Josef Stalin (Danish Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Josef Stalin" in Danish language version.

Global rank Danish rank
43rd place
3rd place
40th place
65th place
6,790th place
1,288th place
244th place
1,599th place
1st place
1st place

  • Although there is an inconsistency among published sources about Stalin's year and date of birth, Iosif Dzhugashvili is listed in the records of the Uspensky Church in Gori, Georgia as born on December 18 (Old Style: December 6) 1878. This birth date is maintained in his School Leaving Certificate, his extensive tsarist Russia police file, a police arrest record from 18 April 1902 which gave his age as 23 years, and all other surviving pre-revolution documents. Stalin himself listed December 18 1878 in a curriculum vitae as late as 1921, in his own handwriting. However, after his coming to power in 1922, the date was changed to December 21 1879 (December 9, Old Style), and that was the day his birthday was celebrated in the Soviet Union. Russian playwright Edvard Radzinsky argues in his book Stalin that he changed the year to 1879 to have a nation-wide birthday celebration of his 50th birthday. He could not do it in 1928 because his rule was not absolute enough.

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  • Navnet er anført på bokmål og stammer fra Wikidata hvor navnet endnu ikke findes på dansk.