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Richard G. Lloyd: The Angan Language Family. The linguistic situation in the Gulf District and adjacent areas. In: K. Franklin (Hrsg.): Pacific Linguistics. Australian National University, Canberra 1973, Kap.2, S.31–110, doi:10.15144/PL-C26.31 (englisch, sealang.net [PDF; 7,3MB; abgerufen am 18. April 2022]).
Jean-Pierre Dutilleux: Toulambis, les fantômes de la forêt. In: Vodeo.tv. Alexandra Films, 2001, archiviert vom Original (nicht mehr online verfügbar) am 23. September 2015; abgerufen am 12. April 2022 (französisch).
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Pierre Lemonnier: The hunt for authenticity: Stone Age Stories Out of Context. In: The Journal of Pacific History. Band39, Nr.1, 2004, ISSN0022-3344, S.79–98, doi:10.1080/00223340410001684868: „The principal actor in this sketch played out in the name of authenticity told me that he had later cried in shame at his part in this charade. … Sued for defamation, the author lost the legal proceedings brought against him.“