ASLE Emeritus: Annette Kolodny. In: ASLE News: A Biannual Publication of the Association for the Study of Literature and Environment. Band 19, Nummer 1, Frühjahr 2007, S. 15 (Digitalisat).
Vgl.: Annette Kolodny: Dancing through the Minefield: Some Observations on the Theory, Practice and Politics of a Feminist Literary Criticism. In: Feminist Studies, Band 6, Nummer 1, Frühjahr 1980, ISSN0046-3663, S. 1–25.
Vgl.: Annette Kolodny: Some Notes on Defining a “Feminist Literary Criticism”. In: Critical Inquiry, Band 2, Nummer 1, Herbst 1975, ISSN0093-1896, S. 75–92.
Tom J. Hillard: Kolodny and Hawthorne, Thirty-five Years Later. In: Early American Literature, Band 53, Nummer 3, 2018, ISSN0012-8163, S. 891–895, hier S. 892
Vgl.: Annette Kolodny: A Map for Rereading: Or, Gender and the Interpretation of Literary Texts. In: New Literary History, Band 11, Nummer 3, Frühjahr 1980, ISSN0028-6087, S. 451–467.
Randi Lynn Tanglen: Dr. Annette Kolodny, 1941–2019. In: Legacy: A Journal of American Women Writers. Band 37, Nummer 1, 2020, ISSN0748-4321, S. 154–160, hier S. 156.
Tom J. Hillard: Kolodny and Hawthorne, Thirty-five Years Later. In: Early American Literature, Band 53, Nummer 3, 2018, ISSN0012-8163, S. 891–895.
Randi Lynn Tanglen: Dr. Annette Kolodny, 1941–2019. In: Legacy: A Journal of American Women Writers. Band 37, Nummer 1, 2020, ISSN0748-4321, S. 154–160, hier S. 157.