Fosfor (Danish Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Fosfor" in Danish language version.

Global rank Danish rank
1st place
1st place
928th place
957th place
5,043rd place
230th place
993rd place
120th place
66th place
194th place

  • Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie. (2018, October 15). Blue phosphorus mapped and measured for the first time. ScienceDaily Citat: "...The element phosphorus can exist in various allotropes and changes its properties with each new form. So far, red, violet, white and black phosphorus have been known...USA, performed model calculations to predict that "blue phosphorus" should be also stable. In this form, the phosphorus atoms arrange in a honeycomb structure similar to graphene, however, not completely flat but regularly "buckled."...semiconductor with a rather large band gap of 2 electron volts. This large gap, which is seven times larger than in bulk black phosphorus...In 2016, blue phosphorus was successfully stabilized on a gold substrate by evaporation. Nevertheless, only now we know for certain that the resulting material is indeed blue phosphorus..."

  • "How the great phosphorus shortage could leave us all hungry. The Conversation, 2016". Arkiveret fra originalen 19. februar 2016. Hentet 21. februar 2016.

  • "How the great phosphorus shortage could leave us all hungry. The Conversation, 2016". Arkiveret fra originalen 19. februar 2016. Hentet 21. februar 2016.
  • "The World Could Soon Run Out of a Crucial Resource And Nobody Is Talking About It. ScienceAlert 2019". Arkiveret fra originalen 7. oktober 2019. Hentet 7. oktober 2019.
  • Schmundt, Hilmar (21 April 2010), "Experts Warn of Impending Phosphorus Crisis" Arkiveret 27. januar 2012 hos Wayback Machine, Der Spiegel.