Europæiske grønne bælte (Danish Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Europæiske grønne bælte" in Danish language version.

Global rank Danish rank
1st place
1st place
431st place
746th place
8th place
14th place
low place
low place
low place
low place

  • "Natural World: Iron Curtain, Ribbon of Life". Sky TV. 6. marts 2009. Arkiveret fra originalen 16. juli 2011. Hentet 2009-04-19. "Natural World Iron Curtain, Ribbon of Life". BBC. 10. marts 2009. Hentet 2009-04-19.

  • "Natural World: Iron Curtain, Ribbon of Life". Sky TV. 6. marts 2009. Arkiveret fra originalen 16. juli 2011. Hentet 2009-04-19. "Natural World Iron Curtain, Ribbon of Life". BBC. 10. marts 2009. Hentet 2009-04-19.

  • "Natural World: Iron Curtain, Ribbon of Life". Sky TV. 6. marts 2009. Arkiveret fra originalen 16. juli 2011. Hentet 2009-04-19. "Natural World Iron Curtain, Ribbon of Life". BBC. 10. marts 2009. Hentet 2009-04-19.
  • "Website of project Experience Green Belt". Arkiveret fra originalen 18. maj 2015. Hentet 26. marts 2021.