15.05.2007, ing.dk: Termoakustik giver ulande kombineret køleskab og generator Citat: "...Lydbølgerne bruges til to ting. For det første driver de en varmepumpe, som trækker varme og kulde fra hinanden og sætter gang i køleskabet. For det andet skaber de elektricitet...Forskerne bag SCORE regner med, at køkkenenhederne skal masseproduceres om fem år..."
unews.utah.edu: A sound way to turn heat into electricity (html), backup html, physorg.com (pdf) Citat: "...Symko says the devices won’t create noise pollution...Symko says the ring-shaped device is twice as efficient as cylindrical devices in converting heat into sound and electricity. That is because the pressure and speed of air in the ring-shaped device are always in sync, unlike in cylinder-shaped devices...", backup
Ceperley, P. (1979). "A pistonless Stirling engine – the travelling wave heat engine". J. Acoust. Soc. Am.66: 1508-1513. {{cite journal}}: Ekstern henvisning i |journal= (hjælp)
Robert Sier. 2002: A Simple Lamina Flow Engine Citat: "... In practice the layout is not so simple as a true acoustical heat engine requires a resonate gas circuit... The engine bears some resemblance to the thermoacoustic engine but differs in not using resonate tubes. Also unlike the Tailer "thermal lag" engine its operation requires a regenerator stack....", backup, billeder, backup
unews.utah.edu: A sound way to turn heat into electricity (html), backup html, physorg.com (pdf) Citat: "...Symko says the devices won’t create noise pollution...Symko says the ring-shaped device is twice as efficient as cylindrical devices in converting heat into sound and electricity. That is because the pressure and speed of air in the ring-shaped device are always in sync, unlike in cylinder-shaped devices...", backup
Web archive backup: lanl.gov: More Efficient than Other No-Moving-Parts Heat Engines Citat: "...Already the engine's 30% efficiency [kommentar: Absolut] and high reliability may make medium-sized natural-gas liquefaction plants (with a capacity of up to a million gallons per day) and residential cogeneration economically feasible..."
Robert Sier. 2002: A Simple Lamina Flow Engine Citat: "... In practice the layout is not so simple as a true acoustical heat engine requires a resonate gas circuit... The engine bears some resemblance to the thermoacoustic engine but differs in not using resonate tubes. Also unlike the Tailer "thermal lag" engine its operation requires a regenerator stack....", backup, billeder, backup
unews.utah.edu: A sound way to turn heat into electricity (html), backup html, physorg.com (pdf) Citat: "...Symko says the devices won’t create noise pollution...Symko says the ring-shaped device is twice as efficient as cylindrical devices in converting heat into sound and electricity. That is because the pressure and speed of air in the ring-shaped device are always in sync, unlike in cylinder-shaped devices...", backup