Kiarash Golshani, Andrew Ferrell, Ali Zomorodi, Tony Smith und Gavin Britz1: A review of the management of posterior communicating artery aneurysms in the modern era. In: Surgical Neurology International. Band 1, Nr. 88, Dezember 2010; doi:10.4103/2152-7806.74147, PMC 3011114 (freier Volltext).
Kiarash Golshani, Andrew Ferrell, Ali Zomorodi, Tony Smith und Gavin Britz1: A review of the management of posterior communicating artery aneurysms in the modern era. In: Surgical Neurology International. Band 1, Nr. 88, Dezember 2010; doi:10.4103/2152-7806.74147, PMC 3011114 (freier Volltext).