Ćuk-konverter (Danish Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Ćuk-konverter" in Danish language version.

Global rank Danish rank
1st place
1st place
5,449th place
5,161st place
low place
low place
316th place
4,263rd place
low place
low place
9th place
31st place



  • Ćuk, Slobodan; Middlebrook, R. D. (8. juni 1976). "A General Unified Approach to Modelling Switching-Converter Power Stages" (PDF). Proceedings of the IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference. Cleveland, OH.: 73-86. Arkiveret fra originalen (PDF) 20. september 2018. Hentet 2008-12-31.




  • smpstech.com: Bibliography and abstracts for Topological Design Review of switching-mode power supplies Arkiveret 6. januar 2009 hos Wayback Machine Citat: "...[CUK77B] Cuk, S., and R. D. Middlebrook, A New Optimum Topology Switching DC-To-DC Converter, IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference – 1977 Record, pp. 160-179. PESC Republished in Advances in Switch-Mode Power Conversion, Volumes I and II, 2nd edition, TESLAco, 1983, paper 18, pp. 311-330. ..."
  • teslaco.com: Dr. Ćuk
  • Ćuk, Slobodan; Middlebrook, R. D. (8. juni 1976). "A General Unified Approach to Modelling Switching-Converter Power Stages" (PDF). Proceedings of the IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference. Cleveland, OH.: 73-86. Arkiveret fra originalen (PDF) 20. september 2018. Hentet 2008-12-31.
  • T.S. Finnegan (januar 1991). "Cúk: the best SMPS?" (PDF). Electronics World & Wireless World ISSN 0959-8332 Discontinued in 1995. Continued by Electronics World (ISSN 1365-4675). (engelsk): 69--72. Arkiveret fra originalen (PDF) 2021-03-09. Se tabel nederst side 71. og citat: "...The table below gives the effective primary and secondary copper losses, and the transistor and diode stress levels for the three types of converter, operating under identical conditions, for three different output voltages. The Cúk converter is more efficient and has lower stress levels in almost every respect..."
  • Der er fejl på side 596 i tabel "cuk converter: experimental results" søjle 3: Pin=85V*0,83A ca.=71W, Pout=5V*5A=25W. Der tabes 10,7W så Pin må være 35,7W så input current må være 35,7W/85W ca.= 0,42A så efficiency er ca.= 70%: Terrence Finnegan (juli 1991). "Design brief: 60W Cuk converter" (PDF). Electronics World & Wireless World ISSN 0959-8332 Continued by Electronics World (ISSN 1365-4675). (engelsk): 596--600. Arkiveret fra originalen (PDF) 2020-09-04.
  • boostbuck.com: Easy Design of the Optimum Topology Boostbuck (Cuk) Family of Power Converters: Historical Perspective Citat: "...The point is that many topologies can be more or less made to work for a given application! What is weird but true is that the boostbuck (Cuk) converter works better than all the rest!..."
  • home.netvigator.com: Cuk converter Citat: "...The Cuk converter is a new SMPS topology at this moment. It include higher efficiency, low input and output current ripple, minimal RFI, small size and weight..."
  • boostbuck.com: Easy Design of the Boostbuck Family of Converters: Background Citat: "...The explanation for this shift in philosophy of design is generally ascribed to personal, professional, political, and financial forces. In truth, I believe that the reason is far simpler: In the two intervening years, nearly every engineer in the field made some attempt to design one or another of the Boostbuck topologies, but failed miserably!...Then I realized that most designers had gone through essentially the same sequence of design attempts. Namely, they had set out to build an Integrated Magnetics Cuk Converter..."
  • boostbuck.com: Easy Design of the Boostbuck Family of Converters: The Four Boostbuck Topologies Citat: "...Integrated Magnetics Cuk Converter...This fourth topology, which features zero current ripple at both input and output...It is not suitable for use in a power supply, since the control function contains two RHP zeros that cannot be damped out..."
  • boostbuck.com: Easy Design of the Boostbuck Family of Converters: Beef Citat: "...Gus: I visited Dr. Cuk at his Irvine laboratories not long ago--he is an old mentor and friend of mine. He told me himself that the original patents on his converter had expired. His company has patents on further mods to the topology still in effect, but the original topology is no longer patented. It is this original that I deal with on my site...Gus: Nothing on my website is patented..."
  • "smpstech.com: Continuous (CCM) and Discontinuous Conduction Mode (DCM)". Arkiveret fra originalen 15. december 2011. Hentet 13. juni 2009.
  • boostbuck.com: Easy Design of the Boostbuck Family of Converters: The Four Boostbuck Topologies Citat: "...Coupled Inductor Cuk Converter...The procedure yields a control function with a single RHP zero, which cannot be damped out...
    ...Integrated Magnetics Cuk Converter...This fourth topology, which features zero current ripple at both input and output...It is not suitable for use in a power supply, since the control function contains two RHP zeros that cannot be damped out..."
  • boostbuck.com: Easy Design of the Optimum Topology Boostbuck (Cuk) Family of Power Converters: How to Design the Transformer in a Cuk Converter


  • T.S. Finnegan (januar 1991). "Cúk: the best SMPS?" (PDF). Electronics World & Wireless World ISSN 0959-8332 Discontinued in 1995. Continued by Electronics World (ISSN 1365-4675). (engelsk): 69--72. Arkiveret fra originalen (PDF) 2021-03-09. Se tabel nederst side 71. og citat: "...The table below gives the effective primary and secondary copper losses, and the transistor and diode stress levels for the three types of converter, operating under identical conditions, for three different output voltages. The Cúk converter is more efficient and has lower stress levels in almost every respect..."
  • Der er fejl på side 596 i tabel "cuk converter: experimental results" søjle 3: Pin=85V*0,83A ca.=71W, Pout=5V*5A=25W. Der tabes 10,7W så Pin må være 35,7W så input current må være 35,7W/85W ca.= 0,42A så efficiency er ca.= 70%: Terrence Finnegan (juli 1991). "Design brief: 60W Cuk converter" (PDF). Electronics World & Wireless World ISSN 0959-8332 Continued by Electronics World (ISSN 1365-4675). (engelsk): 596--600. Arkiveret fra originalen (PDF) 2020-09-04.
