Fred C. Woudhuizen: Documents in Minoan Luwian, Semitic and Pelasgian. In: Maarten D. de Weerd, Jan P. Stronk (Hrsg.): Publications of the Henri Frankfort Foundation. Band14. Dutch Archaeological and Historical Society, 2016, ISBN 978-90-72067-19-7, ISSN1574-1370, The inscribed altar stone from Malia, S.167 (Digitalisat).
Peter Z. Revesz: A Translation of the Arkalochori Axe and the Malia Altar Stone. In: WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications. Band14 (1). World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society, 2017, ISSN1790-0832, S.125 (Digitalisat).
Fred C. Woudhuizen: Documents in Minoan Luwian, Semitic and Pelasgian. In: Maarten D. de Weerd, Jan P. Stronk (Hrsg.): Publications of the Henri Frankfort Foundation. Band14. Dutch Archaeological and Historical Society, 2016, ISBN 978-90-72067-19-7, ISSN1574-1370, The inscribed altar stone from Malia, S.168 (Digitalisat).
Louis Olivier, Jean-Pierre Godard: Corpus Hieroglyphicarum Inscriptionum Cretae (CHIC). In: Études crétoises. Band31. De Boccard, Paris 1996, ISBN 2-86958-082-7, S.314 (Digitalisat).
Fernand Chapouthier: Inscription hiéroglyphique minoenne gravée sur un bloc de calcaire. In: Bulletin de correspondance hellénique. Band62, 1938, ISSN0007-4217, S.104 (Digitalisat).
Fernand Chapouthier: Inscription hiéroglyphique minoenne gravée sur un bloc de calcaire. In: Bulletin de correspondance hellénique. Band62, 1938, ISSN0007-4217, S.105 (Digitalisat).
Fernand Chapouthier: Inscription hiéroglyphique minoenne gravée sur un bloc de calcaire. In: Bulletin de correspondance hellénique. Band62, 1938, ISSN0007-4217, S.104 (Digitalisat).
Fernand Chapouthier: Inscription hiéroglyphique minoenne gravée sur un bloc de calcaire. In: Bulletin de correspondance hellénique. Band62, 1938, ISSN0007-4217, S.105 (Digitalisat).
Fred C. Woudhuizen: Documents in Minoan Luwian, Semitic and Pelasgian. In: Maarten D. de Weerd, Jan P. Stronk (Hrsg.): Publications of the Henri Frankfort Foundation. Band14. Dutch Archaeological and Historical Society, 2016, ISBN 978-90-72067-19-7, ISSN1574-1370, The inscribed altar stone from Malia, S.167 (Digitalisat).
Peter Z. Revesz: A Translation of the Arkalochori Axe and the Malia Altar Stone. In: WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications. Band14 (1). World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society, 2017, ISSN1790-0832, S.125 (Digitalisat).
Fred C. Woudhuizen: Documents in Minoan Luwian, Semitic and Pelasgian. In: Maarten D. de Weerd, Jan P. Stronk (Hrsg.): Publications of the Henri Frankfort Foundation. Band14. Dutch Archaeological and Historical Society, 2016, ISBN 978-90-72067-19-7, ISSN1574-1370, The inscribed altar stone from Malia, S.168 (Digitalisat).