Geologisk CO₂-lagring (Danish Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Geologisk CO₂-lagring" in Danish language version.

Global rank Danish rank
1st place
1st place
1,778th place
1,057th place
low place
886th place
5th place
36th place
2,463rd place
2,284th place
low place
38th place

  • Oversigts artikel om CO2-lagring. Arkiveret 15. november 2008 hos Wayback Machine GEUS
  • "Nyt Geoviden om CO2-lagring i undergrunden". 2020. Arkiveret fra originalen 28. oktober 2020.

  • Oversigts artikel om CO2-lagring. Arkiveret 15. november 2008 hos Wayback Machine GEUS
  • IPCC "Special Report on Carbon Capture and Storage, pp. 181 til 203 (Chapter 5, "Underground Geological Storage") Arkiveret 13. maj 2017 hos Wayback Machine IPCC
  • "Nyt Geoviden om CO2-lagring i undergrunden". 2020. Arkiveret fra originalen 28. oktober 2020.
  • CO2 Mineral Sequestration Studies in US. Goldberg, Chen, O’Connor, Walters, Ziock (1998). National Energy Technology Laboratory. Hentet 12. januar 2009 fra: Arkiveret 7. december 2003 hos Wayback Machine
  • IPCC special report on Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage. Prepared by working group III of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Metz, B., O.Davidson, H. C. de Coninck, M. Loos, and L.A. Meyer (eds.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA, 442 pp. Tilgælgelig i sit fulde på Arkiveret 10. februar 2010 hos Wayback Machine (PDF – 22.8MB)
  • IPCC's samlede 2001-rapport om klimaforandringer Arkiveret 9. august 2017 hos Wayback Machine IPCC

  • CO2 Sequestration in Deep Sedimentary Formations, Benson and Cole (2008). Elements 4,5 (ISSN 1811-5209) side 325
  • Mineral Carbonation of CO2 Oelkers, Gislason and Matter (2008). Elements 4,5 (ISSN 1811-5209) side 333