Kvantedatabehandling (Danish Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Kvantedatabehandling" in Danish language version.

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69th place
489th place
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1,993rd place
2,371st place
652nd place
3,295th place
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1,574th place
1,272nd place
6,029th place


  • 25 June 2003, arxiv.org, Eli Biham, Gilles Brassard, Dan Kenigsberg and Tal Mor: Quantum Computing Without Entanglement Citat: "...It is generally believed that entanglement is essential for quantum computing. We present here a few simple examples in which quantum computing without entanglement is better than anything classically achievable, in terms of the reliability of the outcome after a fixed number of oracle calls...When information is lacking about the state of a qubit, we say that this qubit is in a mixed state...A quantum mixed state ρ of several qubits is called a product state if it can be written as a tensor product of the states of the individual qubits...Quantum computers can manipulate quantum information by means of unitary transformations [11, 14, 7]. In particular, they can work with superpositions...The linearity of quantum mechanics gives rise to two important phenomena. (1) Quantum parallelism: we can compute f on arbitrarily many classical inputs by a single application of Uf to a suitable superposition...On the other hand, it has been demonstrated that quantum computers can solve some problems exponentially faster than any classical computer provided the input is given as an oracle[8, 2], and even if we allow bounded errors [18]...A fundamental question is: Where does the surprising computational advantage provided by quantum mechanics come from? What is the nonclassical property of quantum mechanics that leads to such an advantage? Do superposition and interference provide the quantum advantage? Probably the most often heard answer is that the power of quantum computing comes from the use of entanglement, and indeed there are very strong arguments in favour of this belief. (See [12, 4, 13, 10, 15] for a discussion.) We show in this paper that this common belief is wrong..."
  • Open Quantum Assembly Language. Andrew W. Cross, Lev S. Bishop, John A. Smolin, Jay M. Gambetta January 10th, 2017 Citat: "...Our goal in this document is to describe an interface language for the Quantum Experience that enables experiments with small depth quantum circuits...Compilation. This phase takes place on a classical computer in a setting where specific problem parameters are not yet known and no interaction with the quantum computer is required, i.e. it is offline...Circuit generation. This takes place on a classical computer in an environment where specific problem parameters are now known, and some interaction with the quantum computer may occur, i.e. this is an online phase...Execution. This takes place on physical quantum computer controllers in a real-time environment, i.e. the quantum computer is active...Post-processing. This takes place on a classical computer after all real-time processing is complete...The human-readable form of our quantum circuit IR is based on “quantum assembly language” [3, 23–26] or QASM (pronounced kazm). QASM is a simple text language that describes generic quantum circuits...We choose a simple language without higher level programming primitives. We define different gate sets using a subroutine-like mechanism that hierarchically specifies new unitary gates in terms of built-in gates and previously defined gate subroutines. In this way, the built-in basis is used to define hardware-supported operations via standard header files. The subroutine mechanism allows limited code reuse by hierarchically defining more complex operations [7, 26]. We also add instructions that model a quantum-classical interface, specifically measurement, state reset, and the most elemental classical feedback. The remaining sections of this document specify Open QASM and provide examples....", backup



  • Deutsch, David (1985). "Quantum theory, the Church–Turing principle and the universal quantum computer". Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A. 400 (1818): 97-117. doi:10.1098/rspa.1985.0070.
  • Shor, Peter W. (1994). "Algorithms for quantum computation: discrete logarithms and factoring". Proceedings 35th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science: 124-134. doi:10.1098/rspa.1985.0070.






  • QUANTUMLAB - Kvantetilstande Citat: "...Tilstandsvektoren for et system skal altid være normaliseret, dvs. have længden 1...Tilsvarende er en qubit et kvante-system med et tilstandsrum udspændt af to basisvektorer, som ofte betegnes og ...Qubit tilstande kan illustreres på en 3D-sfære kaldet Bloch sfæren. Tilstandene og ligger på sfærens poler og langs ækvator ligger de symmetriske superpositionstilstande. Ethvert punkts på sfæren svarer til en mulig qubit tilstand...En helt afgørende forskel mellem klassiske binære bits og qubits er, at qubits ikke kun kan være i tilstandene og men også i en hvilken som helst superpositionstilstand , hvor koefficienterne blot skal opfylde, at |a|^2 + |b|^2 =1. Hvis du sidder og tænker, at det ligner ligningen for en cirkel med radius 1 [(x-x_0)^2 + (y-y_0)^2 = r^2, hvor er cirklens centrum og dens radius], så er det godt set. Men fordi og er komplekse tal, så bliver det i stedet til en tre-dimensionel sfære med radius 1. Alle de mulige kvantetilstande for qubiten ligger på overfladen af sfæren - I bunden af sfæren ligger svarende til og , og på toppen har vi svarende til og ...", backup



  • Deutsch, David (1985). "Quantum theory, the Church–Turing principle and the universal quantum computer". Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A. 400 (1818): 97-117. doi:10.1098/rspa.1985.0070.


  • October 27, 2019, scitechdaily.com: Summit Supercomputer Harnessed for Quantum Supremacy Milestone (Video) Citat: "...The simulations took 200 seconds on the quantum computer; after running the same simulations on Summit the team extrapolated that the calculations would have taken the world’s most powerful system more than 10,000 years to complete with current state-of-the-art algorithms, providing experimental evidence of quantum supremacy and critical information for the design of future quantum computers. Not only was Sycamore faster than its classical counterpart, but it was also approximately 10 million times more energy efficient...", backup


  • QUANTUMLAB - Kvantetilstande Citat: "...Tilstandsvektoren for et system skal altid være normaliseret, dvs. have længden 1...Tilsvarende er en qubit et kvante-system med et tilstandsrum udspændt af to basisvektorer, som ofte betegnes og ...Qubit tilstande kan illustreres på en 3D-sfære kaldet Bloch sfæren. Tilstandene og ligger på sfærens poler og langs ækvator ligger de symmetriske superpositionstilstande. Ethvert punkts på sfæren svarer til en mulig qubit tilstand...En helt afgørende forskel mellem klassiske binære bits og qubits er, at qubits ikke kun kan være i tilstandene og men også i en hvilken som helst superpositionstilstand , hvor koefficienterne blot skal opfylde, at |a|^2 + |b|^2 =1. Hvis du sidder og tænker, at det ligner ligningen for en cirkel med radius 1 [(x-x_0)^2 + (y-y_0)^2 = r^2, hvor er cirklens centrum og dens radius], så er det godt set. Men fordi og er komplekse tal, så bliver det i stedet til en tre-dimensionel sfære med radius 1. Alle de mulige kvantetilstande for qubiten ligger på overfladen af sfæren - I bunden af sfæren ligger svarende til og , og på toppen har vi svarende til og ...", backup
  • October 27, 2019, scitechdaily.com: Summit Supercomputer Harnessed for Quantum Supremacy Milestone (Video) Citat: "...The simulations took 200 seconds on the quantum computer; after running the same simulations on Summit the team extrapolated that the calculations would have taken the world’s most powerful system more than 10,000 years to complete with current state-of-the-art algorithms, providing experimental evidence of quantum supremacy and critical information for the design of future quantum computers. Not only was Sycamore faster than its classical counterpart, but it was also approximately 10 million times more energy efficient...", backup
  • 16 Jun 2018, codeproject.com: Quantum Computing for Everyone - Part II: Quantum Gates, backup
  • 16 Jun 2018, codeproject.com: Quantum Computing for Everyone - Part III: Quantum Circuits and OpenQASM, backup
  • Open Quantum Assembly Language. Andrew W. Cross, Lev S. Bishop, John A. Smolin, Jay M. Gambetta January 10th, 2017 Citat: "...Our goal in this document is to describe an interface language for the Quantum Experience that enables experiments with small depth quantum circuits...Compilation. This phase takes place on a classical computer in a setting where specific problem parameters are not yet known and no interaction with the quantum computer is required, i.e. it is offline...Circuit generation. This takes place on a classical computer in an environment where specific problem parameters are now known, and some interaction with the quantum computer may occur, i.e. this is an online phase...Execution. This takes place on physical quantum computer controllers in a real-time environment, i.e. the quantum computer is active...Post-processing. This takes place on a classical computer after all real-time processing is complete...The human-readable form of our quantum circuit IR is based on “quantum assembly language” [3, 23–26] or QASM (pronounced kazm). QASM is a simple text language that describes generic quantum circuits...We choose a simple language without higher level programming primitives. We define different gate sets using a subroutine-like mechanism that hierarchically specifies new unitary gates in terms of built-in gates and previously defined gate subroutines. In this way, the built-in basis is used to define hardware-supported operations via standard header files. The subroutine mechanism allows limited code reuse by hierarchically defining more complex operations [7, 26]. We also add instructions that model a quantum-classical interface, specifically measurement, state reset, and the most elemental classical feedback. The remaining sections of this document specify Open QASM and provide examples....", backup