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Edwin Poon, Deborah A. Ellis, Hiram E. Fitzgerald, Robert A. Zucker: Intellectual, Cognitive, and Academic Performance Among Sons of Alcoholics During the Early School Years: Differences Related to Subtypes of Familial Alcoholism. In: Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. Band24, Nr.7, Juli 2000, ISSN0145-6008, S.1020–1027, doi:10.1111/j.1530-0277.2000.tb04645.x ( [abgerufen am 28. April 2022]).
Leon I. Puttler, Robert A. Zucker, Hiram E. Fitzgerald, C. Raymond Bingham: Behavioral Outcomes among Children of Alcoholics During the Early and Middle Childhood Years: Familial Subtype Variations. In: Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. Band22, Nr.9, Dezember 1998, ISSN0145-6008, S.1962–1972, doi:10.1111/j.1530-0277.1998.tb05904.x ( [abgerufen am 28. April 2022]).
Nicole Baltruschat, Edgar Geissner, Michael Klein: Elterlicher Alkoholmissbrauch. In: Zeitschrift für Gesundheitspsychologie. Band13, Nr.2, 1. April 2005, ISSN0943-8149, S.58–68, doi:10.1026/0943-8149.13.2.58 ( [abgerufen am 28. April 2022]).
Sven Barnow, Michael Lucht, Wolfgang Fischer, Harald-J. Freyberger: Trinkverhalten und psychosoziale Belastungen bei Kindern alkoholkranker Eltern (CoAs). In: Suchttherapie. Band2, Nr.03, August 2001, ISSN1439-9903, S.137–142, doi:10.1055/s-2001-16410 ( [abgerufen am 28. April 2022]).
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Steffen Moritz, Alia Marie Paulus, Birgit Hottenrott, Roland Weierstall, Jürgen Gallinat: Imaginal retraining reduces alcohol craving in problem drinkers: A randomized controlled trial. In: Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry. Band64, September 2019, S.158–166, doi:10.1016/j.jbtep.2019.04.001 ( [abgerufen am 16. Juli 2021]).
Carolin Eberl, Reinout W. Wiers, Steffen Pawelczack, Mike Rinck, Eni S. Becker: Approach bias modification in alcohol dependence: Do clinical effects replicate and for whom does it work best? In: Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. Band4, April 2013, S.38–51, doi:10.1016/j.dcn.2012.11.002 ( [abgerufen am 16. Juli 2021]).
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Nicole Baltruschat, Edgar Geissner, Michael Klein: Elterlicher Alkoholmissbrauch. In: Zeitschrift für Gesundheitspsychologie. Band13, Nr.2, 1. April 2005, ISSN0943-8149, S.58–68, doi:10.1026/0943-8149.13.2.58 ( [abgerufen am 28. April 2022]).
C E McGrath, A L Watson, L Chassin: Academic achievement in adolescent children of alcoholics. In: Journal of Studies on Alcohol. Band60, Nr.1, 1. Januar 1999, ISSN0096-882X, S.18–26, doi:10.15288/jsa.1999.60.18 ( [abgerufen am 28. April 2022]).
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E. Keating, C. Lemos, P. Gonçalves, F. Martel: Acute and chronic effects of some dietary bioactive compounds on folic acid uptake and on the expression of folic acid transporters by the human trophoblast cell line BeWo. In: J. Nutr. Biochem. Band19, Nr.2, Februar 2008, S.91–100, doi:10.1016/j.jnutbio.2007.01.007, PMID 17531458.
Johanna Hietala, Heidi Koivisto, Petra Anttila: Comparison of the combined marker GGT-CDT and the conventional laboratory markers of alcohol abuse in heavy drinkers, moderate drinkers and abstainers. In: Alcohol and Alcoholism. Nr.41(5), 23. Juni 2006, S.528–533, doi:10.1093/alcalc/agl050, PMID 16799164.
Albert Garcia-Romeu, Brennan Kersgaard, Peter H. Addy: Clinical Applications of Hallucinogens: A Review. In: Experimental and clinical psychopharmacology. Band24, Nr.4, August 2017, S.229–268, doi:10.1037/pha0000084, PMID 27454674 (englisch).
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S. Minozzi, L. Amato, S. Vecchi, M. Davoli, U. Kirchmayer, A. Verster: Oral naltrexone maintenance treatment for opioid dependence. In: Cochrane Database Syst Rev. Nr.1, 2006, S.CD001333, doi:10.1002/14651858.CD001333.pub2, PMID 16437431.
Y. Adi, A. Juarez-Garcia, D. Wang et al.: Oral naltrexone as a treatment for relapse prevention in formerly opioid-dependent drug users: a systematic review and economic evaluation. In: Health Technol Assess. Band11, Nr.6, Februar 2007, S.iii–iv, 1–85, PMID 17280624 (Online).
H. Walter, K. Gutierrez, K. Ramskogler, I. Hertling, A. Dvorak, O. M. Lesch: Gender-specific differences in alcoholism: implications for treatment. In: Archives of Women’s Mental Health. Band6, Nr.4, November 2003, S.253–258, doi:10.1007/s00737-003-0014-8, PMID 14628177.
Hasin D et al.: Prevalence, Correlates, Disability, and Comorbidity of DSM-IV Alcohol Abuse and Dependence in the United States. In: Archives of General Psychiatry. Band64, Nr.7, 2007, S.830, doi:10.1001/archpsyc.64.7.830, PMID 17606817.
A. H. Weinberger, J. Platt, R. D. Goodwin: Is cannabis use associated with an increased risk of onset and persistence of alcohol use disorders? A three-year prospective study among adults in the United States. In: Drug and alcohol dependence. Band 161, April 2016, S. 363–367, doi:10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2016.01.014, PMID 26875671.
C. Blanco, D. S. Hasin, M. M. Wall, L. Flórez-Salamanca, N. Hoertel, S. Wang, B. T. Kerridge, M. Olfson: Cannabis Use and Risk of Psychiatric Disorders: Prospective Evidence From a US National Longitudinal Study. In: JAMA psychiatry. Band 73, Nummer 4, April 2016, S. 388–395, doi:10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2015.3229, PMID 26886046.
A. M. Wycoff, J. Metrik, T. J. Trull: Affect and cannabis use in daily life: a review and recommendations for future research. In: Drug and alcohol dependence. Band 191, 10 2018, S. 223–233, doi:10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2018.07.001, PMID 30149283, PMC 6201696 (freier Volltext) (Review).
N. J. Schlienz, D. C. Lee: Co-use of cannabis, tobacco, and alcohol during adolescence: policy and regulatory implications. In: International Review of Psychiatry. Band 30, Nummer 3, 06 2018, S. 226–237, doi:10.1080/09540261.2018.1465399, PMID 29944032, PMC 6388417 (freier Volltext) (Review).
T. Kirby, A. E. Barry: Alcohol as a gateway drug: a study of US 12th graders. In: The Journal of school health. Band 82, Nummer 8, August 2012, S. 371–379, doi:10.1111/j.1746-1561.2012.00712.x, PMID 22712674.
Johannes Kornhuber, Gabriele Erhard, Bernd Lenz, Thomas Kraus, Wolfgang Sperling, Kristina Bayerlein, Teresa Biermann, Christina Stoessel: Low Digit Ratio 2D∶4D in Alcohol Dependent Patients. In: PLOS ONE. Band6, Nr.4, 25. April 2011, ISSN1932-6203, S.e19332, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0019332 (Online).
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Maria J. Casas-Gil, Jose I. Navarro-Guzman: School Characteristics among Children of Alcoholic Parents. In: Psychological Reports. Band90, Nr.1, Februar 2002, ISSN0033-2941, S.341–348, doi:10.2466/pr0.2002.90.1.341 ( [abgerufen am 28. April 2022]).
Howard B. Moss, Michael Vanyukov, Partha P. Majumder, Levent Kirisci, Ralph E. Tarter: Prepubertal sons of substance abusers: Influences of parental and familial substance abuse on behavioral disposition, IQ, and school achievement. In: Addictive Behaviors. Band20, Nr.3, 1. Mai 1995, ISSN0306-4603, S.345–358, doi:10.1016/0306-4603(94)00077-C ( [abgerufen am 28. April 2022]).
Ronald T. Murphy, Timothy J. O’Farrell, Frank J. Floyd, Gerard J. Connors: School adjustment of children of alcoholic fathers: Comparison to normal controls. In: Addictive Behaviors. Band16, Nr.5, 1. Januar 1991, ISSN0306-4603, S.275–287, doi:10.1016/0306-4603(91)90020-I ( [abgerufen am 28. April 2022]).
Michael Klein: Kinder aus alkoholbelasteten Familien – Ein Überblick zu Forschungsergebnissen und Handlungsperspektiven. In: Suchttherapie. Band2, Nr.03, August 2001, ISSN1439-9903, S.118–124, doi:10.1055/s-2001-16416 ( [abgerufen am 28. April 2022]).
Sven Barnow, Michael Lucht, Wolfgang Fischer, Harald-J. Freyberger: Trinkverhalten und psychosoziale Belastungen bei Kindern alkoholkranker Eltern (CoAs). In: Suchttherapie. Band2, Nr.03, August 2001, ISSN1439-9903, S.137–142, doi:10.1055/s-2001-16410 ( [abgerufen am 28. April 2022]).
Michael Klein: Kinder aus alkoholbelasteten Familien – Ein Überblick zu Forschungsergebnissen und Handlungsperspektiven. In: Suchttherapie. Band2, Nr.03, August 2001, ISSN1439-9903, S.118–124, doi:10.1055/s-2001-16416 ( [abgerufen am 28. April 2022]).
Y. Adi, A. Juarez-Garcia, D. Wang et al.: Oral naltrexone as a treatment for relapse prevention in formerly opioid-dependent drug users: a systematic review and economic evaluation. In: Health Technol Assess. Band11, Nr.6, Februar 2007, S.iii–iv, 1–85, PMID 17280624 (Online).
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Edwin Poon, Deborah A. Ellis, Hiram E. Fitzgerald, Robert A. Zucker: Intellectual, Cognitive, and Academic Performance Among Sons of Alcoholics During the Early School Years: Differences Related to Subtypes of Familial Alcoholism. In: Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. Band24, Nr.7, Juli 2000, ISSN0145-6008, S.1020–1027, doi:10.1111/j.1530-0277.2000.tb04645.x ( [abgerufen am 28. April 2022]).
Leon I. Puttler, Robert A. Zucker, Hiram E. Fitzgerald, C. Raymond Bingham: Behavioral Outcomes among Children of Alcoholics During the Early and Middle Childhood Years: Familial Subtype Variations. In: Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. Band22, Nr.9, Dezember 1998, ISSN0145-6008, S.1962–1972, doi:10.1111/j.1530-0277.1998.tb05904.x ( [abgerufen am 28. April 2022]).
Jeannette L. Johnson, Jon E. Rolf: Cognitive Functioning in Children from Alcoholic and Non-alcoholic Families. In: Addiction. Band83, Nr.7, Juli 1988, ISSN0965-2140, S.849–857, doi:10.1111/j.1360-0443.1988.tb00520.x ( [abgerufen am 28. April 2022]).
Johannes Kornhuber, Gabriele Erhard, Bernd Lenz, Thomas Kraus, Wolfgang Sperling, Kristina Bayerlein, Teresa Biermann, Christina Stoessel: Low Digit Ratio 2D∶4D in Alcohol Dependent Patients. In: PLOS ONE. Band6, Nr.4, 25. April 2011, ISSN1932-6203, S.e19332, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0019332 (Online).
Michael Klein: Kinder aus alkoholbelasteten Familien – Ein Überblick zu Forschungsergebnissen und Handlungsperspektiven. In: Suchttherapie. Band2, Nr.03, August 2001, ISSN1439-9903, S.118–124, doi:10.1055/s-2001-16416 ( [abgerufen am 28. April 2022]).
Nicole Baltruschat, Edgar Geissner, Michael Klein: Elterlicher Alkoholmissbrauch. In: Zeitschrift für Gesundheitspsychologie. Band13, Nr.2, 1. April 2005, ISSN0943-8149, S.58–68, doi:10.1026/0943-8149.13.2.58 ( [abgerufen am 28. April 2022]).
Howard B. Moss, Michael Vanyukov, Partha P. Majumder, Levent Kirisci, Ralph E. Tarter: Prepubertal sons of substance abusers: Influences of parental and familial substance abuse on behavioral disposition, IQ, and school achievement. In: Addictive Behaviors. Band20, Nr.3, 1. Mai 1995, ISSN0306-4603, S.345–358, doi:10.1016/0306-4603(94)00077-C ( [abgerufen am 28. April 2022]).
Edwin Poon, Deborah A. Ellis, Hiram E. Fitzgerald, Robert A. Zucker: Intellectual, Cognitive, and Academic Performance Among Sons of Alcoholics During the Early School Years: Differences Related to Subtypes of Familial Alcoholism. In: Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. Band24, Nr.7, Juli 2000, ISSN0145-6008, S.1020–1027, doi:10.1111/j.1530-0277.2000.tb04645.x ( [abgerufen am 28. April 2022]).
Leon I. Puttler, Robert A. Zucker, Hiram E. Fitzgerald, C. Raymond Bingham: Behavioral Outcomes among Children of Alcoholics During the Early and Middle Childhood Years: Familial Subtype Variations. In: Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. Band22, Nr.9, Dezember 1998, ISSN0145-6008, S.1962–1972, doi:10.1111/j.1530-0277.1998.tb05904.x ( [abgerufen am 28. April 2022]).
Nicole Baltruschat, Edgar Geissner, Michael Klein: Elterlicher Alkoholmissbrauch. In: Zeitschrift für Gesundheitspsychologie. Band13, Nr.2, 1. April 2005, ISSN0943-8149, S.58–68, doi:10.1026/0943-8149.13.2.58 ( [abgerufen am 28. April 2022]).
Sven Barnow, Michael Lucht, Wolfgang Fischer, Harald-J. Freyberger: Trinkverhalten und psychosoziale Belastungen bei Kindern alkoholkranker Eltern (CoAs). In: Suchttherapie. Band2, Nr.03, August 2001, ISSN1439-9903, S.137–142, doi:10.1055/s-2001-16410 ( [abgerufen am 28. April 2022]).
Jeannette L. Johnson, Jon E. Rolf: Cognitive Functioning in Children from Alcoholic and Non-alcoholic Families. In: Addiction. Band83, Nr.7, Juli 1988, ISSN0965-2140, S.849–857, doi:10.1111/j.1360-0443.1988.tb00520.x ( [abgerufen am 28. April 2022]).
Ronald T. Murphy, Timothy J. O’Farrell, Frank J. Floyd, Gerard J. Connors: School adjustment of children of alcoholic fathers: Comparison to normal controls. In: Addictive Behaviors. Band16, Nr.5, 1. Januar 1991, ISSN0306-4603, S.275–287, doi:10.1016/0306-4603(91)90020-I ( [abgerufen am 28. April 2022]).
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