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J. L. Murray: Suicidal–Homicidal Ideation in Mass Killers and Transcendence. In: Deviant Behavior. 36, Nr. 7, 2015, S. 581–588. doi:10.1080/01639625.2014.951570.
J. Reid Meloy, Mary Ellen O’Toole: The Concept of Leakage in Threat Assessment. In: Behavioral sciences & the law. 29, Nr. 4, Juli/August 2011, S. 513–527 (Memento vom 9. November 2013 im Internet Archive) (PDF; 146 kB). doi:10.1002/bsl.986
Adam Lankford, Nayab Hakim: From Columbine to Palestine: A comparative analysis of rampage shooters in the United States and volunteer suicide bombers in the Middle East. In: Aggression and Violent Behavior. 16, Nr. 2, 2011, S. 98–107 (Memento vom 30. Dezember 2013 im Internet Archive) (PDF; 192 kB). doi:10.1016/j.avb.2010.12.006.