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Manuel G. Ricardo, Markus Schwark, Dayma Llanes, Timo H. J. Niedermeyer, Bernhard Westermann: Total Synthesis of Aetokthonotoxin, the Cyanobacterial Neurotoxin Causing Vacuolar Myelinopathy. In: Chemistry – A European Journal. 3. Juni 2021, doi:10.1002/chem.202101848.
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Manuel G. Ricardo, Markus Schwark, Dayma Llanes, Timo H. J. Niedermeyer, Bernhard Westermann: Total Synthesis of Aetokthonotoxin, the Cyanobacterial Neurotoxin Causing Vacuolar Myelinopathy. Supporting Information. In: Chemistry – A European Journal. 3. Juni 2021, doi:10.1002/chem.202101848 (Supporting Information [PDF]).