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Yoshitaka Kamimura: Possible Removal of Rival Sperm by the Elongated Genitalia of the Earwig, Euborellia plebeja. In: Zoological Society of Japan (Hrsg.): Zoological Science. Band17, Nr.5, 2000, ISSN0289-0003, S.667–672, doi:10.2108/zsj.17.667.
Karl J. Jarvis, Fabian Haas, Michael F. Whiting: Phylogeny of earwigs (Insecta: Dermaptera) based on molecular and morphological evidence: reconsidering the classification of Dermaptera. In: Systematic Entomology. Band30, Nr.3, 2005, ISSN1365-3113, S.442–453, doi:10.1111/j.1365-3113.2004.00276.x.