Swedish Research Council (2004, November 22). Chernobyl Disaster Caused Cancer Cases In Sweden. ScienceDaily Citat: "...There is a statistically established correlation between the degree of fallout and an observed rise in the number of cancer cases. The increase involves all types of cancer in the aggregate...It is remarkable that an increase in cancer morbidity could have occurred after such a relatively short time following the accident..."
Linköping University (2007, May 30). Increase In Cancer In Sweden Can Be Traced To Chernobyl. ScienceDaily Citat: "...The cancer risk increased with rising fallout intensity: up to a 20-percent increase in the highest of six categories. This means that 3.8 percent of the cancer cases up to 1999 can be ascribed to the fallout...The increase in Tondel’s studies came a remarkably short time after the disaster, since it is usually assumed that it takes decades for cancer to develop...The conclusion is that there is scientific support for a connection between the radioactive fallout and the increase in the number of cancer cases...."
"Måling af Radon". Sundhedsstyrelsen. 10. december 2015. Hentet 10. december 2015.
Aug. 17, 2007, upi.com: Chernobyl fallout hurt Swedish infants Citat: "...The report by researchers from Stockholm University and New York’s Columbia University found that children born in the eight municipalities experiencing the highest levels of radiation were 3.6 percent less likely than others to qualify for high school, The Local said Thursday. The researchers said it appears prenatal exposure to radiation levels previously considered safe was actually damaging to cognitive ability..."