David R. Beukelman, Karen Hux, Aimee Dietz, Miechelle McKelvey, Kristy Weissling: Using Visual Scene Displays as Communication Support Options for People with Chronic, Severe Aphasia: A Summary of AAC Research and Future Research Directions. In: Augmentative and Alternative Communication. Band31, Nr.3, 3. Juli 2015, ISSN0743-4618, S.234–245, doi:10.3109/07434618.2015.1052152 (tandfonline.com [abgerufen am 9. Mai 2019]).
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David R. Beukelman, Karen Hux, Aimee Dietz, Miechelle McKelvey, Kristy Weissling: Using Visual Scene Displays as Communication Support Options for People with Chronic, Severe Aphasia: A Summary of AAC Research and Future Research Directions. In: Augmentative and Alternative Communication. Band31, Nr.3, 3. Juli 2015, ISSN0743-4618, S.234–245, doi:10.3109/07434618.2015.1052152 (tandfonline.com [abgerufen am 9. Mai 2019]).
Joan Murphy, Sally Boa: Using the WHO-ICF with Talking Mats to Enable Adults with Long-term Communication Difficulties to Participate in Goal Setting. In: Augmentative and Alternative Communication. Band28, Nr.1, 2012, ISSN0743-4618, S.52–60, doi:10.3109/07434618.2011.653828 (tandfonline.com [abgerufen am 9. Mai 2019]).
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David R. Beukelman, Karen Hux, Aimee Dietz, Miechelle McKelvey, Kristy Weissling: Using Visual Scene Displays as Communication Support Options for People with Chronic, Severe Aphasia: A Summary of AAC Research and Future Research Directions. In: Augmentative and Alternative Communication. Band31, Nr.3, 3. Juli 2015, ISSN0743-4618, S.234–245, doi:10.3109/07434618.2015.1052152 (tandfonline.com [abgerufen am 9. Mai 2019]).
Joan Murphy, Sally Boa: Using the WHO-ICF with Talking Mats to Enable Adults with Long-term Communication Difficulties to Participate in Goal Setting. In: Augmentative and Alternative Communication. Band28, Nr.1, 2012, ISSN0743-4618, S.52–60, doi:10.3109/07434618.2011.653828 (tandfonline.com [abgerufen am 9. Mai 2019]).