Ultraviolet lys (Danish Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Ultraviolet lys" in Danish language version.

Global rank Danish rank
low place
8,927th place
993rd place
120th place
195th place
365th place
3,576th place
5,924th place
1st place
1st place
low place
8,800th place


  • Ultraviolet Light and Its Role in Predation in Fish. How Fool-a-Fish Was Discovered. By Milan Jeckle M. D. Citat: "...So in summary, I was reading quality scientific research articles that were reporting that ultraviolet [UVA] traveled through [klart] water at least 700 feet [ca. 230 meter] and maybe as much as 2,500 feet [ca. 800 meter] before it was absorbed, unlike visible light which is completely absorbed in the first 40 feet [ca. 12 meter]...The result was the scientific recognition that bony fish and birds have a Rodopsin protein in their retinas which reacts to the ultraviolet wavelengths around 360 nm, a wavelength totally invisible to humans. We also discovered that insects, shrimp and crabs have similar keen ultraviolet vision..."



  • "Reflected Ultraviolet Photography – Ultraviolet radiation". Arkiveret fra originalen 19. august 2006. Hentet 8. juli 2006.


  • October 17, 2003, ScienceDaily: Bats Scan The Rainforest With UV-Eyes Citat: "...Bats from Central and South American that live on the nectar from flowers can see ultraviolet light...Flower visiting bats seem to need UV-vision, because the flowers they visit in the rainforest are characterised by a strong reflection of UV-spectrum light at night. It remains open whether the unusually high UV-sensitivity found in these bats involves a further photo-mechanism that is as yet unknown for mammals..."


  • "Reflected Ultraviolet Photography – Ultraviolet radiation". Arkiveret fra originalen 19. august 2006. Hentet 8. juli 2006.



  • Amphibians and Ultraviolet Radiation Citat: "...The more DOC [Disolved Organic Carbon], the less UVB that will penetrate beyond just the upper surface layers of water. For example, in a marsh with 13 mg C per liter of water, the surface level of UVB was reduced to 55% at just 1.4 cm deep; at 3.0 cm, the UVB was less than 5% of surface values, and at 5 cm depth, the UVB was just 2% of surface..."