"Arcus Argentariorum. More than an arch, it was probably a monumental gate of the Forum Boarium opened, as indicated by the inscription, in 204 A.D. by the local money-changers (argentarii) and merchants (negotiantes), in honour of the emperor Septimius Severus and his family", hentet fra https://www.romeguide.it/passeggiate_romane/iteng12.htmArkiveret 4. marts 2016 hos Wayback Machine
"Arcus Argentariorum. More than an arch, it was probably a monumental gate of the Forum Boarium opened, as indicated by the inscription, in 204 A.D. by the local money-changers (argentarii) and merchants (negotiantes), in honour of the emperor Septimius Severus and his family", hentet fra https://www.romeguide.it/passeggiate_romane/iteng12.htmArkiveret 4. marts 2016 hos Wayback Machine