Angela Bowie (German Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Angela Bowie" in German language version.

Global rank German rank
2,205th place
2,300th place
9th place
9th place
16th place
8th place
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low place
47th place
110th place
219th place
66th place
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487th place
91st place
83rd place
627th place
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245th place
418th place
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2,248th place
3,236th place
95th place
411th place
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317th place
14th place
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238th place
441st place
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102nd place
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134th place
421st place
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895th place
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294th place
832nd place
123rd place
6th place
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40th place
9,753rd place
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8,046th place
9,581st place
2,194th place
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453rd place
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685th place
3,048th place
7,501st place
575th place
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7,280th place
7,572nd place
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34th place
113th place
2,021st place
1,269th place
5,163rd place
322nd place
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low place

  • Angela Bowie Interview. Teil 1/3, 2/3, 3/3. In:, 2000.
  • Angela Bowie Interview. Teil 1/3, 2/3, 3/3. In:, 2000.
  • Angela Bowie Interview. Teil 1/3, 2/3, 3/3. In:, 2000.
    Originaltext: „I live in Tucson, Arizona in the American South West.“

  • Melissa Ruggieri: David Bowie's ex-wife, Angie, still maintains Georgia ties. In: The Atlanta Journal-Constitution vom 12. Januar 2016.
    Originaltext: „In the ’80s, Angie [Bowie] (nee Mary Angela Barnett) moved to Atlanta, where she was described by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution in a 1990 story as a ‚low-profile performance artist‘.“

  • Trannyshack: David Bowie Tribute. In: Trannyshack vom 18. März 2011.
    Originaltext: „ Angie was the "It Girl" in London's 'In'-crowd and cultivated all that was weird and left-field.“
    Adem Sandel: Angie Bowie Rocks On. In: Bay Area Reporter vom 14. März 2011.
    Originaltext: „She was the counter-culture "It-Girl" of the glam rock '70s.“

  • Randy Patterson: Angela Bowie – Backstage, Lipstick, & All. In: vom November 2019.
    Originaltext: „Acworth was convenient. […] We stayed at that house for two years.“
  • Randy Patterson: Angela Bowie – Backstage, Lipstick, & All. In: vom November 2019.
    Originaltext: „We had the most wonderful time in [Knoxville] Tennessee. Michael (Angela’s current husband) and I – we lived there for a year. And just outside of – we lived in a fabulous place, Tellico Village, which was 30 miles from the job site. The job site was in Alcoa. […] We had an absolutely magical year there.“

  • Bowie Golden Years 1970. In:
    Originaltext: „Angela was no stranger to controversy and as their relationship began, she schooled Bowie in the art of attracting attention.“
  • Raymond Telford: Hype And David Bowie’s Future. In: Melody Maker vom 28. März 1970.
    Originalzitat: David Bowie: „We’ve had these costumes made by various girl friends which make us look like Dr. Strange or The Incredible Hulk.“
  • Bowie Golden Years 1970. In:
    Originaltext: „Bowie and Angela had suggested to the band that some sort of stage wear was needed to spice up the act. Angela browsed the Charing Cross Road shops with neighbour and friend Mark Pritchett, devising costumes for the band based on different characters.“

  • Auch Lou Reed schätzte Angela Bowies Rat in Kleidungsfragen. Den schwarzen Samtanzug, den er auf dem Cover seines Albums Transformer von 1972 trägt, hatte Angela Bowie ausgewählt.
    Quelle: Madeline Bocaro: Angela Bowie. The Prettiest Star. In: vom 1. August 2018.
    Originaltext: „Lou Reed credits Angie for creating his Transformer album cover look. […] It was Angie who selected his black velvet Spanish style diamante sequined suit.“
    Lou Reed „Transformer“ presented by Colleen ‚Cosmo‘ Murphy. In:


  • Trannyshack: David Bowie Tribute. In: Trannyshack vom 18. März 2011.
    Originaltext: „ Angie was the "It Girl" in London's 'In'-crowd and cultivated all that was weird and left-field.“
    Adem Sandel: Angie Bowie Rocks On. In: Bay Area Reporter vom 14. März 2011.
    Originaltext: „She was the counter-culture "It-Girl" of the glam rock '70s.“

  • Kevin Courtney: Then & Now: Angie Bowie. In: The Irish Times vom 12. November 2011.
    Originaltext: „She introduced Bowie to many of the strange, eccentric types who would provide the blueprints for his future alter-egos.“
  • Kevin Courtney: Then & Now: Angie Bowie. In: The Irish Times vom 12. November 2011.
    Originaltext: „Angie’s arrival encouraged Bowie to explore his androgynous side.“
  • Kevin Courtney: Then & Now: Angie Bowie. In: The Irish Times vom 12. November 2011.
    Originaltext: „As Bowie’s career took off, however, Angie and Zowie were pushed into the background as Bowie moved onwards towards superstardom. They separated in 1976, and divorced in 1980.“
  • Kevin Courtney: Then & Now: Angie Bowie. In: The Irish Times vom 12. November 2011.
    Originaltext: „[Bowie] now lives in Tucson, Arizona with her current partner.“
    Emine Saner: Angie Bowie: 'Why I gave up my son Zowie'. In: Evening Standard vom 7. Januar 2016.
    Originaltext: „She has come to London from her home in Tucson, Arizona.“
    Halina Watts: David Bowie’s ex-wife Angie was raped in 1970s – but she never told him about it. In: Sunday Mirror vom 3. August 2019.
    Originaltext: „She lives with her partner of 20 years Michael Gassett in Tucson, Arizona.“
  • Kevin Courtney: Then & Now: Angie Bowie. In: The Irish Times vom 12. November 2011.
    Originalzitat: „John had Yoko, Mick had Bianca, and David Bowie had Angela Barnett, a flame-haired siren who inspired Bowie to develop his Ziggy Stardust, Aladdin Sane and Thin White Duke personae. David and Angie were English rock’s quirky royal couple, looking and dressing alike in bright red mullets and silk kimonos, and shocking the music world with tales of drugs, cross-dressing, threesomes and bisexual trysts.“
  • Kevin Courtney: Then & Now: Angie Bowie. In: The Irish Times vom 12. November 2011.
    Originalzitat: „They separated in 1976, and divorced in 1980, after which, says Angie, Bowie tried to ‚edit‘ her out of his life. ‚Famous men frequently do that when they feel threatened by a woman’s influence,‘ she said. ‚They like to be thought of as the sole genius. God forbid that any woman helped them to get where they did. Picasso did the same thing to his women – he tried to write them off as insane.‘“

  • Auch Lou Reed schätzte Angela Bowies Rat in Kleidungsfragen. Den schwarzen Samtanzug, den er auf dem Cover seines Albums Transformer von 1972 trägt, hatte Angela Bowie ausgewählt.
    Quelle: Madeline Bocaro: Angela Bowie. The Prettiest Star. In: vom 1. August 2018.
    Originaltext: „Lou Reed credits Angie for creating his Transformer album cover look. […] It was Angie who selected his black velvet Spanish style diamante sequined suit.“
    Lou Reed „Transformer“ presented by Colleen ‚Cosmo‘ Murphy. In:
  • Madeline Bocaro: Angela Bowie. The Prettiest Star. In: vom 1. August 2018.
  • Madeline Bocaro: Angela Bowie. The Prettiest Star. In: vom 1. August 2018.
    Originaltext: „Set in a now demolished Victorian mansion called Haddon Hall in a suburb of London, the Joneses (a.k.a. the Bowies) lived with a cast of flamboyant and interesting characters – David’s band-mates, gorgeous friends and clothing designers.“
  • Madeline Bocaro: Angela Bowie. The Prettiest Star. In: vom 1. August 2018.
    Originaltext: „Angie had an extremely keen marketing sense, and artfully designed the dramatic stage lighting for Bowie’s performances.“
  • Madeline Bocaro: Angela Bowie. The Prettiest Star. In: vom 1. August 2018.
    Originaltext: „When the two were seen out in public in astounding complementary garb […].“
    Martin Popoff: Bowie at 75. Quarto Publishing Group USA, London 2022, ISBN 978-0-76037-438-2, S. 26.
    Originaltext: „[…] with Angie obtaining the matching look.“
  • Madeline Bocaro: Angela Bowie. The Prettiest Star. In: vom 1. August 2018.
    Originaltext: „She set up a safety net and a whirlwind of energy and creativity around him.“
  • Madeline Bocaro: Angela Bowie. The Prettiest Star. In: vom 1. August 2018.
    Originaltext: „Suzi Fussey Ronson: ‚Angie and I would take a limo and shop all over London with great fanfare only returning when the car was loaded down and groaning. I was in charge of cleaning, pressing and repairing everything.‘“
  • Madeline Bocaro: Angela Bowie. The Prettiest Star. In: vom 1. August 2018.
    Originaltext: „After seeing photos of Kansai Yamamoto’s models (and also of early supermodel Veruschka) with shaved eyebrows, Angie did the same and David was soon on board.“
  • Madeline Bocaro: Angela Bowie. The Prettiest Star. In: vom 1. August 2018.
    Originaltext: „In early concert films we can see Angie dancing wildly at the front of a near empty venue, hysterically screaming for Ziggy and generating a buzz which soon caught on like wildfire.“

  • Lucretia Tye Jasmine: The Prettiest Star: Angie Bowie-Barnett carries on. In: vom 6. August 2020.
  • Lucretia Tye Jasmine: The Prettiest Star: Angie Bowie-Barnett carries on. In: vom 6. August 2020.
    Originaltext: „[Angela Bowie] managed his early career.“
  • Lucretia Tye Jasmine: The Prettiest Star: Angie Bowie-Barnett carries on. In: vom 6. August 2020.
    Originaltext: „[Angela Bowie] shaped his Ziggy alter ego, even sewed [some of] his costumes.“
  • Lucretia Tye Jasmine: The Prettiest Star: Angie Bowie-Barnett carries on. In: vom 6. August 2020.
    Originaltext: „After the publication of her second memoir, Backstage Passes (1993), ‚I had a lot of difficulties.‘ She moved to Atlanta, with her daughter, Stacia (born in 1981, from Angie’s former lover, the musician, Drew Blood). […] At a local club where she was performing, she met Michael Gassett.[…] They’ve been together ever since. […] She began working in construction with Gassett, a licensed electrician.“

  • Eines Nachts, als sich die theatralische und manchmal eifersüchtige Angela vorsätzlich eine Treppe hinunterstürzte, stieg David Bowie, der sich um diese Zeit selbst als „gefühlskalt“ beschrieb, auf dem Weg zur Tür über sie hinweg und verabschiedete sich mit den Worten „Wenn du Lust hast und nicht tot bist, ruf mich an.“
    Quellen: Mikal Gilmore: David Bowie: How Ziggy Stardust Fell to Earth In: Rolling Stone vom 2. Februar 2012.
    Originalzitat: „I’m a pretty cold person. A very cold person, I find. […] I can’t feel strongly. I get so numb. I find that I’m walking around numb. I’m a bit of an iceman.“
    Mikal Gilmore: David Bowie: How Ziggy Stardust Fell to Earth. In: Rolling Stone vom 2. Februar 2012.
    Originalzitat: „One night, when the theatrical and sometimes jealous Angela threw herself down a staircase, David stepped over her on his way to the door, and said, ‚Well, when you feel like it, and if you’re not dead, call me.‘“
  • David Bowie sagte im Mai 1983 zu Kurt Loder vom Magazin Rolling Stone: „Der größte Fehler, den ich je gemacht habe, war diesem Schreiberling vom Melody Maker anzuvertrauen, dass ich bisexuell sei. Mein Gott, ich war damals noch so jung. Ich habe experimentiert…“
    Quelle: Kurt Loder: David Bowie: Straight Time. In: Rolling Stone vom 12. Mai 1983.
    Originalzitat: „‚The biggest mistake I ever made‘, he said one night after a couple of cans of Foster’s Lager, ‚was telling that Melody Maker writer that I was bisexual. Christ, I was so young then. I was experimenting…‘.“
  • Mikal Gilmore: David Bowie: How Ziggy Stardust Fell to Earth. In: Rolling Stone vom 2. Februar 2012.
    Originaltext: „Angela had been raised as a Roman Catholic, and her father insisted she promise to remain a virgin until she was 18.“
  • Mikal Gilmore: David Bowie: How Ziggy Stardust Fell to Earth. In: Rolling Stone vom 2. Februar 2012.
    Originalzitat: „David and Angela slept together that night. Angela knew that she wanted him, but she also knew that he slept with other people, including men.“
  • Mikal Gilmore: David Bowie: How Ziggy Stardust Fell to Earth. In: Rolling Stone vom 2. Februar 2012.
    Originaltext: „Bowie would tell Angela that he didn’t love her, even as he later married her […].“
  • Mikal Gilmore: David Bowie: How Ziggy Stardust Fell to Earth. In: Rolling Stone vom 2. Februar 2012.
    Originaltext: „Traumatized by the birth, and making little claim to maternal instinct, Angela left on vacation to Italy a few days later, with a friend.“
  • Mikal Gilmore: David Bowie: How Ziggy Stardust Fell to Earth. In: Rolling Stone vom 2. Februar 2012.
    Originalzitat: „Angela Barnett, the woman who changed his world more than anybody. At first, he called her ‚the moon and the stars‘. Later, he would resent her more than anything else in his life.“