D. M. Walsh, S. A. Shalev, M. A. Simpson, N. V. Morgan, Z. Gelman-Kohan, J. Chemke, R. C. Trembath, E. R. Maher: Acrocallosal syndrome: identification of a novel KIF7 mutation and evidence for oligogenic inheritance. In: European journal of medical genetics. Band 56, Nummer 1, Januar 2013, S. 39–42, ISSN1878-0849. doi:10.1016/j.ejmg.2012.10.004. PMID 23142271.
A. Schinzel: Postaxial polydactyly, hallux duplication, absence of the corpus callosum, macrencephaly and severe mental retardation: a new syndrome? In: Helvetica paediatrica acta. Band 34, Nummer 2, Mai 1979, S. 141–146, ISSN0018-022X. PMID 457430.
D. M. Walsh, S. A. Shalev, M. A. Simpson, N. V. Morgan, Z. Gelman-Kohan, J. Chemke, R. C. Trembath, E. R. Maher: Acrocallosal syndrome: identification of a novel KIF7 mutation and evidence for oligogenic inheritance. In: European journal of medical genetics. Band 56, Nummer 1, Januar 2013, S. 39–42, ISSN1878-0849. doi:10.1016/j.ejmg.2012.10.004. PMID 23142271.
A. Schinzel: Postaxial polydactyly, hallux duplication, absence of the corpus callosum, macrencephaly and severe mental retardation: a new syndrome? In: Helvetica paediatrica acta. Band 34, Nummer 2, Mai 1979, S. 141–146, ISSN0018-022X. PMID 457430.
D. M. Walsh, S. A. Shalev, M. A. Simpson, N. V. Morgan, Z. Gelman-Kohan, J. Chemke, R. C. Trembath, E. R. Maher: Acrocallosal syndrome: identification of a novel KIF7 mutation and evidence for oligogenic inheritance. In: European journal of medical genetics. Band 56, Nummer 1, Januar 2013, S. 39–42, ISSN1878-0849. doi:10.1016/j.ejmg.2012.10.004. PMID 23142271.