19/08/01, ing.dk: Første hvide lysdiode Citat: "...Effekten skyldes en særlig form for eksitation først opdaget i 1994...De resulterende elektron-hul par, der nu omfatter begge molekyler, henfalder ved udsendelse af fotoner, hvis bølgelængder dækker hele det synlige spektrum... levetid vil være mange gange større end elektriske pærers...(App. Phys. Let. 30/7-01)"
I ruden med "Wavelength" kan det ses at elektronikforhandleren Digikey i 2018 forhandlede lysdioder med bølgelængder fra 295nm til 770nm med spring på under 31nm (når suppleret med marktechopto lysdiode på 507nm) (synligt lys er mellem 390nm-700nm): digikey.dk: infrared-uv-visible-emitters
soton.ac.uk: The life and times of the LED — a 100-year history Citat: "...Many people believe that the LED was dicovered by US researchers working in the 1960s. In fact, Henry Round at Marconi Labs noted the emission of light from a semiconductor diode 100 years ago and, independently, a forgotten Russian genius — Oleg Losev — discovered the LED..."
October 9, 2006, cree.com: Cree Delivers the First 160-Lumen White Power LED Citat: "...XLamp LEDs now as efficient as fluorescent sources...The new XLamp LED was designed to enable general lighting applications, such as street lighting, retail high bay lighting and parking garage low bay lighting, as well as to vastly improve the light quality in consumer applications such as flashlights..."
Breakthrough Technology Accelerates Solid-State Lighting Citat: "...The industry has set a target for white LEDs to reach 150 lumens per watt (lm/W) by the year 2012. The new SPE LEDs, under certain operating conditions, are able to achieve more than 80 lm/W, compared to today's typical compact fluorescent lamp at 60 lm/W and a typical incandescent lamp at 14 lm/W..."
sept 2002, IEEE: Let There Be Light Citat: "...The best LEDs are now roughly twice as efficient, in lumens per watt, as incandescent bulbs..."