Eintrag zu Cordarone. In: Arzneimittelkompendium der Schweiz; abgerufen am 22. April 2018.
J. Kornhuber, M. Muehlbacher, S. Trapp, S. Pechmann, A. Friedl, M. Reichel, C. Mühle, L. Terfloth, T. Groemer, G. Spitzer, K. Liedl, E. Gulbins, P. Tripal: Identification of Novel Functional Inhibitors of Acid Sphingomyelinase. In: PLoS ONE. Band6, Nr.8, 2011, S.e23852, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0023852.
D. Werner, H. Wuttke, M. F. Fromm, S. Schaefer, T. Eschenhagen: Effect of amiodarone on the plasma levels of metoprolol. In: Am J Cardiol. 94(10), 15. November 2004, S. 1319–1321. doi:10.1016/j.amjcard.2004.07.125.
S. G. Priori, E. Aliot, C. Blomstrom-Lundqvist, L. Bossaert, G. Breithardt, P. Brugada, A. J. Camm, R. Cappato, S. M. Cobbe, C. Di Mario, B. J. Maron, W. J. McKenna, A. K. Pedersen, U. Ravens, P. J. Schwartz, P. Trusz-Gluza, P. Vardas, H. J. J. Wellens, D. P. Zipes: Task Force on Sudden Cardiac Death of the European Society of Cardiology. In: Eur Heart J. 22(16), 2001 August 2, S. 1374–1450. PMID 11482917.
R. Schindler, T. Fielenbach, G. Rave: A comparative study on the effects of oral amiodarone and trimeprazine, two in vitro retinyl ester hydrolase inhibitors, on the metabolic availability of vitamin A in rats. In: Br. J. Nutr. Band94, Nr.5, November 2005, S.675–683, PMID 16277768.