns Universitet viser, at det nærmere er ’survival of the friendliest’ end ’survival of the fittest’, der gør sig gældende, når grupper af bakterier skal overleve...Sociale bakterier løfter i flok...Faktisk producerede bakterierne 300% mere biofilm, når de var sammen, end hvad de kunne, hvis de havde haft alle ressourcerne for sig selv...", backup