Rust (programmeringssprog) (Danish Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Rust (programmeringssprog)" in Danish language version.

Global rank Danish rank
low place
low place
3,700th place
low place
1st place
1st place
1,943rd place
4,913th place
6,171st place
low place
low place
low place
9,148th place
3,548th place
low place
low place
low place
low place

  • 31 Mar 2024, Rust developers at Google are twice as productive as C++ teams. Code shines up nicely in production, says Chocolate Factory's Bergstrom, backup Citat: "..."When we've rewritten systems from Go into Rust, we've found that it takes about the same size team about the same amount of time to build it," said Bergstrom. "That is, there's no loss in productivity when moving from Go to Rust. And the interesting thing is we do see some benefits from it. "So we see reduced memory usage in the services that we've moved from Go ...and we see a decreased defect rate over time in those services that have been rewritten in Rust – so increasing correctness."..."In every case we've seen a decrease by more than 2x in the amount of effort required to both build the services in Rust as well as maintain and update those services written in Rust," he said...A bit more than half of his developers say that Rust is easier to review, according to Bergstrom..."

  • 31 Mar 2024, Rust developers at Google are twice as productive as C++ teams. Code shines up nicely in production, says Chocolate Factory's Bergstrom, backup Citat: "..."When we've rewritten systems from Go into Rust, we've found that it takes about the same size team about the same amount of time to build it," said Bergstrom. "That is, there's no loss in productivity when moving from Go to Rust. And the interesting thing is we do see some benefits from it. "So we see reduced memory usage in the services that we've moved from Go ...and we see a decreased defect rate over time in those services that have been rewritten in Rust – so increasing correctness."..."In every case we've seen a decrease by more than 2x in the amount of effort required to both build the services in Rust as well as maintain and update those services written in Rust," he said...A bit more than half of his developers say that Rust is easier to review, according to Bergstrom..."