17. februar 2012, comon.dk: Google smugler cookies ind i Safari Citat: "...Safari tillader placeringen af en cookie hvis brugeren interagerer med et websted – altså eksempelvis udfylder en online-formular...Flere Facebook-spil og applikationer bruges også dette trick til at placere cookies i Safari..."
2007-05-04, ghacks.net: Flash Cookies explained Citat: "...Flash cookies are a new way of tracing your movement and storing a lot more information about you than with normal cookies...Normal HTTP cookies can’t save more than 4 Kilobyte of data while Flash cookies can save up to 100 Kilobyte..."
January 26, 2021, mozilla.org: Firefox 85 Cracks Down on Supercookies Citat: "...Trackers and adtech companies have long abused browser features to follow people around the web...In Firefox 85, we’re introducing a fundamental change in the browser’s network architecture to make all of our users safer: we now partition network connections and caches by the website being visited. Trackers can abuse caches to create supercookies and can use connection identifiers to track users. But by isolating caches and network connections to the website they were created on, we make them useless for cross-site tracking...In short, supercookies can be used in place of ordinary cookies to store user identifiers, but they are much more difficult to delete and block...", backup
10. februar 2014, version2.dk: Danske fladskærme har indbygget spionchip og fyldes med cookies Citat: "...Nyere fladskærme, der er koblet på internettet, kan fyldes med cookies, som giver tv-stationer og Google informationer om din adfærd, viser stor tysk undersøgelse...Her har man testet fladskærme fra LG, Panasonic, Philips, Samsung og Toshiba. Og alle nyere modeller kan, hvis de er koblet på internettet, fyldes med cookies, altså små datafiler..."
12. august 2014, version2.dk: Nørdrabat: Skift IP-adresse og få billigere billeje i udlandet Citat: "...Pris-diskrimination går imod EU’s princip om, at markedet skal give de bedste priser til borgeren, og at ændre på prisen ud fra kundens nationalitet strider også imod unionens Servicedirektiv...En tysk mand oplevede for nyligt, at prisen blev fordoblet på en britisk biludlejningside, efter systemet registrerede, hvor han kom fra...For eksempel kom det frem, at nogle flyselskaber - ved hjælp af besøgshistorik baseret på cookies - hævede priserne på en rejse for besøgende, som flere gange havde tjekket prisen på én bestemt afgang. Når prisen steg ved hvert besøg, var kunderne mere tilbøjelige til at købe, af frygt for yderligere stigninger..."
1. august 2011, version2.dk: Populært webanalyse-værktøj er umuligt at blokere Citat: "...Selvom man spærrer for cookies og slår alle former for privatlivsbeskyttelse til i browseren, er det nærmest umuligt at slippe for at blive registreret af webanalyse-værktøjet Kissmetrics...Som reaktion på forskernes afsløring har den uhyre populære amerikanske video-side Hulu.com valgt at stoppe brugen af Kissmetrics. Også musiktjenesten Spotify har slukket for Kissmetrics..."
January 26, 2021, mozilla.org: Firefox 85 Cracks Down on Supercookies Citat: "...Trackers and adtech companies have long abused browser features to follow people around the web...In Firefox 85, we’re introducing a fundamental change in the browser’s network architecture to make all of our users safer: we now partition network connections and caches by the website being visited. Trackers can abuse caches to create supercookies and can use connection identifiers to track users. But by isolating caches and network connections to the website they were created on, we make them useless for cross-site tracking...In short, supercookies can be used in place of ordinary cookies to store user identifiers, but they are much more difficult to delete and block...", backup
en:Web bug Citat: "...A web bug is an object that is embedded in a web page or email and is usually invisible to the user but allows checking that a user has viewed the page or email..."
en:Zombie cookie Citat: "...Zombie cookies work across browsers on the same machine since the data is kept in folders that are common to all browsers...If a user is not able to remove the cookie from every one of these data stores then the cookie will be recreated to all of these stores on the next visit to the site that uses that particular cookie. Every company has their own implementation of zombie cookies and those are kept proprietary...."