ADNA (German Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "ADNA" in German language version.

Global rank German rank
2nd place
3rd place
1,389th place
859th place
3,538th place
1,951st place
857th place
511th place
7,917th place
477th place
1,283rd place
1,723rd place
3,410th place
5,745th place
1,508th place
89th place
120th place
143rd place
741st place
1,038th place
1,293rd place
678th place
3,619th place
3,290th place
1,624th place
377th place

  • Eske Willerslev, John Davison, Mari Moora, Martin Zobel, Eric Coissac, Mary E. Edwards, Eline D. Lorenzen, Mette Vestergård, Galina Gussarova, James Haile, Joseph Craine, Ludovic Gielly, Sanne Boessenkool, Laura S. Epp, Peter B. Pearman, Rachid Cheddadi, David Murray, Kari Anne Bråthen, Nigel Yoccoz, Heather Binney, Corinne Cruaud, Patrick Wincker, Tomasz Goslar, Inger Greve Alsos, Eva Bellemain6, Anne Krag Brysting, Reidar Elven, Jørn Henrik Sønstebø, Julian Murton, Andrei Sher, Morten Rasmussen, Regin Rønn, Tobias Mourier, Alan Cooper, Jeremy Austin, Per Möller, Duane Froese, Grant Zazula, Francois Pompanon, Delphine Rioux, Vincent Niderkorn, Alexei Tikhonov, Grigoriy Savvinov, Richard G. Roberts, Ross D. E. MacPhee, M. Thomas P. Gilbert, Kurt H. Kjær, Ludovic Orlando, Christian Brochmann und Pierre Taberle: Fifty thousand years of Arctic vegetation and megafaunal diet. In: Nature. Band 506, 2014, S. 47–51, doi:10.1038/nature12921.
  • Elena I. Zavala et al.: Pleistocene sediment DNA reveals hominin and faunal turnovers at Denisova Cave. In: Nature. Band 595, 2021, S. 399–403, doi:10.1038/s41586-021-03675-0.
    Pleistocene sediment DNA from Denisova Cave. Auf: vom 23. Juni 2021.
  • Pere Gelabert et al.: Genome-scale sequencing and analysis of human, wolf, and bison DNA from 25,000-year-old sediment. In: Current Biology. Online-Veröffentlichung vom 12. Juli 2021, doi:10.1016/j.cub.2021.06.023.
    DNA from dirt can offer new view of ancient life. Auf: vom 12. Juli 2021.
  • Kurt H. Kjær et al.: A 2-million-year-old ecosystem in Greenland uncovered by environmental DNA. In: Nature. Band 612, 2022, S. 283–291, doi:10.1038/s41586-022-05453-y.
    Älteste DNA enthüllt „verlorene Welt“. Auf: vom 8. Dezember 2022.
  • Kay Prüfer, Cosimo Posth, He Yu, Alexander Stoessel, Maria A. Spyrou, Thibaut Deviese, Marco Mattonai, Erika Ribechini, Thomas Higham, Petr Velemínský, Jaroslav Brůžek, Johannes Krause: A genome sequence from a modern human skull over 45,000 years old from Zlatý kůň in Czechia. In: Nature Ecology & Evolution. 7. April 2021, S. 1–6, doi:10.1038/s41559-021-01443-x.
  • Mateja Hajdinjak et al.: Initial Upper Palaeolithic humans in Europe had recent Neanderthal ancestry. In: Nature. 592. Jahrgang, Nr. 7853, April 2021, S. 253–257, doi:10.1038/s41586-021-03335-3.
  • Svante Pääbo, Hendrik Poinar, David Serre, Viviane Jaenicke-Després, Juliane Hebler, Nadin Rohland, Melanie Kuch, Johannes Krause, Linda Vigilant, Michael Hofreiter: Genetic analyses from ancient DNA. In: Annual Review of Genetics. Band 38, Dezember 2004, S. 645–679, doi:10.1146/annurev.genet.37.110801.143214.
  • Zum Beispiel: Isolina Marota et al.: DNA decay rate in papyri and human remains from Egyptian archaeological sites. In: American Journal of Physical Anthropology. Band 117, Nr. 4, 2002, S. 310–318, doi:10.1002/ajpa.10045.
  • Erika Hagelberg, Michael Hofreiter, Christine Keyser: Ancient DNA: the first three decades. In: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. Band 370, Nr. 1660, 2015, 20130371, doi:10.1098/rstb.2013.0371.
  • Robert N. Grass et al.: Robust Chemical Preservation of Digital Information on DNA in Silica with Error-Correcting Codes In: Angewandte Chemie International Edition. Band 54, Nr. 8, 2015, S. 2552–2555, doi:10.1002/anie.201411378.
  • Rob DeSalle, J. Gatesy, W. Wheeler, D. Grimaldi: DNA sequences from a fossil termite in Oligo-Miocene amber and their phylogenetic implications. In: Science. Band 257, Nr. 5078, 1992, S. 1933–1936, doi:10.1126/science.1411508.
  • Josep A. Rosselló: The never-ending story of geologically ancient DNA: was the model plant Arabidopsis the source of Miocene Dominican amber? In: Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. Band 111, Nr. 1, 2014, S. 234–240, doi:10.1111/bij.12192.
  • Kathrin Feldberg, Jochen Heinrichs, Alexander R. Schmidt, Jiří Váňa, Harald Schneider: Exploring the impact of fossil constraints on the divergence time estimates of derived liverworts. In: Plant Systematics and Evolution. Band 299, Nr. 3, 2013, S. 585–601, doi:10.1007/s00606-012-0745-y.
  • Jeffrey L. Bada, Xueyun S. Wang, Hendrik N. Poinar, Svante Pääbo, George O. Poinar: Amino acid racemization in amber-entombed insects: implications for DNA preservation. In: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. Band 58, Nr. 14, 1994, S. 3131–3135, doi:10.1016/0016-7037(94)90185-6.
  • C. L. Greenblatt, A. Davis, B. G. Clement, C. L. Kitts, T. Cox, R. J. Cano: Diversity of microorganisms isolated from amber. In: Microbial Ecology. Band 38, Nr. 1, 1999, S. 58–68, doi:10.1007/s002489900153.
  • R. J. Cano, M. K. Borucki: Revival and identification of bacterial spores in 25- to 40-million-year-old Dominican amber. In: Science. Band 268, Nr. 5213, S. 1060–1064, doi:10.1126/science.7538699.
  • Jeremy J. Austin, Andrew J. Ross, Andrew B. Smith, Richard A. Fortey, Richard H. Thomas: Problems of reproducibility – does geologically ancient DNA survive in amber–preserved insects?. In: Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences. Band 264, Nr. 1381, 1997, S. 467–474, doi:10.1098/rspb.1997.0067.
  • Jeremy J. Austin, Andrew B. Smith, Richard H. Thomas: Palaeontology in a molecular world: the search for authentic ancient DNA. In: Trends in Ecology & Evolution. Band 12, Nr. 8, 1997, S. 303–306, doi:10.1016/S0169-5347(97)01102-6.
  • Ann H. Reid et al.: 1918 Influenza Pandemic and Highly Conserved Viruses with Two Receptor-Binding Variants. In: Emerging Infectious Diseases. [serial online]. Band 9, Nr. 10, 2003, doi:10.3201/eid0910.020789
  • Terry Fei Fan Ng et al.: Preservation of viral genomes in 700-y-old caribou feces from a subarctic ice patch. In: PNAS. Band 111, Nr. 47, 2014, S. 16842–16847, doi:10.1073/pnas.1410429111, Volltext
  • Verena J. Schuenemann et al.: Genome-Wide Comparison of Medieval and Modern Mycobacterium leprae. In: Science. Band 341, Nr. 6142, 2013, S. 179–183, doi:10.1126/science.1238286
  • Abigail S. Bouwman, Terence A. Brown: The limits of biomolecular palaeopathology: ancient DNA cannot be used to study venereal syphilis. In: Journal of Archaeological Science. Band 32, Nr. 5, 2005, S. 703–713, doi:10.1016/j.jas.2004.11.014
  • Abigail S. Bouwman et al.: Genotype of a historic strain of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. In: PNAS. Band 109, Nr. 45, 2012, S. 18511–18516, doi:10.1073/pnas.1209444109
  • Kirsten I. Bos et al.: Pre-Columbian mycobacterial genomes reveal seals as a source of New World human tuberculosis. In: Nature. Band 514, 2014, S. 494–497, doi:10.1038/nature13591
  • Bruce M. Rothschild et al.: Mycobacterium tuberculosis Complex DNA from an Extinct Bison Dated 17,000 Years before the Present. In: Clinical Infectious Diseases. Band 33, Nr. 3, 2001, S. 305–311, doi:10.1086/321886
  • Kirsten I. Bos et al.: A draft genome of Yersinia pestis from victims of the Black Death. In: Nature. Band 478, Nr. 7370, 2011, S. 506–510, doi:10.1038/nature10549.
  • Sarah A. Palmer et al.: Archaeogenomic Evidence of Punctuated Genome Evolution in Gossypium. In: Molecular Biology and Evolution. Band 29, Nr. 8, 2012, S. 2031–2038, doi:10.1093/molbev/mss070
  • Sandra L. Bunning et al.: Next generation sequencing of DNA in 3300-year-old charred cereal grains. In: Journal of Archaeological Science. Band 39, Nr. 8, 2012, S. 2780–2784, doi:10.1016/j.jas.2012.04.012
  • Michael D. Martin et al.: Reconstructing genome evolution in historic samples of the Irish potato famine pathogen. In: Nature Communications. Band 4, Artikel Nr. 2172, 2013, doi:10.1038/ncomms3172
  • Pierre Goloubinoff et al.: Evolution of maize inferred from sequence diversity of an Adh2 gene segment from archaeological specimens. In: PNAS. Band 90, Nr. 5, 1993, S. 1997–2001, doi:10.1073/pnas.90.5.1997
  • Michael D. Sorenson et al.: Relationships of the extinct moa-nalos, flightless Hawaiian waterfowl, based on ancient DNA. In: Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences. Band 266, Nr. 1434, 1999, S. 2187–2193, doi:10.1098/rspb.1999.0907
  • Michael Bunce et al.: Ancient DNA provides new insights into the evolutionary history of New Zealand’s giant eagle. In: PLoS Biology. Band 3, Nr. 1, e9, 2005, doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.0030009
  • Beth Shapiro et al.: Flight of the Dodo. In: Science. Band 295, Nr. 5560, 2002, S. 1683, doi:10.1126/science.295.5560.1683, Volltext (PDF; 237 kB)
  • Brandon R. Menzies et al.: Limited Genetic Diversity Preceded Extinction of the Tasmanian Tiger. In: PLoS ONE. Band 7, Nr. 4, S. e35433, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0035433
  • Alex D. Greenwood, Jose Castresana, Gertraud Feldmaier-Fuchs und Svante Pääbo: A Molecular Phylogeny of Two Extinct Sloths. In: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. Band 18, Nr. 1, 2001, S. 94–103, doi:10.1006/mpev.2000.0860
  • Frédéric Delsuc, Melanie Kuch, Gillian C. Gibb, Emil Karpinski, Dirk Hackenberger, Paul Szpak, Jorge G. Martínez, Jim I. Mead, H. Gregory McDonald, Ross D. E. MacPhee, Guillaume Billet, Lionel Hautier und Hendrik N. Poinar: Ancient mitogenomes reveal the evolutionary history and biogeography of sloths. In: Current Biology. Band 29, Nr. 12, 2019, S. 2031–2042, doi:10.1016/j.cub.2019.05.043
  • Samantha Presslee, Graham J. Slater, François Pujos, Analía M. Forasiepi, Roman Fischer, Kelly Molloy, Meaghan Mackie, Jesper V. Olsen, Alejandro Kramarz, Matías Taglioretti, Fernando Scaglia, Maximiliano Lezcano, José Luis Lanata, John Southon, Robert Feranec, Jonathan Bloch, Adam Hajduk, Fabiana M. Martin, Rodolfo Salas Gismondi, Marcelo Reguero, Christian de Muizon, Alex Greenwood, Brian T. Chait, Kirsty Penkman, Matthew Collins und Ross D. E. MacPhee: Palaeoproteomics resolves sloth relationships. In: Nature Ecology & Evolution. Band 3, 2019, S. 1121–1130, doi:10.1038/s41559-019-0909-z
  • Frédéric Delsuc, Gillian C. Gibb, Melanie Kuch, Guillaume Billet, Lionel Hautier, John Southon, Jean-Marie Rouillard, Juan Carlos Fernicola, Sergio F. Vizcaíno, Ross D. E. MacPhee und Hendrik N. Poinar: The phylogenetic affinities of the extinct glyptodonts. In: Current Biology. Band 26, 2016, S. R155–R156, doi:10.1016/j.cub.2016.01.039
  • Hendrik N. Poinar, Carsten Schwarz, Ji Qi, Beth Shapiro, Ross D. E. MacPhee, Bernard Buigues, Alexei Tikhonov, Daniel H. Huson, Lynn P. Tomsho, Alexander Auch, Markus Rampp, Webb Miller und Stephan C. Schuster: Metagenomics to Paleogenomics: Large-Scale Sequencing of Mammoth DNA. In: Science. Band 311, Nr. 5759, 2006, S. 392–394, doi:10.1126/science.1123360
  • Nadin Rohland, Anna-Sapfo Malaspinas, Joshua L. Pollack, Montgomery Slatkin, Paul Matheus und Michael Hofreiter: Proboscidean Mitogenomics: Chronology and Mode of Elephant Evolution Using Mastodon as Outgroup. In: PLoS Biology Band 5, Nr. 8, 2007, S. e207, doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.0050207
  • Nadin Rohland, David Reich, Swapan Mallick, Matthias Meyer, Richard E. Green, Nicholas J. Georgiadis, Alfred L. Roca und Michael Hofreiter: Genomic DNA Sequences from Mastodon and Woolly Mammoth Reveal Deep Speciation of Forest and Savanna Elephants. In: PLoS Biology Band 8, Nr. 12, 2010, S. e1000564, doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1000564
  • Kevin L. Campbell, Jason E. E. Roberts, Laura N, Watson, Jörg Stetefeld, Angela M. Sloan, Anthony V. Signore, Jesse W. Howatt, Jeremy R. H. Tame, Nadin Rohland, Tong-Jian Shen, Jeremy J. Austin, Michael Hofreiter, Chien Ho, Roy E Weber und Alan Cooper: Substitutions in woolly mammoth hemoglobin confer biochemical properties adaptive for cold tolerance. In: Nature Genetics. Band 42, 2010, S. 536–540, doi:10.1038/ng.574
  • Eleftheria Palkopoulou, Swapan Mallick, Pontus Skoglund, Jacob Enk, Nadin Rohland, Heng Li, Ayça Omrak, Sergey Vartanyan, Hendrik Poinar, Anders Götherström, David Reich und Love Dalén: Complete Genomes Reveal Signatures of Demographic and Genetic Declines in the Woolly Mammoth. In: Current Biology. Band 25, 2015, S. 1395–1400, doi:10.1016/j.cub.2015.04.007
  • Erin Fry, Sun K. Kim, Sravanthi Chigurapti, Katelyn M. Mika, Aakrosh Ratan, Alexander Dammermann, Brian J. Mitchell, Webb Miller und Vincent J Lynch: Functional Architecture of Deleterious Genetic Variants in the Genome of a Wrangel Island Mammoth. In: Genome Biology and Evolution. Band 12, Nr. 3, 2020, S. 48–58, doi:10.1093/gbe/evz279
  • Tom van der Valk, Patrícia Pečnerová, David Díez-del-Molino, Anders Bergström, Jonas Oppenheimer, Stefanie Hartmann, Georgios Xenikoudakis, Jessica A. Thomas, Marianne Dehasque, Ekin Sağlıcan, Fatma Rabia Fidan, Ian Barnes, Shanlin Liu, Mehmet Somel, Peter D. Heintzman, Pavel Nikolskiy, Beth Shapiro, Pontus Skoglund, Michael Hofreiter, Adrian M. Lister, Anders Götherström und Love Dalén: Million-year-old DNA sheds light on the genomic history of mammoths. Nature, 2021, doi:10.1038/s41586-021-03224-9
  • Jacob Enk, Alison Devault, Regis Debruyne, Christine E King, Todd Treangen, Dennis O’Rourke, Steven L Salzberg, Daniel Fisher, Ross MacPhee und Hendrik Poinar: Complete Columbian mammoth mitogenome suggests interbreeding with woolly mammoths. In: Genome Biology. Band 12, 2011, S. R51 (S. 1–29), doi:10.1186/gb-2011-12-5-r51
  • Nikos Poulakakis, Aris Parmakelis, Petros Lymberakis, Moysis Mylonas, Eleftherios Zouros, David S. Reese, Scott Glaberman und Adalgisa Caccone: Ancient DNA forces reconsideration of evolutionary history of Mediterranean pygmy elephantids. In: Biology Letters. Band 2, Nr. 3, 2006, S. 451–454, doi:10.1098/rsbl.2006.0467
  • Matthias Meyer, Eleftheria Palkopoulou, Sina Baleka, Mathias Stiller, Kirsty E. H. Penkman, Kurt W. Alt, Yasuko Ishida, Dietrich Mania, Swapan Mallick, Tom Meijer, Harald Meller, Sarah Nagel, Birgit Nickel, Sven Ostritz, Nadin Rohland, Karol Schauer, Tim Schüler, Alfred L Roca, David Reich, Beth Shapiro und Michael Hofreiter: Palaeogenomes of Eurasian straight-tusked elephants challenge the current view of elephant evolution. In: eLife. Band 6, 2017, S. e25413, doi:10.7554/eLife.25413
  • Eleftheria Palkopoulou, Mark Lipson, Swapan Mallick, Svend Nielsen, Nadin Rohland, Sina Baleka, Emil Karpinski, Atma M. Ivancevic, Thu-Hien To, R. Daniel Kortschak, Joy M. Raison, Zhipeng Qu, Tat-Jun Chin, Kurt W. Alt, Stefan Claesson, Love Dalén, Ross D. E. MacPhee, Harald Meller, Alfred L. Roca, Oliver A. Ryder, David Heiman, Sarah Young, Matthew Breen, Christina Williams, Bronwen L. Aken, Magali Ruffier, Elinor Karlsson, Jeremy Johnson, Federica Di Palma, Jessica Alfoldi, David L. Adelson, Thomas Mailund, Kasper Munch, Kerstin Lindblad-Toh, Michael Hofreiter, Hendrik Poinar und David Reich: A comprehensive genomic history of extinct and living elephants. In: PNAS. Band 115, Nr. 11, 2018, S. E2566–E2574, doi:10.1073/pnas.1720554115
  • Michael Buckley: A Molecular Phylogeny of Plesiorycteropus Reassigns the Extinct Mammalian Order ‘Bibymalagasia’. In: PlosOne. Band 8, Nr. 3, 2013, S. e59614, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0059614
  • Axel Barlow, Johanna L. A. Paijmans, Federica Alberti, Boris Gasparyan, Guy Bar-Oz, Ron Pinhasi, Irina Foronova, Andrey Y. Puzachenko, Martina Pacher, Love Dalén, Gennady Baryshnikov und Michael Hofreiter: Middle Pleistocene genome calibrates a revised evolutionary history of extinct cave bears. In: Current Biology., 2021, doi:10.1016/j.cub.2021.01.073
  • James P. Noonan, Michael Hofreiter, Doug Smith, James R. Priest, Nadin Rohland, Gernot Rabeder, Johannes Krause, J. Chris Detter, Svante Pääbo und Edward M. Rubin: Genomic Sequencing of Pleistocene Cave Bears. In: Science. Band 309, Nr. 5734, 2005, S. 597–599, doi:10.1126/science.1113485
  • Webb Miller, Stephan C. Schuster, Andreanna J. Welch, Aakrosh Ratan, Oscar C. Bedoya-Reina, Fangqing Zhao, Hie Lim Kim, Richard C. Burhans, Daniela I. Drautz, Nicola E. Wittekindt, Lynn P. Tomsho, Enrique Ibarra-Laclette, Luis Herrera-Estrella, Elizabeth Peacock, Sean Farley, George K. Sage, Karyn Rode, Martyn Obbardi, Rafael Montiel, Lutz Bachmann, Ólafur Ingólfsson, Jon Aars, Thomas Mailund, Øystein Wiig, Sandra L. Talbot und Charlotte Lindqvist: Polar and brown bear genomes reveal ancient admixture and demographic footprints of past climate change. In: PNAS. Band 109, Nr. 36, 2012, S. E2382–E2390, doi:10.1073/pnas.1210506109
  • Nadin Rohland, Joshua L. Pollack, Doris Nagel, Cédric Beauval, Jean Airvaux, Svante Pääbo und Michael Hofreiter: The Population History of Extant and Extinct Hyenas. In: Molecular Biology and Evolution. Band 22, Nr. 12, S. 2435–2443, doi:10.1093/molbev/msi244
  • Michael V. Westbury, Stefanie Hartmann, Axel Barlow, Michaela Preick, Bogdan Ridush, Doris Nagel, Thomas Rathgeber, Reinhard Ziegler, Gennady Baryshnikov, Guilian Sheng, Arne Ludwig, Ingrid Wiesel, Love Dalen, Faysal Bibi, Lars Werdelin, Rasmus Heller und Michael Hofreiter: Hyena paleogenomes reveal a complex evolutionary history of cross-continental gene flow between spotted and cave hyena. In: Science Advances. Band 6, Nr. 11, 2020, S. eaay0456, doi:10.1126/sciadv.aay0456
  • R. Barnett, B. Shapiro, I. Barnes, S. Y. Ho, J. Burger, N. Yamaguchi, T. F. Higham, H. T. Wheeler, W. Rosendahl, A. V. Sher, M. Sotnikova, T. Kuznetsova, G. F. Baryshnikov, L. D. Martin, C. R. Harington, J. A. Burns und A. Cooper: Phylogeography of lions (Panthera leo ssp.) reveals three distinct taxa and a late Pleistocene reduction in genetic diversity. In: Molecular ecology. Band 18, Nr. 8, 2009, S. 1668–1677, doi:10.1111/j.1365-294X.2009.04134.x
  • David W. G. Stanton, Federica Alberti, Valery Plotnikov, Semyon Androsov, Semyon Grigoriev, Sergey Fedorov, Pavel Kosintsev, Doris Nagel, Sergey Vartanyan, Ian Barnes, Ross Barnett, Erik Ersmark, Doris Döppes, Mietje Germonpré, Michael Hofreiter, Wilfried Rosendahl, Pontus Skoglund und Love Dalén: Early Pleistocene origin and extensive intra‑species diversity of the extinct cave lion. In: Scientific Reports. Band 10, 2020, S. 12621, doi:10.1038/s41598-020-69474-1
  • Johanna L. A. Paijmans, Ross Barnett, M. Thomas P. Gilbert, M. Lisandra Zepeta-Mendoza, Jelle W. F. Reumer, John de Voss, Grant Zazula, Doris Nagel, Gennady F. Baryshnikov, Jennifer A. Leonard, Nadine Rohland, Michael V. Westbury, Axel Barlow und Michael Hofreiter: Evolutionary history of sabre-toothed cats based on ancient mitogenomics. In: Current Biology. Band 27, 2017, S. 3330–3336, doi:10.1016/j.cub.2017.09.033
  • Ross Barnett, Michael V. Westbury, Marcela Sandoval-Velasco, Filipe Garrett Vieira, Sungwon Jeon, Grant Zazula, Michael D. Martin, Simon Y. W. Ho, Niklas Mather, Shyam Gopalakrishnan, Jazmín Ramos-Madrigal, Marc de Manuel, M. Lisandra Zepeda-Mendoza, Agostinho Antunes, Aldo Carmona Baez, Binia De Cahsan, Greger Larson, Stephen J. O’Brien, Eduardo Eizirik, Warren E. Johnson, Klaus-Peter Koepfli, Andreas Wilting, Jörns Fickel, Love Dalén, Eline D. Lorenzen, Tomas Marques-Bonet, Anders J. Hansen, Guojie Zhang, Jong Bhak, Nobuyuki Yamaguchi, M. Thomas und P. Gilbert: Genomic Adaptations and Evolutionary History of the Extinct Scimitar-Toothed Cat, Homotherium latidens. In: Current Biology., 2020, doi:10.1016/j.cub.2020.09.051
  • A. R. Perri, K. J. Mitchell, A. Mouton, S. Álvarez-Carretero, A. Hulme-Beaman, J. Haile, A. Jamieson, J. Meachen, A. T. Lin, B. W. Schubert, C. Ameen, E. E. Antipina, P. Bover, S. Brace, A. Carmagnini, C. Carøe, J. A. Samaniego Castruita, J. C. Chatters, K. Dobney, M. dos Reis, A. Evin, P. Gaubert, S. Gopalakrishnan, G. Gower, H. Heiniger, K. M. Helgen, J. Kapp, P. A. Kosintsev, A. Linderholm, A. T. Ozga, S. Presslee, A. T. Salis, N. F. Saremi, C. Shew, K. Skerry, D. E. Taranenko, M. Thompson, M. V. Sablin, Y. V. Kuzmin, M. J. Collins, M.-H. S, Sinding, M. T. P. Gilbert, A. C. Stone, B. Shapiro, B. Van Valkenburgh, R. K. Wayne, G. Larson, A. Cooper und L. A. F. Frantz: Dire wolves were the last of an ancient New World canid lineage. In: Nature., 2021, doi:10.1038/s41586-020-03082-x
  • Sandrine Hughes, Thomas J. Hayden, Christophe J. Douady, Christelle Tougard, Mietje Germonpré, Anthony Stuart, Lyudmila Lbova, Ruth F.Carden, Catherine Hänni und Ludovic Say: Molecular phylogeny of the extinct giant deer, Megaloceros giganteus. In: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. Band 40, Nr. 1, 2006, S. 285–291, doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2006.02.004
  • K. Doan, F. E. Zachos, B. Wilkens, J.-D. Vigne, N. Piotrowska, A. Stanković, B. Jędrzejewska, K. Stefaniak und M. Niedziałkowska: Phylogeography of the Tyrrhenian red deer (Cervus elaphus corsicanus) resolved using ancient DNA of radiocarbon-dated subfossils. In: Scientific Reports. Band 7, 2017, S. 2331, doi:10.1038/s41598-017-02359-y
  • Beth Shapiro, Alexei J. Drummond, Andrew Rambaut, Michael C. Wilson, Paul E. Matheus, Andrei V. Sher, Oliver G. Pybus, M. Thomas P. Gilbert, Ian Barnes, Jonas Binladen, Eske Willerslev, Anders J. Hansen, Gennady F. Baryshnikov, James A. Burns, Sergei Davydov, 10 Jonathan C. Driver, Duane G. Froese, C. Richard Harington, Grant Keddie, Pavel Kosintsev, Michael L. Kunz, Larry D. Martin, Robert O. Stephenson, John Storer, Richard Tedford, Sergei Zimov und Alan Cooper: Rise and Fall of the Beringian Steppe Bison. In: Science. Band 306, Nr. 5701, 2004, S. 1561–1565, doi:10.1126/science.1101074
  • Pauline Palacio, Véronique Berthonaud, Claude Guérin, Josie Lambourdière, Frédéric Maksud, Michel Philippe, Delphine Plaire, Thomas Stafford, Marie-Claude Marsolier-Kergoat und Jean-Marc Elalouf: Genome data on the extinct Bison schoetensacki establish it as a sister species of the extant European bison (Bison bonasus). In: BMC Evolutionary Biology. Band 17, 2017, S. 48 doi:10.1186/s12862-017-0894-2
  • Albano Beja-Pereira, David Caramelli, Carles Lalueza-Fox, Cristiano Vernesi, Nuno Ferrand, Antonella Casoli, Felix Goyache, Luis J. Royo, Serena Conti, Martina Lari, Andrea Martini, Lahousine Ouragh, Ayed Magid, Abdulkarim Atash, Attila Zsolnai, Paolo Boscato, Costas Triantaphylidis, Konstantoula Ploumi, Luca Sineo, Francesco Mallegni, Pierre Taberlet, Georg Erhardt, Lourdes Sampietro, Jaume Bertranpetit, Guido Barbujani, Gordon Luikart und Giorgio Bertorelle: The origin of European cattle: Evidence from modern and ancient DNA. In: PNAS. Band 103, Nr. 21, 2006, S. 8113–8118, doi:10.1073/pnas.0509210103
  • Oscar Ramírez, Elena Gigli, Pere Bover, Josep Antoni Alcover, Jaume Bertranpetit, Jose Castresana und Carles Lalueza-Fox: Paleogenomics in a Temperate Environment: Shotgun Sequencing from an Extinct Mediterranean Caprine. In: PLoS ONE. Band 4, Nr. 5, S. e5670, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0005670
  • M. D. Teasdale, N. L. van Doorn, S. Fiddyment, C.C.Webb, T. O’Connor, M. Hofreiter, M. J. Collins und D. G. Bradley: Paging through history: parchment as a reservoir of ancient DNA for next generation sequencing. In: Philosophical Transactions B. Band 370, 2017, S. 20130379, doi:10.1098/rstb.2013.0379
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