"...The plein-airistic post-impressionist trends of early Greek modernism found their theoretical and ideological expression in the “Omas Techni” (Art Group, 1917), which won the support of the liberal government. K. Parthenis, Nikolaos Lytras, L. Kogevinas, Th. Triantafyllidis, P. Byzantios, O. Fokas etc. were all members of this group. These trends continued in the Twenties (early S. Papaloukas, fr:Spýros Papaloukás?, 1892-1957), which wanted the emergence of the characteristics of the art between the wars too. ..." (dansk) : "... De post-impressionistiske tendenser som friluftsmaleri i den tidlige græske modernisme fandt deres teoretiske og ideologiske udtryk i "Omas Techni" ('Art Group', 'Kunstgruppen', 1917), som havde støtte i den liberale regering. K. Parthenis, Nikolaos Lytras, L. Kogevinas, Th. Triantafyllidis, P. Byzantios, O. Fokas osv. var alle medlemmer af denne gruppe. Disse tendenser fortsatte i tyverne (tidlig S. Papaloukas), som ønskede fremkomsten af egenskaberne ved kunsten også mellem krigene. ..." (Fra "History of Modern Greek Art Painting from 1453 to the 21st Century" hos Artmodern.gr)
"... In 1923, Nikos Lytras was elected Professor at the School of Fine Arts over his fellow candidates, Parthenis and Papapanagiotou. During the few years he taught, until his early death in 1927, he managed to breathe new life into the school’s teaching methodology and the organization of its ateliers. Most importantly, his main achievement was bringing the students in touch with new artistic movements." (Fra "Nikos Lytras, 1883-1927. Building with light and colour" hos Nationalgallery.gr)
"100 YEARS OF OMADA TECHNI “ART GROUP” in Athens" :"... Omada Techni was created by Nikolaos Lytras (1883-1927), son of the famous Munich School painter, Nikiforos Lytras. Nikolaos was thirty-four years old and was already established as a painter. Most of the artists in the group were friends and peers of Lytras. These included, Konstantinos Parthenis (1878-1967), Konstantinos Maleas (1879-1928) and sculptors, Michael Tombros (1889-1974) and the lesser known Grigoris Zevgolis (1886-1950). ..." hos Whyathens.com
Græsk wikipedia har et opslag om "Omas Techni": "Ομάδα Τέχνη"(græsk)
"...The plein-airistic post-impressionist trends of early Greek modernism found their theoretical and ideological expression in the “Omas Techni” (Art Group, 1917), which won the support of the liberal government. K. Parthenis, Nikolaos Lytras, L. Kogevinas, Th. Triantafyllidis, P. Byzantios, O. Fokas etc. were all members of this group. These trends continued in the Twenties (early S. Papaloukas, fr:Spýros Papaloukás?, 1892-1957), which wanted the emergence of the characteristics of the art between the wars too. ..." (dansk) : "... De post-impressionistiske tendenser som friluftsmaleri i den tidlige græske modernisme fandt deres teoretiske og ideologiske udtryk i "Omas Techni" ('Art Group', 'Kunstgruppen', 1917), som havde støtte i den liberale regering. K. Parthenis, Nikolaos Lytras, L. Kogevinas, Th. Triantafyllidis, P. Byzantios, O. Fokas osv. var alle medlemmer af denne gruppe. Disse tendenser fortsatte i tyverne (tidlig S. Papaloukas), som ønskede fremkomsten af egenskaberne ved kunsten også mellem krigene. ..." (Fra "History of Modern Greek Art Painting from 1453 to the 21st Century" hos Artmodern.gr)