Aedeagus (German Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Aedeagus" in German language version.

Global rank German rank
387th place
297th place
123rd place
6th place
2nd place
3rd place
120th place
143rd place
340th place
525th place
2,106th place
139th place
6th place
40th place
low place
low place
low place
low place
4th place
7th place
low place
6,089th place
low place
low place
1,266th place
1,806th place
low place
low place
low place
low place
511th place
112th place
102nd place
1,110th place
6,163rd place
8,094th place
low place
low place

  • Malcolm Burr, K. Jordan: On Arixenia Burr, A Suborder of Dermaptera. In: 2nd International congress of entomology. Oxford, August 1912, Band 1: Proceedings. S. 398 ff. (Textarchiv – Internet Archive).

  • Fabian Haas: The phylogeny of the Forficulina, a suborder of the Dermaptera. In: Systematic Entomology. Band 20, 1995, S. 85–98 ( PDF).

  • E. Mulsant: Notice sur Antoine-Casimir-Marguerite-Eugène Foudras. Préface Altisides. In: Histoire naturelle des coléoptères de France. Band 13: Altisides. Begriff „Aedeagus“, S. 32. (
  • A. Peytoureau: Recherches sur l'anatomie et le développement de l'armure génitale mâle des Lépidoptères. In: Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'Académie des Sciences. Band 118, Jan. – Juni 1894, Paris 1894, S. 542. (
  • A. Peytoureau: Contribution à l'étdude de la morphologie de l’armure génitale des Insectes. Paris 1895, S. 174. (
  • David Sharp: On the structure of the terminal segment in some male Hemiptera. In: Transactions of the Entomological Society of London for the year 1890. London 1890, S. 400. (
  • David Sharp, Frederic Muir: The comparative anatomy of the male genital tube in Coleoptera. In: Transactions of the Entomological Society of London for the year 1912. London 1912, S. 484 und S. 481 f. (

  • Manfred Koch, Wolfgang Heinicke, Bernd Müller: Wir bestimmen Schmetterlinge. Band 4: Spanner. 2., verbesserte und erweiterte Auflage. Neumann, Leipzig/Radebeul 1976, DNB 780451570, S. 29.

  • Yoshitaka Kamimura: Right-handed penises of the earwig Labidura riparia (Insecta, Dermaptera, Labiduridae): Evolutionary relationships between structural and behavioral asymmetries. In: Journal of Morphology. Band 267, Nr. 11, 2006, ISSN 1097-4687, S. 1381–1389, doi:10.1002/jmor.10484.
  • Yoshitaka Kamimura: Possible Removal of Rival Sperm by the Elongated Genitalia of the Earwig, Euborellia plebeja. In: Zoological Society of Japan (Hrsg.): Zoological Science. Band 17, Nr. 5, 2000, ISSN 0289-0003, S. 667–672, doi:10.2108/zsj.17.667.
  • Karl J. Jarvis, Fabian Haas, Michael F. Whiting: Phylogeny of earwigs (Insecta: Dermaptera) based on molecular and morphological evidence: reconsidering the classification of Dermaptera. In: Systematic Entomology. Band 30, Nr. 3, 2005, ISSN 1365-3113, S. 442–453, doi:10.1111/j.1365-3113.2004.00276.x.
  • Chang S. Han, Piotr G. Jablonski: Female Genitalia Concealment Promotes Intimate Male Courtship in a Water Strider. In: PLoS ONE. Band 4, Nr. 6, 2009, ISSN 1932-6203, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0005793, PMID 19516886, PMC 2686155 (freier Volltext).

  • Niels P. Kristensen: Lepidoptera, Moths and Butterflies. Vol. 2: Morphology, Physiology and Development. (= Handbuch der Zoologie. Band IV, Teilband 36). de Gruyter, Berlin / New York 2003, ISBN 3-11-016210-5, S. 103 in der Google-Buchsuche

  • Benennungen nach Masao Ito: Supraspecific Classification of Bumblebees based on the Characters of Male Genitalia in Contributions from the Institute of Low Temperature Science, B. 20: 1 – 143, Hokkaido University 1986-01-25 Doc. URL

  • Benennungen nach Masao Ito: Supraspecific Classification of Bumblebees based on the Characters of Male Genitalia in Contributions from the Institute of Low Temperature Science, B. 20: 1 – 143, Hokkaido University 1986-01-25 Doc. URL

  • Richard Fox: Invertebrate Anatomy OnLine Periplaneta americana Copyright 2004 als html

  • R. E. Snodgrass: A revised interpretation of the external reproductive organs of male insects. In: Smithsonian miscellaneous Collections. Vol. 135135, Nr. 6, Washington 1957, S. 2 ff. (

  • John R. Eyer: The comparitiv morphology of the male genitalia of the primitive Lepidoptera. Thesis, University of Minnesota, Dec. 1923, als una-dissertation-0142.pdf im Netz

  • Yoshitaka Kamimura: Right-handed penises of the earwig Labidura riparia (Insecta, Dermaptera, Labiduridae): Evolutionary relationships between structural and behavioral asymmetries. In: Journal of Morphology. Band 267, Nr. 11, 2006, ISSN 1097-4687, S. 1381–1389, doi:10.1002/jmor.10484.
  • Yoshitaka Kamimura: Possible Removal of Rival Sperm by the Elongated Genitalia of the Earwig, Euborellia plebeja. In: Zoological Society of Japan (Hrsg.): Zoological Science. Band 17, Nr. 5, 2000, ISSN 0289-0003, S. 667–672, doi:10.2108/zsj.17.667.
  • Karl J. Jarvis, Fabian Haas, Michael F. Whiting: Phylogeny of earwigs (Insecta: Dermaptera) based on molecular and morphological evidence: reconsidering the classification of Dermaptera. In: Systematic Entomology. Band 30, Nr. 3, 2005, ISSN 1365-3113, S. 442–453, doi:10.1111/j.1365-3113.2004.00276.x.
  • Chang S. Han, Piotr G. Jablonski: Female Genitalia Concealment Promotes Intimate Male Courtship in a Water Strider. In: PLoS ONE. Band 4, Nr. 6, 2009, ISSN 1932-6203, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0005793, PMID 19516886, PMC 2686155 (freier Volltext).